The Peoples Portrait
The Peoples Portrait
National Portrait Gallery

To celebrate the anniversary of our first commission, the National Portrait Gallery is giving the power to the people. Our collection spans 3000+ pretty remarkable individuals, but let's be honest, we're missing a few important faces. This is an opportunity for you to help us fast-track an exceptional Australian into the collection and have your say on who should be the subject of our next commissioned portrait.

The Gallery has chosen 25 exemplary Australians, from sporting legends to grassroots activists, who have each made a significant impact on Australian life. Read through their bios and have your say, but choose wisely as you only get one vote! Plus, you’ll go into the running to win one of two $1000 Qantas gift vouchers!

Voting closes Sunday 15 December 2024. Terms and Conditions apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I vote?

Easy! Simply select your top pick, enter a few details so we can keep you posted of the winner, and submit!

We will give two lucky voters a $1000 Qantas gift voucher, just in case you needed another reason to get involved.

2. Can I vote more than once?

Unfortunately not, so choose wisely!

3. When will the votes be finalised?

Voting closes on Sunday 15 December 2024 and all will be revealed at the start of 2025!

4. Why isn’t my favourite Australian on the list?

There are a few answers to this one! Your favourite Australian might be missing because:

  • they are already in the collection – you can check here
  • we are in the process of acquiring or commissioning a portrait of them but we haven’t announced it yet (shhh ...)
  • they might not meet the Collection Development Policy.

5. All of these people should be in the collection! Why do you even need a list?

We agree! And we are working towards bringing all of these people into your national collection! The People’s Portrait is a rare opportunity for the public to get involved and fast-track the commissioning process.

6. How was the list selected?

The Gallery’s curatorial team have a very, very long list of impressive Australians that they are working on bringing into your national collection. We gave them the unenviable task of shortlisting it down for The People’s Portrait. The list prioritises known gaps in the collection and aims to improve representation.

7. What’s the process once the final subject is chosen?

Once we have a verdict, our curatorial team will play matchmaker to find the perfect artist to create the portrait. When the portrait is complete, it will be unveiled, on display in the Gallery, and splashed across our website and socials. Sign up to our newsletter or follow us on socials @PortraitAU to be the first to hear all about it!

8. Why can’t we choose the artist too?

A portrait commission is often an intimate and vulnerable experience for both artist and sitter. The relationship, connection and stories that are shared can result in remarkable portraits that allow audiences a peek into their world. To ensure this delicate match is made, we prefer to leave this choice to our in-house experts!

9. When and where can I see the portrait once it’s acquired?

We anticipate the portrait will be finished by the end of 2025 (we told you it’s a process!). Once the artwork is complete, it will be unveiled, on display in the Gallery, and splashed across our website and socials. Sign up to our newsletter or follow us on socials @PortraitAU to be the first to hear all about it!

10. What happens to the rest of the names on the list?

Watch this space! The Gallery acquires many new artworks each year for your National Portrait Collection. The best way to stay up to date with new acquisitions is on our website.

11. Will you be doing this again next year?

It does sound like a good idea, but this is a once-off project.

12. How do portraits normally enter the collection? Can I donate a portrait of myself to the collection?

The National Portrait Gallery acquires portraits for the collection by purchase, commission or donation. Regardless of how works of art enter the collection, they must meet the requirements of the Collection Development Policy. There are quite a few collecting principles which inform the selection of works, some of these include:

  • subjects should either be significant or well-regarded in their field of endeavour
  • subjects should have made a substantial contribution to, or impact on, the course of Australian history or society
  • the artistic merit and condition of the artwork
  • whether existing artworks of the same subject are already held in the collection.

If you think a portrait you own meets the above and the full Collection Development Policy, and would like to discuss acquisition for the National Portrait Collection, please send an email to

13. How is the $1000 Qantas voucher drawn?

Two lucky people will each win a $1000 Qantas voucher! All you have to do is vote and you’ll automatically be entered into the draw. Check out the full Terms and Conditions.