WEBVTT 00:00:07.040 --> 00:00:08.960 hello everyone and welcome to another 00:00:08.960 --> 00:00:10.479 virtual program with the national 00:00:10.479 --> 00:00:13.200 portrait gallery my name's gill and i am 00:00:13.200 --> 00:00:15.280 very lucky to work with the digital team 00:00:15.280 --> 00:00:17.360 here at the national portrait gallery we 00:00:17.360 --> 00:00:19.360 have a cast of thousands bringing this 00:00:19.360 --> 00:00:21.360 production to you today no just kidding 00:00:21.360 --> 00:00:23.840 we have like a handful of people but we 00:00:23.840 --> 00:00:26.000 do have steph on facebook if you're 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:27.840 joining us live on facebook she's going 00:00:27.840 --> 00:00:29.200 to be looking after your comments and 00:00:29.200 --> 00:00:31.920 your questions in there today and matt 00:00:31.920 --> 00:00:34.080 is joining us in the zoom chat so 00:00:34.080 --> 00:00:36.480 everybody knows matt from our tuesday 00:00:36.480 --> 00:00:38.239 and thursday programs 00:00:38.239 --> 00:00:40.480 and we have hector and robert behind the 00:00:40.480 --> 00:00:43.280 scenes doing working there digital magic 00:00:43.280 --> 00:00:45.440 so we do love interactivity with our 00:00:45.440 --> 00:00:46.959 programs i'm sure those of you have 00:00:46.959 --> 00:00:49.200 joined us before and i can see quite a 00:00:49.200 --> 00:00:51.200 few familiar faces coming through the 00:00:51.200 --> 00:00:52.720 zoom door today 00:00:52.720 --> 00:00:53.680 if you've 00:00:53.680 --> 00:00:54.879 we do love our programs to be 00:00:54.879 --> 00:00:56.720 interactive so if you have any questions 00:00:56.720 --> 00:00:58.800 or comments or observations throughout 00:00:58.800 --> 00:01:01.200 the program please pop them into the 00:01:01.200 --> 00:01:04.319 chat section on zoom or 00:01:04.319 --> 00:01:05.840 shoot them along in the facebook 00:01:05.840 --> 00:01:07.440 comments and we'll do our best to get 00:01:07.440 --> 00:01:09.519 some of those questions through to our 00:01:09.519 --> 00:01:11.519 presenters today 00:01:11.519 --> 00:01:12.720 um it's very 00:01:12.720 --> 00:01:15.519 fitting that uh on for a program 00:01:15.519 --> 00:01:17.680 considering representation for first 00:01:17.680 --> 00:01:19.200 nations people in the portrait gallery 00:01:19.200 --> 00:01:20.959 collection that i would like to 00:01:20.959 --> 00:01:22.720 acknowledge the traditional custodians 00:01:22.720 --> 00:01:24.080 of the land on which the national 00:01:24.080 --> 00:01:26.080 portrait gallery sits the beautiful 00:01:26.080 --> 00:01:27.840 lands here in canberra of an ambry and 00:01:27.840 --> 00:01:29.599 none of all peoples 00:01:29.599 --> 00:01:31.200 and i'd like to pay my respects to their 00:01:31.200 --> 00:01:33.599 elders path present and emerging as well 00:01:33.599 --> 00:01:35.519 as extending a very warm welcome to any 00:01:35.519 --> 00:01:36.959 of the first nations people who may be 00:01:36.959 --> 00:01:39.920 joining us for this program today 00:01:39.920 --> 00:01:43.680 now this morning i actually came into 00:01:43.680 --> 00:01:45.599 the national portrait gallery 00:01:45.599 --> 00:01:48.640 uh how exciting we are getting very busy 00:01:48.640 --> 00:01:51.920 to reopen our doors this friday the 29th 00:01:51.920 --> 00:01:53.599 of october 00:01:53.599 --> 00:01:56.959 after some time in lockdown i 00:01:56.959 --> 00:01:59.440 am actually not sitting in the gallery 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:00.959 space at the moment although i could be 00:02:00.959 --> 00:02:02.480 given that there's no public here at the 00:02:02.480 --> 00:02:04.640 moment i am sitting in the digital 00:02:04.640 --> 00:02:05.760 studio 00:02:05.760 --> 00:02:07.680 um downstairs 00:02:07.680 --> 00:02:09.360 so a little virtual background here 00:02:09.360 --> 00:02:11.680 little smoke and mirrors but i was also 00:02:11.680 --> 00:02:14.560 super excited to see some faces that i 00:02:14.560 --> 00:02:17.280 had not seen for a very long time some 00:02:17.280 --> 00:02:18.560 of my dear colleagues here at the 00:02:18.560 --> 00:02:20.560 portrait gallery but also meet 00:02:20.560 --> 00:02:23.519 new staff who i have only ever met on 00:02:23.519 --> 00:02:25.519 zoom and one of those staff members has 00:02:25.519 --> 00:02:27.680 very kindly agreed to come on for this 00:02:27.680 --> 00:02:29.759 program today rebecca ray our associate 00:02:29.759 --> 00:02:32.880 curator who is hot off the press from 00:02:32.880 --> 00:02:35.280 the gold coast literally only just sort 00:02:35.280 --> 00:02:37.440 of arrived in the middle of lockdown and 00:02:37.440 --> 00:02:39.040 we i was really excited to be able to 00:02:39.040 --> 00:02:41.040 meet her in person today 00:02:41.040 --> 00:02:42.960 so without further ado i'd like to hand 00:02:42.960 --> 00:02:44.639 over to sandra bruce our director of 00:02:44.639 --> 00:02:46.479 collections and exhibitions to introduce 00:02:46.479 --> 00:02:49.440 rebecca to you all our wonderful virtual 00:02:49.440 --> 00:02:51.199 online community 00:02:51.199 --> 00:02:52.479 thanks sandra 00:02:52.479 --> 00:02:53.680 thanks gill 00:02:53.680 --> 00:02:55.840 for your warm welcome as always it's 00:02:55.840 --> 00:02:58.479 much appreciated and um 00:02:58.479 --> 00:02:59.919 it's been great over the last month or 00:02:59.919 --> 00:03:01.759 so getting to know you rebecca as a new 00:03:01.759 --> 00:03:04.080 member of the team and we're so lucky 00:03:04.080 --> 00:03:05.520 you were even able to 00:03:05.520 --> 00:03:07.919 arrive in canberra last month september 00:03:07.919 --> 00:03:09.120 when you hit 00:03:09.120 --> 00:03:11.840 hit our borders and i hope um regardless 00:03:11.840 --> 00:03:13.520 of doing most things over zoom that you 00:03:13.520 --> 00:03:14.720 feel like you're settling in with us 00:03:14.720 --> 00:03:17.199 here at the national portrait gallery 00:03:17.199 --> 00:03:18.479 yeah absolutely 00:03:18.479 --> 00:03:20.560 yeah so we're going to have an 00:03:20.560 --> 00:03:23.199 interesting chat today i think um it's 00:03:23.199 --> 00:03:25.919 it's a pretty um intense topic there are 00:03:25.919 --> 00:03:30.000 so many areas and 00:03:30.240 --> 00:03:32.320 spaces that we can talk about when we 00:03:32.320 --> 00:03:34.320 talk about considering representation 00:03:34.320 --> 00:03:37.440 within our genre and so probably today 00:03:37.440 --> 00:03:39.120 or where what we're really going to be 00:03:39.120 --> 00:03:41.680 doing is uh doing is is sort of touching 00:03:41.680 --> 00:03:44.320 on a few points that we really hope 00:03:44.320 --> 00:03:47.600 might spur conversation and more more 00:03:47.600 --> 00:03:49.600 thinking space for people in it and it 00:03:49.600 --> 00:03:51.919 could i guess very well set the stage 00:03:51.919 --> 00:03:54.720 for us to have um more uh specific 00:03:54.720 --> 00:03:56.560 conversations further on down the track 00:03:56.560 --> 00:03:59.039 which would be really great 00:03:59.039 --> 00:04:00.160 um 00:04:00.160 --> 00:04:02.240 so i guess to get the ball rolling let's 00:04:02.240 --> 00:04:04.400 talk about the portrait gallery and 00:04:04.400 --> 00:04:06.560 let's talk about what what our genre is 00:04:06.560 --> 00:04:09.120 what portraiture is i mean it comes from 00:04:09.120 --> 00:04:10.240 a very 00:04:10.240 --> 00:04:12.080 the way we approach it at the national 00:04:12.080 --> 00:04:14.560 portrait gallery it comes from a very 00:04:14.560 --> 00:04:17.120 western western tradition of uh 00:04:17.120 --> 00:04:20.000 representation where it's about 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:23.360 being able to recognize ideally 00:04:23.360 --> 00:04:25.120 the people that you're looking at and 00:04:25.120 --> 00:04:27.680 get it and get a sense of who those 00:04:27.680 --> 00:04:29.280 people are by 00:04:29.280 --> 00:04:32.479 um by looking at their human faces and 00:04:32.479 --> 00:04:34.639 that's our way into their stories if you 00:04:34.639 --> 00:04:37.039 like and so the national portrait 00:04:37.039 --> 00:04:38.800 gallery which has been around for a few 00:04:38.800 --> 00:04:40.240 decades now 00:04:40.240 --> 00:04:40.960 is 00:04:40.960 --> 00:04:43.120 is very much built on that 00:04:43.120 --> 00:04:44.800 tradition but i think what we're trying 00:04:44.800 --> 00:04:46.880 to do is we're trying to 00:04:46.880 --> 00:04:48.400 explore 00:04:48.400 --> 00:04:50.160 uh what 00:04:50.160 --> 00:04:53.520 what australia is what australians are 00:04:53.520 --> 00:04:54.479 through 00:04:54.479 --> 00:04:56.560 an evolving sense of what 00:04:56.560 --> 00:04:59.280 the art form of portraiture could be so 00:04:59.280 --> 00:05:01.680 i look forward to us having a chat about 00:05:01.680 --> 00:05:03.840 that today too but do you know what i 00:05:03.840 --> 00:05:05.440 think 00:05:05.440 --> 00:05:07.440 first up let's have a little bit of a 00:05:07.440 --> 00:05:11.440 talk about you rebecca you're a you're a 00:05:11.440 --> 00:05:13.919 curator you've been in our sector in the 00:05:13.919 --> 00:05:15.599 gallery and museum sector for a few 00:05:15.599 --> 00:05:18.000 years now and so it'd be great if you 00:05:18.000 --> 00:05:20.960 could talk a little bit about what that 00:05:20.960 --> 00:05:24.840 experience has been for you um so far 00:05:24.840 --> 00:05:27.520 yeah thank you so much everyone um but 00:05:27.520 --> 00:05:29.440 yes where i start as well um i would 00:05:29.440 --> 00:05:31.680 just like to pay my respects um to 00:05:31.680 --> 00:05:34.000 elders past present and emerging here um 00:05:34.000 --> 00:05:35.520 and that we're here today on none of all 00:05:35.520 --> 00:05:38.000 the nambri country um it's really 00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:41.039 exciting to be here um but yeah um as 00:05:41.039 --> 00:05:43.840 sandra and joe said i'm rebecca 00:05:43.840 --> 00:05:46.880 i my lineage uh is up in the torres 00:05:46.880 --> 00:05:48.960 strait in the eastern islands um and i 00:05:48.960 --> 00:05:50.639 have connection over through in mavi yag 00:05:50.639 --> 00:05:52.840 as well um but 00:05:52.840 --> 00:05:55.840 yes a curator in the in the sector for a 00:05:55.840 --> 00:05:58.400 couple of years now um 00:05:58.400 --> 00:06:00.479 it's it's so important to have the the 00:06:00.479 --> 00:06:02.319 presence and visibility of first nations 00:06:02.319 --> 00:06:05.199 people in these spaces you know because 00:06:05.199 --> 00:06:07.120 for such a long time like there's been 00:06:07.120 --> 00:06:08.720 this history um it's been quite 00:06:08.720 --> 00:06:10.479 problematic and contentious 00:06:10.479 --> 00:06:12.639 relationships with first nations people 00:06:12.639 --> 00:06:14.080 particularly around like yeah the 00:06:14.080 --> 00:06:15.120 collection 00:06:15.120 --> 00:06:18.319 um and exhibition styles and display of 00:06:18.319 --> 00:06:20.400 indigenous material culture or visual 00:06:20.400 --> 00:06:22.479 culture um and you know like 00:06:22.479 --> 00:06:24.479 historically institutions have been 00:06:24.479 --> 00:06:26.400 those sort of places of knowledge and 00:06:26.400 --> 00:06:29.039 based on power structures so 00:06:29.039 --> 00:06:30.960 you know um 00:06:30.960 --> 00:06:32.879 these identities and cultures have been 00:06:32.879 --> 00:06:34.879 collected and interpreted and described 00:06:34.879 --> 00:06:37.440 through these western colonial lenses so 00:06:37.440 --> 00:06:39.840 being an and all of the time like um 00:06:39.840 --> 00:06:41.360 indigenous people weren't actually ever 00:06:41.360 --> 00:06:43.279 inside of these institutions or 00:06:43.279 --> 00:06:45.200 represented correctly they've always 00:06:45.200 --> 00:06:46.320 been 00:06:46.320 --> 00:06:48.640 seen through that colonial lens or a 00:06:48.640 --> 00:06:51.200 western dominant lens um so a lot of 00:06:51.200 --> 00:06:52.880 those 00:06:52.880 --> 00:06:55.279 perspectives and knowledges are just 00:06:55.279 --> 00:06:57.920 have not been 00:06:57.920 --> 00:07:00.720 visible you know or represented um so 00:07:00.720 --> 00:07:02.399 yeah um 00:07:02.399 --> 00:07:04.160 being able to actually be inside of it 00:07:04.160 --> 00:07:05.760 and be within the 00:07:05.760 --> 00:07:07.120 and sort of 00:07:07.120 --> 00:07:10.959 um contribute to the ongoing um 00:07:10.959 --> 00:07:12.519 i guess decolonization or 00:07:12.519 --> 00:07:15.040 re-indigenization of these spaces is so 00:07:15.040 --> 00:07:16.800 important um for you know cultural 00:07:16.800 --> 00:07:18.800 autonomy um acknowledgement 00:07:18.800 --> 00:07:21.519 representation um and cultural continuum 00:07:21.519 --> 00:07:23.680 continuity i think 00:07:23.680 --> 00:07:24.720 yeah 00:07:24.720 --> 00:07:27.040 yeah yeah i mean it's 00:07:27.040 --> 00:07:28.800 i think that there's more and more of an 00:07:28.800 --> 00:07:31.360 awareness around this um over the last 00:07:31.360 --> 00:07:32.720 few years and i hope that that just 00:07:32.720 --> 00:07:35.920 continues to grow because um 00:07:35.920 --> 00:07:36.880 i guess 00:07:36.880 --> 00:07:39.120 the the the white western voice might be 00:07:39.120 --> 00:07:40.640 the biggest voice in australia but it's 00:07:40.640 --> 00:07:42.480 not the only voice and we absolutely 00:07:42.480 --> 00:07:44.959 have to acknowledge and make room for 00:07:44.959 --> 00:07:48.000 um uh the the broad experiences and the 00:07:48.000 --> 00:07:49.600 broad cultures and the broad histories 00:07:49.600 --> 00:07:50.720 of 00:07:50.720 --> 00:07:53.680 that lives in this country and yeah 00:07:53.680 --> 00:07:56.240 yeah absolutely like um that yeah 00:07:56.240 --> 00:07:57.600 there's a lot of stories within 00:07:57.600 --> 00:07:59.920 australia um you know that like the 00:07:59.920 --> 00:08:02.640 cultural colonial historical stories and 00:08:02.640 --> 00:08:04.160 they all contribute to our contemporary 00:08:04.160 --> 00:08:06.320 society so all of them need to have a 00:08:06.320 --> 00:08:07.600 voice and all of them need to have a 00:08:07.600 --> 00:08:10.800 representation um as we continue 00:08:10.800 --> 00:08:12.000 yeah 00:08:12.000 --> 00:08:14.399 i think where we're using our 00:08:14.399 --> 00:08:16.000 our collection at the portrait gallery 00:08:16.000 --> 00:08:18.399 to illustrate some of the touch points 00:08:18.399 --> 00:08:20.320 today and i think you've 00:08:20.320 --> 00:08:23.600 brought together a bit of a selection of 00:08:23.600 --> 00:08:26.320 subjects in our collection that speak to 00:08:26.320 --> 00:08:28.399 first nations presence in the creative 00:08:28.399 --> 00:08:29.600 sectors 00:08:29.600 --> 00:08:31.920 yeah yeah yeah no that's right um so 00:08:31.920 --> 00:08:34.240 i've sort of picked a few works and 00:08:34.240 --> 00:08:37.200 people that i think have had you know 00:08:37.200 --> 00:08:39.440 major contributions to 00:08:39.440 --> 00:08:42.079 like community um and country but then 00:08:42.079 --> 00:08:44.480 also uh broadly into the arts sector as 00:08:44.480 --> 00:08:46.800 well that have sort of paved the way for 00:08:46.800 --> 00:08:48.640 for me to be able to be in these spaces 00:08:48.640 --> 00:08:51.920 you know like these long legacies of um 00:08:51.920 --> 00:08:54.399 advocates educators activists artists 00:08:54.399 --> 00:08:57.600 curators um and everything um that yeah 00:08:57.600 --> 00:08:58.720 have 00:08:58.720 --> 00:09:00.000 you know really 00:09:00.000 --> 00:09:01.920 started that journey to to be able to 00:09:01.920 --> 00:09:04.160 have 00:09:04.320 --> 00:09:06.320 your spaces and to normalize like our 00:09:06.320 --> 00:09:09.200 presence and visibility yeah so hector 00:09:09.200 --> 00:09:10.560 if you haven't already could you bring 00:09:10.560 --> 00:09:13.519 up the first slide it's a michael riley 00:09:13.519 --> 00:09:15.440 photograph there look at that isn't that 00:09:15.440 --> 00:09:17.680 beautiful yeah this is from a series 00:09:17.680 --> 00:09:19.760 that he created back in the mid 80s