Take a stroll through our Australian Love Stories exhibition and bump into love with Nathalie Morris and Carlos Sanson Jr.
- [Nathalie] Do you have any guesses about like who would be in here?
- [Carlos] Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams.
- [Nathalie] Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams?
- [Carlos] Yeah.
- [Nathalie] "Australian Love Stories."
- [Carlos] Starring Bryan Brown and his wife, nice.
- [Nathalie] Is that Bryan Brown?
- [Carlos] And I believe that's his wife.
- But who is Bryan Brown?
- Bryan Brown is the actor.
- In what?
- He's a legendary Australian actor. He's from heaps of shit. Do you recognise these people?
- This is Del and Kel and Arella. "This painting celebrates the love I have for my two children and how my relationship with them has radically informed and indeed transformed my understanding of who I am." Aw.
- Ah, so that's that's nice, son, daughter, mother. Stacked up. Right, so it doesn't have to be love, like romantic love, like Bryan Brown and the wife.
- I really want to know her name now. Rachel Ward.
- Dude, Rachel Ward is so famous.
- Really?
- That's so embarrassing that I did not notice that was her.
- I like this one a lot.
- "How is it sometimes people come up to me and say, 'I'm an artist now and it's all your fault.'"
- Is that because he's forced into social commentary because of the state he's in? Yeah, I really like that.
- Reminds me a bit of "Saw".
- Of what?
- You know "Saw"? The horror movie?
- I haven't seen it, but yeah?
- But you know the dude? The puppeteer that like.
- No.
- No? I'll show you. "Saw", puppeteer.
- Oh, true!
- Mm-hmm. With the bow tie, the bow tie is the sell.
- Well it's like the shape of the face.
- Yeah, it's like, if he was human, if he was human, it would be, this dude. It's like, this is Gollum and that's Smeagol. Like before the...
- I think it's beautiful. Quite sad. Also kind of funny, you know?
- Mm-hmm. Looks like he'd be a good comedian.
- [Nathalie] I would have that in my house, I think.
- [Carlos] Yea.
- "I used to think that I could never lose anyone if I photographed them enough. In fact, my pictures show me how much I've lost." Oh, Nan Goldin, I love her. That's really sad.
- Yeah, it's depressing. I don't know, it's not so much like, that's what you've lost.
- Really?
- I think you even gotta look at it more like how much you've gained, all these memories, of that person.
- That's a nice way. I feel like a nostalgic person. Like I'll look at photos from my upbringing.
- Yeah.
- Like family or friends and I'll feel sad.
- No I'm being a hypocrite, I'm just exactly the same.
- That's a nice way of thinking about it. That's like a better way.
- Like we should look at it more like that.
- Like, look at all these rich experiences that have made me who I am.
- Yeah.
- I feel like we idolise, like when we look back on photos and paintings and stuff like that, we idolise the past. Like, ah, it was a better time, ah, it was a sort of magical time.
- When, if you'd probably go back into that time.
- You wouldn't, yeah.
- You wouldn't be feeling the way you feel about it when you look at it in hindsight.
- Yeah.
- Okay. You like this one?
- Yeah.
- Ah, that one's cool too.
- Yeah.
- Wow, these are actually amazing.
- Yeah.
- "After Jack."
- "Jenny Sages met her husband Jack in 1954."
- Oh no, this is Jenny and Jack.
- "And it was love at first sight." Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Uh, no, I don't.
- I don't know man.
- So, I disagree.
- I think Jenny and Jack have something different to say about that.
- "While she spent long hours in the studio, Jack made dinner."
- I like that.
- "And he always made the frames for her paintings. The last frame he made was for the only portrait Jenny ever painted of Jack. An intimate personal work." This is a self portrait after Jack. How did she do that? "Anything else I would paint seemed trivial to me." That's incredible.
- Mm-hmm.
- To paint yourself looking like that, and feeling that, that's beautiful.
- Emotional baggage.
- That's interesting that nothing else seemed worth painting, but her own.
- Despair?
- Yeah. I guess she's the closest thing she has.
- To him.
- To him.
- Mm-hmm.
- I like Jenny and Jack. All right, were next?
- Big fans of Jenny and Jack. Wow, this looks cool.
- Yeah.
- Where do you want to go? I want to go to this photograph. I know these people. This is actors. Vincent and Asher Keddie. Asher Keddie's cool.
- Yeah, she's cool.
- You need to watch "Love My Way". She's so funny in "Love My Way".
- Is she?
- Is this her husband?
- Vincent Fantauzzo. Italian?
- I like his pants.
- Yeah, their snazzy. Bob Hawke. Legend. Beer in hand. We saw the no one else.
- Right. It's so mean, I feel like couples that, they start to look the same. Don't you think?
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Nathalie] There's like an energy that I'm like.
- Man, even here is.
- Yeah! Why is that?
- It's like, dogs and their owners.
- Is it just because they're like eating the same foods? Sleeping the same hours?
- Yeah.
- Living the same life. It's like they mould into one person.
- Yeah. Oh, look at this one, it's cute.
- See!
- True!
- Like, similar.
- Yeah.
- "It was about four o'clock in the afternoon. On November 29th, 1979, she took my breath away." What's all this love at first sight bullshit.
- Yeah, you're getting out worked here, a. "At first site I thought Jimmy was handsome. Jane remembers mostly his eyes. A trap to his wit and humour, he made me laugh." I don't know if Jane likes his music.
- Do you like his music?
- I would be lying if I told you I know what his music is.
- Dude this is um, John Bell, as in Bell Shakespeare. I'm just checking that I'm right? Yes, I am. Have you ever seen any Bell Shakespeare shows?
- No.
- Oh they were great. They're an Australian Shakespeare company, but he's amazing. These guys look the same. I just love how like feminine he looks.
- I thought that was a painting. That's a crazy photo.
- See, when I see this, I don't worry about getting old. You know?
- Wait, what do you mean?
- Like I don't worry about getting wrinkles.
- Because it's quite beautiful?
- Yeah.
- That's really nice that.
- How long were these guys together or are they? So they're still together, 2020.
- Let's hope so.
- So this was photographed last year. "We fell in love just about straightaway".
- Love at first sight. You've been proven wrong again, and again and again Nathalie.
- They married in 65.
- They got married at 65?
- They married in 65. That's like 55, 55 years ago. Are there any famous Australian love stories that you haven't seen in here that you think of? Well you were thinking Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger, but Michelle Williams is American. They have to both be Australian to make the cut. Uh, oh.
- I think I don't know any.
- What about Hugh Jackman and his wife?
- Oh Hugh Jackman and Deborah, Deborah, Deborah?
- [Nathalie] -Yeah. Yes, yes, Deborah.
- [Carlos] Deborah.
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Australian Love stories
Family, friends, fanatics and foes (and everything in between!)
Previous exhibition, 2021Reconnect and reflect with our new major exhibition, Australian Love Stories (in real life!) as we explore love, affection and connection in all its guises.

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