Tony Mitchell was in a band called Wheelbarrow, who released a single, 'Dame Zara' before Mitchell left to join Harry Young and Sabbath. He joined Sherbet in January 1972, the beginning of a watershed year for the band. They supported Creedence Clearwater Revival on a national tour, had hits with 'You're All Woman' and You've Got the Gun'; took first place in the Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds; released a debut album; and won Top Australian Group in the Go-Set Pop Poll. Although the days when the group would get in and out of gigs in an armoured van are indisputably past, Mitchell believes that a Sherbet reunion would be a success. 'I think we would clean up, given some of the so-called entertainment going around nowadays', he says. 'I have never stopped playing live.'
The Gallery will be open until 9pm this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.