and 00:09:19.760 --> 00:09:22.000 into the early 90s 00:09:22.000 --> 00:09:23.680 yeah yeah um 00:09:23.680 --> 00:09:26.160 yeah so yeah i chose these works um 00:09:26.160 --> 00:09:27.519 exactly because they're they're such a 00:09:27.519 --> 00:09:29.120 beautiful collection and this is yeah 00:09:29.120 --> 00:09:31.440 beautiful quantum mecha 00:09:31.440 --> 00:09:33.519 quail um and you know 00:09:33.519 --> 00:09:36.160 both michael and avril are incredible 00:09:36.160 --> 00:09:38.320 artists and activists and advocates and 00:09:38.320 --> 00:09:40.880 educators of culture um but you know 00:09:40.880 --> 00:09:43.680 really paramount and establishing like a 00:09:43.680 --> 00:09:45.440 i would say like an urban voice of 00:09:45.440 --> 00:09:48.480 aboriginal people um you know with the 00:09:48.480 --> 00:09:52.000 1985 and redfern and yeah really sort of 00:09:52.000 --> 00:09:53.279 putting 00:09:53.279 --> 00:09:54.560 like 00:09:54.560 --> 00:09:56.800 really challenging the notion of what an 00:09:56.800 --> 00:09:58.959 aboriginal person is or who they are um 00:09:58.959 --> 00:10:00.639 and and where they're located within 00:10:00.639 --> 00:10:02.880 australia i would say and really 00:10:02.880 --> 00:10:05.839 to share that diversity um 00:10:05.839 --> 00:10:08.399 yeah it really put urban artists as well 00:10:08.399 --> 00:10:11.120 on the map in in that sense i would say 00:10:11.120 --> 00:10:12.720 yeah so there was there was that real 00:10:12.720 --> 00:10:14.560 movement in sydney in that period wasn't 00:10:14.560 --> 00:10:17.040 there in the redfern area yeah a real 00:10:17.040 --> 00:10:20.320 locus for first nations creatives yeah 00:10:20.320 --> 00:10:22.320 yeah um and then 00:10:22.320 --> 00:10:23.680 the artists that came out of that have 00:10:23.680 --> 00:10:25.920 really like honestly that paved the way 00:10:25.920 --> 00:10:27.519 for for um 00:10:27.519 --> 00:10:29.519 you know contemporary urban artists to 00:10:29.519 --> 00:10:32.000 to have representation um and it's that 00:10:32.000 --> 00:10:35.040 sort of re-reading retelling of history 00:10:35.040 --> 00:10:36.720 and identity 00:10:36.720 --> 00:10:37.760 yeah 00:10:37.760 --> 00:10:40.480 yeah so what was the uh oh look at that 00:10:40.480 --> 00:10:41.760 yeah that close-up's really 00:10:41.760 --> 00:10:43.920 extraordinary i mean 00:10:43.920 --> 00:10:45.680 i think one thing that really captures 00:10:45.680 --> 00:10:49.120 me about michael's uh riley's work from 00:10:49.120 --> 00:10:51.120 from that fine art perspective is his 00:10:51.120 --> 00:10:52.079 use of 00:10:52.079 --> 00:10:53.279 um 00:10:53.279 --> 00:10:55.680 light and shadow and the drama you know 00:10:55.680 --> 00:10:57.600 the drama that he pushes into this suite 00:10:57.600 --> 00:10:59.519 of works is is 00:10:59.519 --> 00:11:02.800 is just um almost heart stopping i guess 00:11:02.800 --> 00:11:06.320 so powerful absolutely yeah 00:11:06.320 --> 00:11:09.760 and this could be seen as 00:11:09.760 --> 00:11:11.760 very much embracing creative 00:11:11.760 --> 00:11:14.959 contemporary output um and and using 00:11:14.959 --> 00:11:17.040 using the resources of you know the 00:11:17.040 --> 00:11:19.120 photographic medium i suppose to to 00:11:19.120 --> 00:11:23.360 capture his his stories and and his um 00:11:23.360 --> 00:11:25.040 the people that he surrounded himself 00:11:25.040 --> 00:11:26.880 with those stories as well 00:11:26.880 --> 00:11:28.720 yeah it's almost sort of like reclaiming 00:11:28.720 --> 00:11:29.680 um 00:11:29.680 --> 00:11:32.000 photography in a sense for first nations 00:11:32.000 --> 00:11:32.959 people 00:11:32.959 --> 00:11:34.320 um 00:11:34.320 --> 00:11:36.480 considering that yeah photography can 00:11:36.480 --> 00:11:38.399 you can look back historically and see 00:11:38.399 --> 00:11:41.200 it as sort of like a colonial vehicle um 00:11:41.200 --> 00:11:43.040 no sense to yeah 00:11:43.040 --> 00:11:46.399 yeah was there another one of riley's 00:11:46.399 --> 00:11:49.279 yeah um i just had hedy perkins was the 00:11:49.279 --> 00:11:52.240 next one um yeah you know just another 00:11:52.240 --> 00:11:54.959 really great example of of photography 00:11:54.959 --> 00:11:56.480 um but also 00:11:56.480 --> 00:11:59.279 the way that you know hedy hat is such a 00:11:59.279 --> 00:12:01.680 massive legacy in in advocacy and 00:12:01.680 --> 00:12:04.000 education and curatorial work 00:12:04.000 --> 00:12:06.000 you know that um 00:12:06.000 --> 00:12:07.680 it's all just really about reclaiming 00:12:07.680 --> 00:12:09.519 that autonomy and cultural identity and 00:12:09.519 --> 00:12:11.120 sort of that true representation of who 00:12:11.120 --> 00:12:12.959 people are 00:12:12.959 --> 00:12:16.240 yeah and and i think um looking back 00:12:16.240 --> 00:12:17.680 this this is 00:12:17.680 --> 00:12:19.760 really looking back i mean 00:12:19.760 --> 00:12:20.639 um 00:12:20.639 --> 00:12:23.040 some of us are older than others and and 00:12:23.040 --> 00:12:25.680 1990 doesn't feel that long ago to me 00:12:25.680 --> 00:12:27.839 necessarily but let's face it it was 30 00:12:27.839 --> 00:12:31.120 years ago and you know hetty's um space 00:12:31.120 --> 00:12:33.519 is is one that she carved out for 00:12:33.519 --> 00:12:35.279 herself and it's a really critical one 00:12:35.279 --> 00:12:36.320 and um 00:12:36.320 --> 00:12:39.519 i think she's a very recognizable 00:12:39.519 --> 00:12:41.600 figure in our sector today yeah 00:12:41.600 --> 00:12:43.519 absolutely 00:12:43.519 --> 00:12:45.360 yeah beautiful work 00:12:45.360 --> 00:12:47.199 it really is 00:12:47.199 --> 00:12:48.880 i think um 00:12:48.880 --> 00:12:51.839 we we touched on it a little bit um 00:12:51.839 --> 00:12:53.040 briefly 00:12:53.040 --> 00:12:55.199 you know the notion of uh colonial 00:12:55.199 --> 00:12:57.120 representation of first nations people 00:12:57.120 --> 00:12:58.720 and and you know we were talking about 00:12:58.720 --> 00:13:01.279 it in the context of photography 00:13:01.279 --> 00:13:03.600 particularly but our collection does 00:13:03.600 --> 00:13:04.959 have 00:13:04.959 --> 00:13:08.240 a number of works from the colonial eras 00:13:08.240 --> 00:13:11.519 of australia so the 1800s particularly 00:13:11.519 --> 00:13:12.800 and there is 00:13:12.800 --> 00:13:15.279 representation of indigenous peoples in 00:13:15.279 --> 00:13:16.480 those but um 00:13:16.480 --> 00:13:17.839 [Music] 00:13:17.839 --> 00:13:19.120 today we've decided we're not going to 00:13:19.120 --> 00:13:20.399 show any of those haven't we because 00:13:20.399 --> 00:13:22.920 what we really want to focus on today is 00:13:22.920 --> 00:13:25.600 self-representation and um and the 00:13:25.600 --> 00:13:27.279 contemporary representation of first 00:13:27.279 --> 00:13:29.760 nations people and not necessarily we 00:13:29.760 --> 00:13:31.839 didn't really want to today play in that 00:13:31.839 --> 00:13:33.040 space of 00:13:33.040 --> 00:13:35.360 of that sort of ethnographical view that 00:13:35.360 --> 00:13:37.680 anthropological colonial 00:13:37.680 --> 00:13:39.120 um 00:13:39.120 --> 00:13:42.880 mothering that is is pretty much where 00:13:42.880 --> 00:13:45.360 where that representation came from 00:13:45.360 --> 00:13:48.000 uh again it's it's a big conversation 00:13:48.000 --> 00:13:49.839 and we might decide we might make room 00:13:49.839 --> 00:13:52.160 for that uh later on down the track as 00:13:52.160 --> 00:13:54.880 we develop these sorts of um talking 00:13:54.880 --> 00:13:57.440 series but today 00:13:57.440 --> 00:13:59.199 i think it's really great to focus on 00:13:59.199 --> 00:14:02.000 the now i guess and and our more recent 00:14:02.000 --> 00:14:03.519 um 00:14:03.519 --> 00:14:05.759 history that's gotten us to this point 00:14:05.759 --> 00:14:08.560 yeah absolutely yeah um 00:14:08.560 --> 00:14:10.800 yeah yeah the 18th and 19th centuries 00:14:10.800 --> 00:14:11.519 are 00:14:11.519 --> 00:14:14.240 like such a huge topic um in terms of 00:14:14.240 --> 00:14:16.399 you know 00:14:16.399 --> 00:14:18.720 um history and within australia 00:14:18.720 --> 00:14:21.600 particularly as well um you know 00:14:21.600 --> 00:14:23.360 they're all just about really recording 00:14:23.360 --> 00:14:25.519 first nations people um without really 00:14:25.519 --> 00:14:27.199 any considerations of their cultural 00:14:27.199 --> 00:14:29.199 connections or relationships um or 00:14:29.199 --> 00:14:31.440 belief systems um 00:14:31.440 --> 00:14:32.720 and you know yeah these types of 00:14:32.720 --> 00:14:34.639 portraits were used as archival material 00:14:34.639 --> 00:14:36.480 in journals um and 00:14:36.480 --> 00:14:39.680 explorer kind of situations but yeah i'm 00:14:39.680 --> 00:14:42.079 very much interested in looking at 00:14:42.079 --> 00:14:44.079 the way that we can reclaim those spaces 00:14:44.079 --> 00:14:44.880 um 00:14:44.880 --> 00:14:47.120 and use you know 00:14:47.120 --> 00:14:48.560 self 00:14:48.560 --> 00:14:50.639 acknowledgement rather than um you know 00:14:50.639 --> 00:14:52.959 it's a very important history as well um 00:14:52.959 --> 00:14:54.880 but yeah today i just would yeah love to 00:14:54.880 --> 00:14:56.720 focus on um sort of the contemporary 00:14:56.720 --> 00:14:58.839 works that are coming and how we can 00:14:58.839 --> 00:15:02.399 um be re-represented and rewrite a story 00:15:02.399 --> 00:15:05.279 or retell the story rather yeah yeah 00:15:05.279 --> 00:15:08.399 yeah and um yeah own it i suppose yeah 00:15:08.399 --> 00:15:10.480 absolutely yeah 00:15:10.480 --> 00:15:12.800 so before before we go 00:15:12.800 --> 00:15:13.759 there 00:15:13.759 --> 00:15:15.760 i think 00:15:15.760 --> 00:15:17.439 one juxtaposition that's very 00:15:17.439 --> 00:15:19.599 interesting and it's almost like a sort 00:15:19.599 --> 00:15:21.359 of a 00:15:21.359 --> 00:15:24.480 uh a linkage between uh 00:15:24.480 --> 00:15:29.679 um the western the western um primacy of 00:15:29.679 --> 00:15:31.839 of creative output in australia and then 00:15:31.839 --> 00:15:34.480 pushing pushing over into 00:15:34.480 --> 00:15:36.079 self-representation 00:15:36.079 --> 00:15:38.400 we've got a juxtaposition which is 00:15:38.400 --> 00:15:40.160 uh white 00:15:40.160 --> 00:15:43.360 artists or or non-indigenous 00:15:43.360 --> 00:15:46.000 representing indigenous subjects and um 00:15:46.000 --> 00:15:48.960 there is a rather uh a quite a 00:15:48.960 --> 00:15:51.039 well-known relationship from the middle 00:15:51.039 --> 00:15:52.720 of last century so the middle of the 00:15:52.720 --> 00:15:56.720 1900s which was between a white uh a 00:15:56.720 --> 00:15:59.679 pretty um high-profile white australian 00:15:59.679 --> 00:16:03.919 artist william dargie and um 00:16:03.919 --> 00:16:05.280 another artist who became quite a good 00:16:05.280 --> 00:16:07.039 friend of his i think albert nemecheria 00:16:07.039 --> 00:16:10.240 and we have a portrait of namajira 00:16:10.240 --> 00:16:12.880 in the collection from 56. 00:16:12.880 --> 00:16:14.960 yeah yeah i think um a lot of people 00:16:14.960 --> 00:16:15.840 would be 00:16:15.840 --> 00:16:17.840 absolutely familiar with these works by 00:16:17.840 --> 00:16:19.919 um william doggy about um albert 00:16:19.919 --> 00:16:21.440 nemechera 00:16:21.440 --> 00:16:23.200 but yeah i think what you just touched 00:16:23.200 --> 00:16:25.039 on sandra was um 00:16:25.039 --> 00:16:27.039 more of that relationship that was being 00:16:27.039 --> 00:16:28.720 built um and that friendship that sort 00:16:28.720 --> 00:16:30.799 of happened and while it is still under 00:16:30.799 --> 00:16:34.000 a white gaze um and you know not a 00:16:34.000 --> 00:16:35.360 self-portrait or anything like that 00:16:35.360 --> 00:16:37.360 there still seems there's a shift away 00:16:37.360 --> 00:16:39.120 from obviously that ethnographic where 00:16:39.120 --> 00:16:40.559 there is 00:16:40.559 --> 00:16:43.280 no other ring in a sense well yeah 00:16:43.280 --> 00:16:45.280 there's just not that 00:16:45.280 --> 00:16:47.600 archival kind of photography or 00:16:47.600 --> 00:16:48.960 portraiture that's happening here 00:16:48.960 --> 00:16:51.679 there's a connection um 00:16:51.679 --> 00:16:53.120 that's that's happening and it's that 00:16:53.120 --> 00:16:55.760 relationship between sitter and um 00:16:55.760 --> 00:16:57.919 artist um you know that portraiture is 00:16:57.919 --> 00:17:00.799 really based on as well um 00:17:00.799 --> 00:17:02.320 you know and like i see this work and 00:17:02.320 --> 00:17:03.520 there's there's 00:17:03.520 --> 00:17:05.520 like dignity in nemajira's face and it's 00:17:05.520 --> 00:17:07.360 sort of that that point where 00:17:07.360 --> 00:17:08.640 um 00:17:08.640 --> 00:17:10.960 you know indigenous people became 00:17:10.960 --> 00:17:13.360 a bit more within the media in terms of 00:17:13.360 --> 00:17:16.640 like fine art and representation um 00:17:16.640 --> 00:17:18.640 you know and we can see 00:17:18.640 --> 00:17:20.480 he's in the backdrop of his country but 00:17:20.480 --> 00:17:22.320 he's also holding 00:17:22.320 --> 00:17:24.240 a bit of his own work and you know and 00:17:24.240 --> 00:17:27.039 namajira's work has been so um paramount 00:17:27.039 --> 00:17:29.120 in like art history and australian art 00:17:29.120 --> 00:17:30.880 history as well so 00:17:30.880 --> 00:17:32.559 yeah i think it's a good example of you 00:17:32.559 --> 00:17:34.000 know there can be these relationships 00:17:34.000 --> 00:17:35.919 and connections between um 00:17:35.919 --> 00:17:37.520 non-indigenous people and indigenous 00:17:37.520 --> 00:17:39.200 people within the art world you know 00:17:39.200 --> 00:17:40.880 like there can be very beautiful 00:17:40.880 --> 00:17:42.400 connections and relationships that can 00:17:42.400 --> 00:17:44.720 happen and be like reap these respectful 00:17:44.720 --> 00:17:46.400 ones 00:17:46.400 --> 00:17:49.440 yeah yeah and um i was thinking of the 00:17:49.440 --> 00:17:51.120 word respect as you were talking about 00:17:51.120 --> 00:17:53.360 those relationships and it's you know 00:17:53.360 --> 00:17:55.200 it's 00:17:55.200 --> 00:17:56.559 i think we all operate under the 00:17:56.559 --> 00:17:57.840 assumption that that's at the heart of 00:17:57.840 --> 00:18:00.000 any healthy relationship is respect but 00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:01.360 sometimes there's nothing wrong with 00:18:01.360 --> 00:18:03.760 being really overt about that and just 00:18:03.760 --> 00:18:05.600 putting it right out there as being 00:18:05.600 --> 00:18:08.480 being that important yeah absolutely i 00:18:08.480 --> 00:18:11.280 yeah definitely do agree with that yeah 00:18:11.280 --> 00:18:14.080 i mean this tradition has continued um 00:18:14.080 --> 00:18:15.679 for years you know artist painting 00:18:15.679 --> 00:18:18.080 artists it's something that we generally 00:18:18.080 --> 00:18:20.640 it's not surprising that that happens um 00:18:20.640 --> 00:18:22.400 if someone wants a subject they'll um 00:18:22.400 --> 00:18:24.400 hit up uh someone they know potentially 00:18:24.400 --> 00:18:26.799 to uh to sit with them 00:18:26.799 --> 00:18:28.480 and i think we've got a much more 00:18:28.480 --> 00:18:31.280 contemporary example of that in the next 00:18:31.280 --> 00:18:33.520 in the next work hectare which is a 00:18:33.520 --> 00:18:35.520 portrait by the uh i think is 00:18:35.520 --> 00:18:38.159 sydney-based artist jasper knight 00:18:38.159 --> 00:18:41.200 yeah yeah um so yeah again another this 00:18:41.200 --> 00:18:43.440 one's yeah very different to 00:18:43.440 --> 00:18:46.400 the ninja work um but again like it's 00:18:46.400 --> 00:18:47.200 still 00:18:47.200 --> 00:18:48.080 um 00:18:48.080 --> 00:18:50.080 a white artist um yeah so jasper and 00:18:50.080 --> 00:18:52.720 then you've got recording um the 00:18:52.720 --> 00:18:55.919 indigenous artist um and i think 00:18:55.919 --> 00:18:57.600 what was interesting about this work is 00:18:57.600 --> 