John Singer Sargent: a painter at the vanguard of contemporary movements in music, literature and theatre.
A design diary retrospective.
Dr Christopher Chapman explores how we can understand Richard Avedon's photographs.
Stephen Zagala discusses Richard Avedon’s work from an Australian perspective.
Christopher Chapman describes the art and life of Australian artist Richard Larter.
Family affections are preserved in a fine selection of intimate portraits.
This issue features Richard Avedon, Tracey Moffatt, Indigenous portraiture, William Kentridge, roller derby and more.
This issue of Portrait Magazine includes William Bligh, Lionel Rose, Richard Larter, Layne Beachley, William Yang and more.
Magda Keaney examines the 123 Faces project by Simon Obarzanek.
Dr Christopher Chapman examines Scott Redford's photographic portrait of Australian surfer David 'Rasta' Rastovich.
Martin Sharp fulfils the Pop art idiom of merging art and life.
Michael Kimmelman, Chief Art Critic of The New York Times and author of Portraits: Talking with Artists at the Met, the Modern, the Louvre and Elsewhere, presented the National Portrait Gallery Third Anniversary Lecture on 2 March 2002. He was generously brought to Australia by the Gordon Darling Foundation and Qantas.
The design concepts behind the new National Portrait Gallery building in Canberra.
Sarah Engledow ponders the divergent legacies of Messrs Kendall and Lawson.
Lee Tulloch remembers her great friend NIDA-trained actor turned photographer Stuart Campbell.
A photographic portrait by Kerry Dundas captures the contemplative mind of visionary painter Godfrey Miller.