- My subject, he is a writer. He is a big name, very famous writer, Alex Miller, age 85. Two time winner, Miles Franklin Prize, literature prize. He's very famous. Probably published 17, 18 books. I've painted him twice, this is the second one. I joined the show, it's the first time. Getting here, I'm happy. Today, to go his from coming. For this one, I challenge myself. My work in the Archibald this year, last year, before. Five times, Archie 100, but this one's special. I use hand, more the face in the shadow. What's it mean? Because the writer need's a brain, thinking, and the writer's use of hand. So face just in shadow. Face in shadow more difficult to hand. Every... Level, level. Look at all the detail still there. Very contrast. You look at the hand, the finger is smart and the clever, and lot of experience. This is my challenge.
Temporary road closures will be in place around the Gallery until 11 March during the Enlighten Festival.