00:18:58.720 sort of 00:18:58.720 --> 00:19:00.400 there still is that relationship but it 00:19:00.400 --> 00:19:02.480 seems to be more in that kind of 00:19:02.480 --> 00:19:03.520 um 00:19:03.520 --> 00:19:06.000 the way that each artist works um in 00:19:06.000 --> 00:19:08.720 terms of you know that street art and 00:19:08.720 --> 00:19:11.200 bright bold colors and you know you can 00:19:11.200 --> 00:19:13.679 and you know reiko has like a huge 00:19:13.679 --> 00:19:14.559 um 00:19:14.559 --> 00:19:17.200 part where he uses um hyunpacks he's 00:19:17.200 --> 00:19:20.000 like urban identity um you know in the 00:19:20.000 --> 00:19:22.000 contemporary environments as 00:19:22.000 --> 00:19:24.240 where he lives um you know he's 00:19:24.240 --> 00:19:27.760 combining symbols of his his camillaric 00:19:27.760 --> 00:19:30.080 culture um with elements of that 00:19:30.080 --> 00:19:32.240 graffiti and street art to interrogate 00:19:32.240 --> 00:19:34.320 like his identity as an urban indigenous 00:19:34.320 --> 00:19:37.600 artist um and i think like with jasper's 00:19:37.600 --> 00:19:39.440 work it does come through in that like 00:19:39.440 --> 00:19:42.159 um through the use of like spray paint 00:19:42.159 --> 00:19:44.080 and then there's all those elements that 00:19:44.080 --> 00:19:45.200 touch on 00:19:45.200 --> 00:19:46.880 you know the street signs in the 00:19:46.880 --> 00:19:49.120 background um the bold colors and then 00:19:49.120 --> 00:19:51.679 you've also got that sort of tag of raco 00:19:51.679 --> 00:19:53.600 on the side that's very graffiti-esque 00:19:53.600 --> 00:19:56.240 you know um but like he's still a very 00:19:56.240 --> 00:19:58.000 dominant figure in this like he's not in 00:19:58.000 --> 00:20:00.640 the background um and he's not he like 00:20:00.640 --> 00:20:03.679 he is the subject um and the artist so 00:20:03.679 --> 00:20:05.600 he's also not the artist yet like he's 00:20:05.600 --> 00:20:08.240 the subject but um yeah he's not a 00:20:08.240 --> 00:20:11.039 passive body in this um so he's it's 00:20:11.039 --> 00:20:13.360 quite dominating um and it speaks to his 00:20:13.360 --> 00:20:16.720 identity about that um yeah yeah yeah 00:20:16.720 --> 00:20:18.880 and so these uh these two works um 00:20:18.880 --> 00:20:22.400 doggies namajira and um knights reni 00:20:22.400 --> 00:20:23.600 they're 00:20:23.600 --> 00:20:26.159 60 odd years apart but there's a very 00:20:26.159 --> 00:20:28.159 similar conjunction happening between 00:20:28.159 --> 00:20:31.039 artist and sitter where um 00:20:31.039 --> 00:20:33.360 the artist is acknowledging the style of 00:20:33.360 --> 00:20:35.360 the sitter because it's one that's 00:20:35.360 --> 00:20:37.280 that's also um 00:20:37.280 --> 00:20:40.159 embraced by them yeah i think and i 00:20:40.159 --> 00:20:42.000 think it does speak again as you say to 00:20:42.000 --> 00:20:43.840 that to that sort of 00:20:43.840 --> 00:20:46.000 and honesty one would hope within the 00:20:46.000 --> 00:20:48.000 relationship between the two individuals 00:20:48.000 --> 00:20:51.280 because i think the best portraits are 00:20:51.280 --> 00:20:52.640 going to be ones where it's almost a 00:20:52.640 --> 00:20:55.120 collaboration between the artist and the 00:20:55.120 --> 00:20:57.840 skinner and the artist is trying to pull 00:20:57.840 --> 00:21:00.000 they're using their creative lens 00:21:00.000 --> 00:21:01.919 or their in this instance their creative 00:21:01.919 --> 00:21:04.799 spray can maybe your brush to um to pull 00:21:04.799 --> 00:21:08.320 out elements of the sitter for us to 00:21:08.320 --> 00:21:09.679 help us get a bit more of an 00:21:09.679 --> 00:21:11.600 understanding about who we're looking at 00:21:11.600 --> 00:21:13.520 yeah no definitely that's that 00:21:13.520 --> 00:21:15.440 collaboration um 00:21:15.440 --> 00:21:16.960 yeah yeah there needs to be 00:21:16.960 --> 00:21:18.559 collaboration in a relationship that 00:21:18.559 --> 00:21:20.320 occurs um for it to be a really good 00:21:20.320 --> 00:21:24.320 work i think um portraiture yeah yeah 00:21:24.320 --> 00:21:27.120 so then we do move into 00:21:27.120 --> 00:21:29.280 um 00:21:29.280 --> 00:21:31.120 representation of indigenous people by 00:21:31.120 --> 00:21:32.960 indigenous people so we went there we 00:21:32.960 --> 00:21:34.720 went there with michael riley's sweet 00:21:34.720 --> 00:21:37.760 from from the 80s and 90s but if we if 00:21:37.760 --> 00:21:42.320 we fast forward a little bit um 00:21:42.559 --> 00:21:44.640 one thing that the portrait gallery that 00:21:44.640 --> 00:21:46.960 we have in our remit is to commission 00:21:46.960 --> 00:21:48.720 contemporary portraiture 00:21:48.720 --> 00:21:49.919 to 00:21:49.919 --> 00:21:53.200 target um a significant person that has 00:21:53.200 --> 00:21:55.760 been important to how australia 00:21:55.760 --> 00:21:57.679 has and is evolving 00:21:57.679 --> 00:22:00.240 and then align them with an artist and 00:22:00.240 --> 00:22:02.400 to ideally present something absolutely 00:22:02.400 --> 00:22:04.320 beautiful and amazing and 00:22:04.320 --> 00:22:06.400 one that we did a little over 10 years 00:22:06.400 --> 00:22:09.520 ago now was of the extraordinary marcia 00:22:09.520 --> 00:22:11.760 langton 00:22:11.760 --> 00:22:13.360 yeah yeah 00:22:13.360 --> 00:22:15.760 if we go to the yeah i i really love 00:22:15.760 --> 00:22:17.600 this book i think it's super awesome and 00:22:17.600 --> 00:22:21.039 super cool um but i think it really um 00:22:21.039 --> 00:22:23.120 it pushes the boundaries so much of what 00:22:23.120 --> 00:22:25.600 that idea of traditional portraiture is 00:22:25.600 --> 00:22:26.400 um 00:22:26.400 --> 00:22:28.240 you know and it really reflects on the 00:22:28.240 --> 00:22:29.760 the sort of diverse spiritual and 00:22:29.760 --> 00:22:30.799 cultural 00:22:30.799 --> 00:22:33.520 um experiences of people um you know 00:22:33.520 --> 00:22:35.919 like in this work marcia is 00:22:35.919 --> 00:22:38.080 you know she's portrayed as like 00:22:38.080 --> 00:22:40.559 uh herself and as or as an indigenous 00:22:40.559 --> 00:22:42.799 person but you know it's a series of 00:22:42.799 --> 00:22:45.600 dynamic flowing um 00:22:45.600 --> 00:22:47.440 events i suppose rather than just sort 00:22:47.440 --> 00:22:49.120 of like this racialized perception of an 00:22:49.120 --> 00:22:51.279 indigenous person as well which i think 00:22:51.279 --> 00:22:53.039 is really cool um 00:22:53.039 --> 00:22:54.320 and you know 00:22:54.320 --> 00:22:56.240 it speaks about so many different parts 00:22:56.240 --> 00:22:58.640 of mastery as a person um both in a 00:22:58.640 --> 00:23:00.480 private and professional 00:23:00.480 --> 00:23:03.520 um persona i guess and then 00:23:03.520 --> 00:23:04.960 touching back on what we were just 00:23:04.960 --> 00:23:06.000 speaking about in terms of that 00:23:06.000 --> 00:23:08.240 collaboration you can you can really can 00:23:08.240 --> 00:23:10.400 see that collaboration between brooke 00:23:10.400 --> 00:23:13.679 andrews and marcia between um both of 00:23:13.679 --> 00:23:15.120 the really things that are important to 00:23:15.120 --> 00:23:17.600 them um are coming through in this in 00:23:17.600 --> 00:23:19.360 this screen printed collage you know 00:23:19.360 --> 00:23:21.279 with the diamond cut that's from brooks 00:23:21.279 --> 00:23:22.960 cultural heritage 00:23:22.960 --> 00:23:26.320 and then we've also got like the beliefs 00:23:26.320 --> 00:23:28.000 um you know the private beliefs that 00:23:28.000 --> 00:23:30.559 master has with and and then like in 00:23:30.559 --> 00:23:32.159 interest 00:23:32.159 --> 00:23:34.640 interested in hinduism and buddhism um 00:23:34.640 --> 00:23:36.559 you know um 00:23:36.559 --> 00:23:37.679 but also 00:23:37.679 --> 00:23:40.559 fused with like her aboriginal um 00:23:40.559 --> 00:23:42.960 beliefs as well you know um and there's 00:23:42.960 --> 00:23:44.240 that really great 00:23:44.240 --> 00:23:46.799 music fusing of that but we also see 