Between the scruffy grass in the foreground, and the overarching peppermint branches that create a kind of proscenium, there might be a fire going, though there’s no hint of smoke or flame. The vertical post in the back of the Kombi, and a rock, are at the midpoint of this picture; the diagonal trunks with their rough bark are the strongest element, with the strappy leaves on the plant on the right balancing the whole. The fin on the left edge is the key to what the boys are doing there; looking at the vegetation, you can hear the susurration of the sea, just over a hill. Roving loosely, the eye returns to the dog, sitting side-saddle, and the ashy soles of Sedovic’s feet.
An exhibition of photographs by John Witzig, drawings by Nicholas Harding and film footage by Albe Falzon, expressive of the free-spirited, hot-blooded energy of Australian surfers under the cloud of conscription to Vietnam.
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