00:23:46.799 --> 00:23:48.880 like all these elements that a lot of 00:23:48.880 --> 00:23:50.559 people know marcia here for like you know 00:23:50.559 --> 00:23:52.170 she's a really um 00:23:53.760 --> 00:23:55.039 you know renowned indigenous 00:23:55.039 --> 00:23:57.600 anthropologist um and 00:23:57.600 --> 00:23:59.520 she's done so much work as well around 00:23:59.520 --> 00:24:00.559 like 00:24:00.559 --> 00:24:02.720 traditional fire management um and fire 00:24:02.720 --> 00:24:05.440 use and aboriginal communities but also 00:24:05.440 --> 00:24:08.880 um you know and and mining industries 00:24:08.880 --> 00:24:10.240 and everything so 00:24:10.240 --> 00:24:11.360 and you know that's where we can see the 00:24:11.360 --> 00:24:14.320 diamond cup comes back in through yeah 00:24:14.320 --> 00:24:15.440 so 00:24:15.440 --> 00:24:18.400 yeah i think that's a it's a really 00:24:18.400 --> 00:24:21.360 really important work um because it's it 00:24:21.360 --> 00:24:23.279 yeah really pushes past 00:24:23.279 --> 00:24:25.600 what people would think portraiture is i 00:24:25.600 --> 00:24:27.520 guess exactly yeah and it's and it's 00:24:27.520 --> 00:24:29.679 monumental i mean in your way you're 00:24:29.679 --> 00:24:30.559 getting 00:24:30.559 --> 00:24:32.159 rebecca with your backdrop today you can 00:24:32.159 --> 00:24:34.240 get a sense of the scale of it and it's 00:24:34.240 --> 00:24:36.400 it's got an extraordinary presence when 00:24:36.400 --> 00:24:38.320 you when you're with it in the gallery 00:24:38.320 --> 00:24:39.520 spaces 00:24:40.600 --> 00:24:44.279 um but yeah when it comes to 00:24:44.279 --> 00:24:48.039 when it comes to representation and and 00:24:48.039 --> 00:24:50.279 in our genre so thinking about what 00:24:50.279 --> 00:24:52.440 portraiture is that that's one of the 00:24:52.440 --> 00:24:54.679 reasons why this is such an amazing work 00:24:54.679 --> 00:24:57.080 it really does broaden people's 00:24:57.080 --> 00:24:59.159 expectations of what they might possibly 00:24:59.159 --> 00:24:59.960 see 00:24:59.960 --> 00:25:01.880 um when it comes to learning about 00:25:01.880 --> 00:25:03.799 someone through through that person's 00:25:03.799 --> 00:25:06.279 portrait because it's not traditional 00:25:06.279 --> 00:25:08.679 but it is still very much the subject it 00:25:08.679 --> 00:25:10.840 is still very much marcia acting 00:25:10.840 --> 00:25:11.720 yeah 00:25:11.720 --> 00:25:13.320 yeah definitely 00:25:13.320 --> 00:25:14.200 yeah 00:25:14.200 --> 00:25:15.880 i think we're going to go back in time a 00:25:15.880 --> 00:25:17.320 little bit again for the next one aren't 00:25:17.320 --> 00:25:19.720 we yeah rebecca 00:25:19.720 --> 00:25:23.240 yeah with tracy moffatt's work oh no 00:25:23.240 --> 00:25:25.080 sorry that was my mistake i apologize 00:25:25.080 --> 00:25:28.360 rebecca we've got um we've got uh 00:25:28.360 --> 00:25:30.679 auntie matilda house by brenda elkroft 00:25:30.679 --> 00:25:33.320 yeah no that's fine also just a stunning 00:25:33.320 --> 00:25:35.880 work i actually really love this work or 00:25:35.880 --> 00:25:39.559 yeah um doctor annie matilda house um by 00:25:39.559 --> 00:25:41.559 brendell croft um 00:25:41.559 --> 00:25:42.679 yeah 00:25:42.679 --> 00:25:44.760 it's quite large too it's a quite a 00:25:44.760 --> 00:25:47.240 powerful work um in real life as well 00:25:47.240 --> 00:25:49.399 like when you see it um but yeah annie 00:25:49.399 --> 00:25:51.320 matilda she's a she's an ambry woman so 00:25:51.320 --> 00:25:53.399 she's from this area um you know and she 00:25:53.399 --> 00:25:55.240 dedicated her life to social justice for 00:25:55.240 --> 00:25:58.039 indigenous people and was like paramount 00:25:58.039 --> 00:26:01.159 in the tent embassy um in aboriginal 00:26:01.159 --> 00:26:03.720 like legal services i think in quimbian 00:26:03.720 --> 00:26:05.880 um and she was the first indigenous 00:26:05.880 --> 00:26:08.679 person to perform um welcome to country 00:26:08.679 --> 00:26:10.679 um you know and plus she's had so many 00:26:10.679 --> 00:26:11.880 other immense 00:26:11.880 --> 00:26:14.039 contributions to community that reach 00:26:14.039 --> 00:26:16.600 both locally but also like quite far 00:26:16.600 --> 00:26:19.640 um across australia you know um 00:26:19.640 --> 00:26:20.440 but 00:26:20.440 --> 00:26:22.039 you know and brenda croft as well is 00:26:22.039 --> 00:26:23.240 quite 00:26:23.240 --> 00:26:25.799 an amazing person too um an activist a 00:26:25.799 --> 00:26:27.399 curator an academic 00:26:27.399 --> 00:26:29.480 so many fierce contributions to 00:26:29.480 --> 00:26:31.480 community and i think what's so great 00:26:31.480 --> 00:26:34.440 about this work is that it captures um 00:26:34.440 --> 00:26:36.440 annie matilda in such a 00:26:36.440 --> 00:26:39.080 a powerful and dignified and and like 00:26:39.080 --> 00:26:41.960 quite knowledgeable you know um 00:26:41.960 --> 00:26:44.520 state and you know i you can see that 00:26:44.520 --> 00:26:46.200 there's like this relationship as well 00:26:46.200 --> 00:26:48.760 between brenda and i don't even see what 00:26:48.760 --> 00:26:50.919 that's occurring you know um 00:26:50.919 --> 00:26:53.480 and the the respect that's coming from 00:26:53.480 --> 00:26:55.720 this um you can just see so much 00:26:55.720 --> 00:26:57.320 knowledge 00:26:57.320 --> 00:27:00.279 um in the eyes i think um 00:27:00.279 --> 00:27:02.760 every time like i really love it like 00:27:02.760 --> 00:27:05.240 yeah so powerful 00:27:05.240 --> 00:27:06.680 yeah she said and she um 00:27:06.680 --> 00:27:07.880 [Music] 00:27:07.880 --> 00:27:09.320 we've both been very fortunate to meet 00:27:09.320 --> 00:27:10.919 auntie matilda and um she's a very 00:27:10.919 --> 00:27:12.919 strong woman and that comes through 00:27:12.919 --> 00:27:14.760 absolutely in this portrait it's it's a 00:27:14.760 --> 00:27:17.080 quiet strength but it's there you know 00:27:17.080 --> 00:27:18.840 there's a bedrock to auntie matilda i 00:27:18.840 --> 00:27:19.880 think 00:27:19.880 --> 00:27:21.880 it's just it's so matriarchal as well 00:27:21.880 --> 00:27:24.679 like it's just yeah yeah 00:27:24.679 --> 00:27:27.080 yeah and this um 00:27:27.080 --> 00:27:30.919 um crop brenda crawford aircraft the um 00:27:30.919 --> 00:27:33.480 yeah photographer curator activist um 00:27:33.480 --> 00:27:35.799 again local to us so again we're very 00:27:35.799 --> 00:27:37.480 fortunate to be able to 00:27:37.480 --> 00:27:39.640 touch base with another strong woman 00:27:39.640 --> 00:27:41.399 here in canberra 00:27:41.399 --> 00:27:43.960 this is part of a series this work that 00:27:43.960 --> 00:27:47.640 she was working on which all came around 00:27:47.640 --> 00:27:50.279 stemmed from an idea around um 00:27:50.279 --> 00:27:52.520 acknowledging the 00:27:52.520 --> 00:27:54.360 um legacy of 00:27:54.360 --> 00:27:55.799 barangaroo 00:27:55.799 --> 00:27:57.640 through capturing portraits of 00:27:57.640 --> 00:27:59.799 contemporary first nations women 00:27:59.799 --> 00:28:03.320 in a series that i guess pays homage to 00:28:03.320 --> 00:28:07.960 barangaroo's legacy yeah yeah 00:28:08.279 --> 00:28:10.200 all right i i need to keep an eye on the 00:28:10.200 --> 00:28:12.440 time don't you walker and gill why don't 00:28:12.440 --> 00:28:14.440 we move on to the next one which is now 00:28:14.440 --> 00:28:15.880 this is where we go back in yeah let's 00:28:15.880 --> 00:28:17.960 have a look at one of the amazing tracy 00:28:17.960 --> 00:28:19.399 moffett's works 00:28:19.399 --> 00:28:21.960 yeah um i also love this work i've 00:28:21.960 --> 00:28:23.320 picked works that i just really love it 00:28:23.320 --> 00:28:24.600 seems like 00:28:24.600 --> 00:28:26.520 that's one of one of those it's one of 00:28:26.520 --> 00:28:28.600 the benefits of being a curator i think 00:28:28.600 --> 00:28:29.880 yeah 00:28:29.880 --> 00:28:33.480 um yeah so we've got the movie star um 00:28:33.480 --> 00:28:36.360 and this of david yeah it's 00:28:36.360 --> 00:28:37.559 so 00:28:37.559 --> 00:28:39.320 so many things i think are happening in 00:28:39.320 --> 00:28:41.240 this um there's a whole bunch of things 00:28:41.240 --> 00:28:44.679 that you could unpack in it um 00:28:44.679 --> 00:28:47.240 it's so sort of tongue-in-cheek as well 00:28:47.240 --> 00:28:48.360 um 00:28:48.360 --> 00:28:49.799 because like 00:28:49.799 --> 00:28:51.880 like david is actually like a full-on 00:28:51.880 --> 00:28:53.320 movie star and he had like a career 00:28:53.320 --> 00:28:56.840 spanning um something like 40 years um 00:28:56.840 --> 00:28:58.840 which is pretty cool but then you know 00:28:58.840 --> 00:29:02.519 but also the idea of an app 00:29:02.519 --> 00:29:04.039 is not really 00:29:04.039 --> 00:29:06.600 something that comes to like popular 00:29:06.600 --> 00:29:08.120 thought i suppose 00:29:08.120 --> 00:29:09.880 um you know it's not 00:29:09.880 --> 00:29:12.840 in our media as much as um 00:29:12.840 --> 00:29:14.440 sort of those 00:29:14.440 --> 00:29:16.840 white movie styles or whatever um but 00:29:16.840 --> 00:29:18.840 also i think you know he's he's at the 00:29:18.840 --> 00:29:21.000 beach and he's got a boom box and he's 00:29:21.000 --> 00:29:24.440 having a beer with his bodies on um 00:29:24.440 --> 00:29:26.039 you know but also that itself falls 00:29:26.039 --> 00:29:28.120 outside of our popular conception of 00:29:28.120 --> 00:29:31.960 perception of indigenous people like 00:29:31.960 --> 00:29:33.799 people always i would 00:29:33.799 --> 00:29:36.440 think that like um have this idea of 00:29:36.440 --> 00:29:38.679 indigenous people sort of you know 00:29:38.679 --> 00:29:40.679 belonging in the desert or almost even 00:29:40.679 --> 00:29:44.120 in a time frame um you know and in that 00:29:44.120 --> 00:29:46.519 real temporal and spatial state 00:29:46.519 --> 00:29:47.480 i think 00:29:47.480 --> 00:29:48.600 it's really 00:29:48.600 --> 00:29:49.960 quite a bit 00:29:49.960 --> 00:29:50.760 uh 00:29:50.760 --> 00:29:52.519 yeah like like it's really challenging 00:29:52.519 --> 00:29:54.120 and subverting like the australian 00:29:54.120 --> 00:29:55.480 national kind of 00:29:55.480 --> 00:29:57.880 character um you know because it's 00:29:57.880 --> 00:29:59.559 referencing colonialism and 00:29:59.559 --> 00:30:02.279 dispossession um and i suppose um 00:30:02.279 --> 00:30:04.760 indigenous visibility you know like yeah 00:30:04.760 --> 00:30:07.159 it's like 00:30:07.480 --> 00:30:09.720 well i mean there are movie stars yeah 00:30:09.720 --> 00:30:11.320 yeah i mean cooper little absolutely 00:30:11.320 --> 00:30:13.559 yeah an amazing an amazing actor 00:30:13.559 --> 00:30:15.320 absolutely 00:30:15.320 --> 00:30:17.480 um 00:30:17.480 --> 00:30:21.080 cast in very uh stereotypical roles um 00:30:21.080 --> 00:30:24.120 for for an aboriginal man um but here he 00:30:24.120 --> 00:30:26.760 is in sconced in um 00:30:26.760 --> 00:30:29.960 seaside popular culture of the 80s um 00:30:29.960 --> 00:30:32.120 and so it's taking because even as a 00:30:32.120 --> 00:30:34.960 movie star he wasn't necessarily um 00:30:34.960 --> 00:30:36.279 [Music] 00:30:36.279 --> 00:30:37.159 um 00:30:37.159 --> 00:30:38.440 or he hasn't 00:30:38.440 --> 00:30:40.519 he uh he hasn't necessarily been 00:30:40.519 --> 00:30:42.840 considered to be anything outside of how 00:30:42.840 --> 00:30:44.840 we view him on the screen like you say 00:30:44.840 --> 00:30:47.080 as opposed to white movie stars where we 00:30:47.080 --> 00:30:48.360 expect to see him down the street having 00:30:48.360 --> 00:30:49.880 a cup of coffee and getting snapped by 00:30:49.880 --> 00:30:51.480 the pepper 00:30:51.480 --> 00:30:53.559 or that kind of thing yeah so 00:30:53.559 --> 00:30:55.000 um 00:30:55.000 --> 00:30:57.880 i think tracy moffat as a photographer 00:30:57.880 --> 00:30:59.080 and a 00:30:59.080 --> 00:31:01.559 and a social documentarian she's been 00:31:01.559 --> 00:31:03.880 very canny in capturing these 00:31:03.880 --> 00:31:06.120 um 00:31:06.279 --> 00:31:09.080 disconnections yeah yeah 00:31:09.080 --> 00:31:11.799 no definitely 00:31:13.399 --> 00:31:16.600 um let me see oh okay so we've looked a 00:31:16.600 --> 00:31:19.399 lot at um 00:31:19.880 --> 00:31:21.320 essentially today what we've looked at 00:31:21.320 --> 00:31:23.320 so far is very much around the western 00:31:23.320 --> 00:31:24.600 tradition of portraiture we've looked at 00:31:24.600 --> 00:31:26.440 photographic portraiture we've looked at 00:31:26.440 --> 00:31:29.799 painted portraits um 00:31:29.799 --> 00:31:32.200 the brook andrew of marcia langton is 00:31:32.200 --> 00:31:33.480 about as 00:31:33.480 --> 00:31:35.480 outside of that box as we've gotten 00:31:35.480 --> 00:31:37.880 um but why don't we move into something 00:31:37.880 --> 00:31:40.039 that is probably even more unexpected 00:31:40.039 --> 00:31:42.120 and let's look at the herman hermansburg 00:31:42.120 --> 00:31:44.120 pot 00:31:44.120 --> 00:31:46.039 yeah um 00:31:46.039 --> 00:31:48.200 so yeah the potter's portrait pot um and 00:31:48.200 --> 00:31:50.279 yeah this was um 00:31:50.279 --> 00:31:52.599 uh yeah hermansburg potters um and it's 00:31:52.599 --> 00:31:54.520 the collective 00:31:54.520 --> 00:31:55.480 sorry 00:31:55.480 --> 00:31:57.159 it's a 00:31:57.159 --> 00:31:58.520 collaboration that's the word i'm 00:31:58.520 --> 00:32:00.359 looking for yeah a collaboration with 00:32:00.359 --> 00:32:02.119 missing your women um out in 00:32:02.119 --> 00:32:03.879 hermannsburg um 00:32:03.879 --> 00:32:05.879 but yeah it's you know 00:32:05.879 --> 00:32:08.599 it's not 2d number one it's a it's a 00:32:08.599 --> 00:32:11.079 sculptural work um and it's and it's a 00:32:11.079 --> 00:32:13.879 self-portrait it's a self-identity work 00:32:13.879 --> 00:32:15.960 um and you know we were talking a lot 00:32:15.960 --> 00:32:17.639 about western fortuner and it's usually 00:32:17.639 --> 00:32:20.839 around the likeness or the um 00:32:20.839 --> 00:32:22.440 you know the physical features of a 00:32:22.440 --> 00:32:23.399 person 00:32:23.399 --> 00:32:24.359 um 00:32:24.359 --> 00:32:26.440 whereas you know in indigenous 00:32:26.440 --> 00:32:28.760 portraiture um you know it doesn't 00:32:28.760 --> 00:32:30.520 really necessarily have to follow the 00:32:30.520 --> 00:32:33.639 convention of depicting just the face 00:32:33.639 --> 00:32:37.079 or even to have that physical likeness 00:32:37.079 --> 00:32:38.520 because it's more 00:32:38.520 --> 00:32:40.200 can can sometimes be about like 00:32:40.200 --> 00:32:42.760 revealing a person's identity i guess in 00:32:42.760 --> 00:32:45.560 relation to each other in your community 00:32:45.560 --> 00:32:48.359 um to the land and then also to you know 00:32:48.359 --> 00:32:50.359 the creation ancestors and spiritual 00:32:50.359 --> 00:32:51.400 beliefs 00:32:51.400 --> 00:32:53.800 um and i think this work really sort of 00:32:53.800 --> 00:32:55.800 speaks to that because it's talking 00:32:55.800 --> 00:32:57.640 so much about um 00:32:57.640 --> 00:32:59.800 you know the the women's 00:32:59.800 --> 00:33:01.400 connection to your country and you can 00:33:01.400 --> 00:33:03.640 see that all around the plot um you know 00:33:03.640 --> 00:33:06.119 depiction of land um all the animals and 00:33:06.119 --> 00:33:08.760 birds the wildlife the 00:33:08.760 --> 00:33:10.520 flowers and rocks and everything and 00:33:10.520 --> 00:33:13.160 everything having a place and being you 00:33:13.160 --> 00:33:15.079 know um 00:33:15.079 --> 00:33:17.079 themselves is almost an extension of the 00:33:17.079 --> 00:33:17.960 lands 00:33:17.960 --> 00:33:19.240 um 00:33:19.240 --> 00:33:20.599 yeah it's a really beautiful work and 00:33:20.599 --> 00:33:22.119 then it's also talking about you know 00:33:22.119 --> 00:33:23.640 they've got the watercolor through it 00:33:23.640 --> 00:33:25.480 and they're quite well known for their 00:33:25.480 --> 00:33:27.960 work in pottery um and watercolors in 00:33:27.960 --> 00:33:29.720 hermansburg so 00:33:29.720 --> 00:33:30.680 um 00:33:30.680 --> 00:33:32.280 yeah yeah 00:33:32.280 --> 00:33:33.800 yeah and it's um 00:33:33.800 --> 00:33:35.640 it's it's 00:33:35.640 --> 00:33:37.240 i don't know if many of our audiences 00:33:37.240 --> 00:33:39.480 are familiar with the with um 00:33:39.480 --> 00:33:41.960 what this collective at hermansburg do 00:33:41.960 --> 00:33:44.359 around around this particular space but 00:33:44.359 --> 00:33:47.079 i've seen them do these amazing pots of 00:33:47.079 --> 00:33:50.280 that include um portraits of um footy 00:33:50.280 --> 00:33:52.520 players and that kind of thing as well 00:33:52.520 --> 00:33:54.359 which is fantastic but i'm so glad that 00:33:54.359 --> 00:33:55.800 when when we 00:33:55.800 --> 00:33:56.760 um 00:33:56.760 --> 00:33:58.680 requested that they might be willing to 00:33:58.680 --> 00:34:00.280 do a portrait just for us at the 00:34:00.280 --> 00:34:01.560 portrait gallery that it was the 00:34:01.560 --> 00:34:05.240 self-portrait that the elder women um 00:34:05.240 --> 00:34:08.119 have presented to us because it um 00:34:08.119 --> 00:34:11.160 it's it's a it's a 00:34:11.160 --> 00:34:13.560 it's a national recognition of the 00:34:13.560 --> 00:34:15.320 of the significance of these women and 00:34:15.320 --> 00:34:17.800 what they've contributed to our artistic 00:34:17.800 --> 00:34:19.800 our contemporary artistic history 00:34:19.800 --> 00:34:22.119 through telling their own stories 00:34:22.119 --> 00:34:23.800 yeah yeah 00:34:23.800 --> 00:34:25.880 definitely there's really yeah that 00:34:25.880 --> 00:34:28.280 existence in country is like so 00:34:28.280 --> 00:34:30.839 inseparable um in communities and for 00:34:30.839 --> 00:34:32.119 indigenous people and i think that 00:34:32.119 --> 00:34:33.480 really comes through in this work in 00:34:33.480 --> 00:34:35.839 this self-portrait 00:34:35.839 --> 00:34:38.200 yeah um jump in with a couple of 00:34:38.200 --> 00:34:39.640 comments um 00:34:39.640 --> 00:34:43.880 from the audience if that's okay 00:34:43.960 --> 00:34:46.359 i uh well first a comment from me 00:34:46.359 --> 00:34:49.000 rebecca you really lovely phrase just 00:34:49.000 --> 00:34:50.440 now um when you were describing the 00:34:50.440 --> 00:34:51.800 potter's pot where you said it was a 00:34:51.800 --> 00:34:53.640 self-identity work 00:34:53.640 --> 00:34:56.040 as opposed to a self well not as opposed 00:34:56.040 --> 00:34:58.680 to but as well as a self-portrait and i 00:34:58.680 --> 00:35:00.440 think that's just such a lovely phrase 00:35:00.440 --> 00:35:02.760 and maybe we could petition our um our 00:35:02.760 --> 00:35:04.839 board to change our gallery the 00:35:04.839 --> 00:35:07.240 self-identity gallery instead of 00:35:07.240 --> 00:35:09.000 the gallery identity gallery instead of 00:35:09.000 --> 00:35:10.920 the portrait gallery but it just seems 00:35:10.920 --> 00:35:12.839 to be such a and it's something that we 00:35:12.839 --> 00:35:14.839 do try here at the portrait gallery is 00:35:14.839 --> 00:35:17.079 to kind of upset that traditional notion 00:35:17.079 --> 00:35:19.480 of what a portrait might be and we often 00:35:19.480 --> 00:35:21.560 do throw around that word identity which 00:35:21.560 --> 00:35:24.040 seems to be a little bit freer perhaps 00:35:24.040 --> 00:35:26.200 from some of those that baggage that 00:35:26.200 --> 00:35:29.079 perhaps the word portrait contains 00:35:29.079 --> 00:35:31.320 yeah no i do agree yeah identity because 00:35:31.320 --> 00:35:33.560 it encompasses so much more um than what 00:35:33.560 --> 00:35:35.400 we think of portraiture you know it can 00:35:35.400 --> 00:35:37.000 be cultural it can be historical it can 00:35:37.000 --> 00:35:39.640 be social identities but yeah so a 00:35:39.640 --> 00:35:41.000 self-identity 00:35:41.000 --> 00:35:42.359 um 00:35:42.359 --> 00:35:45.640 yeah it's it's a good word 00:35:45.800 --> 00:35:47.240 all right well you'll get we'll make 00:35:47.240 --> 00:35:48.680 sure that um rebecca gets credit for 00:35:48.680 --> 00:35:50.359 that yeah and that's the national 00:35:50.359 --> 00:35:52.680 identity gallery gill 00:35:52.680 --> 00:35:55.079 thanks for putting that one out there um 00:35:55.079 --> 00:35:56.520 i think we do have a few minutes left 00:35:56.520 --> 00:35:57.720 don't we gill if there are any other 00:35:57.720 --> 00:36:00.119 comments or questions um 00:36:00.119 --> 00:36:02.599 from our audience today there's been a 00:36:02.599 --> 00:36:04.839 lot of actually a lot of engagement with 00:36:04.839 --> 00:36:06.440 the the topic that you've been talking 00:36:06.440 --> 00:36:08.280 about today but ruby you mentioned 00:36:08.280 --> 00:36:10.040 earlier when we were speaking about 00:36:10.040 --> 00:36:12.359 photography um the role of that merv 00:36:12.359 --> 00:36:15.000 bishop has played as as a photographer 00:36:15.000 --> 00:36:17.079 and we do have quite a few portraits by 00:36:17.079 --> 00:36:19.800 merv and bishop in the collection so she 00:36:19.800 --> 00:36:21.880 just wanted to to note his contribution 00:36:21.880 --> 00:36:23.720 and that he'd spoken recently i think at 00:36:23.720 --> 00:36:26.359 the nfsa um with hitti about hetty 00:36:26.359 --> 00:36:29.240 perkins about one of his his portraits 00:36:29.240 --> 00:36:31.640 yes there's uh there's been a beautiful 00:36:31.640 --> 00:36:33.160 uh touring exhibition out of the art 00:36:33.160 --> 00:36:34.839 gallery of new south wales that the 00:36:34.839 --> 00:36:37.079 national sound and film archive which is 00:36:37.079 --> 00:36:41.079 the nsfa um took on in canberra and i 00:36:41.079 --> 00:36:43.079 was lucky enough to get over there and 00:36:43.079 --> 00:36:44.520 have a sneaky look at that before 00:36:44.520 --> 00:36:46.280 lockdown and it was a beautiful 00:36:46.280 --> 00:36:47.880 exhibition that really didn't just 00:36:47.880 --> 00:36:49.640 celebrate mervyn's 00:36:49.640 --> 00:36:52.119 uh photographic contributions but also 00:36:52.119 --> 00:36:53.880 talked about his life and where he came 00:36:53.880 --> 00:36:55.560 from too it's really 00:36:55.560 --> 00:36:58.119 a beautiful exhibition yeah a lot of 00:36:58.119 --> 00:37:00.040 contributions there yeah we've got a big 00:37:00.040 --> 00:37:02.200 collection of these work to do we do 00:37:02.200 --> 00:37:04.520 yeah including the famous one 00:37:04.520 --> 00:37:05.320 yeah 00:37:05.320 --> 00:37:06.520 uh 00:37:06.520 --> 00:37:08.680 oh here we go which which prime minister 00:37:08.680 --> 00:37:12.440 was it bob whitman yeah 00:37:12.440 --> 00:37:13.560 yeah 00:37:13.560 --> 00:37:16.599 um we also had a um question from 00:37:16.599 --> 00:37:17.800 vladimir 00:37:17.800 --> 00:37:19.800 to rebecca wondering rebecca is there a 00:37:19.800 --> 00:37:23.560 particular person that you'd like to see 00:37:23.560 --> 00:37:25.400 have a portrait in our collection is 00:37:25.400 --> 00:37:26.760 there anything that comes to mind that 00:37:26.760 --> 00:37:28.920 we don't currently have 00:37:28.920 --> 00:37:31.079 oh there's probably lots probably a lot 00:37:31.079 --> 00:37:35.560 yeah no there's a lot of people um 00:37:35.560 --> 00:37:39.880 oh that's a really tough one um 00:37:39.880 --> 00:37:44.200 just between uh you me and the um 00:37:44.200 --> 00:37:45.880 well the audience 00:37:45.880 --> 00:37:47.720 that may or may not have finished we had 00:37:47.720 --> 00:37:50.440 to ask rebecca in the interview but um 00:37:50.440 --> 00:37:52.520 and again and i feel like i got asked 00:37:52.520 --> 00:37:54.119 the same question too it's a really 00:37:54.119 --> 00:37:55.960 tough one to answer because there are so 00:37:55.960 --> 00:37:58.040 many 00:37:58.040 --> 00:37:59.960 amazing things in australia at the 00:37:59.960 --> 00:38:00.839 moment 00:38:00.839 --> 00:38:02.839 yeah i i like the idea of um bringing 00:38:02.839 --> 00:38:04.680 maybe some younger faces in rebecca if 00:38:04.680 --> 00:38:07.160 there's anyone that sparks you in in the 00:38:07.160 --> 00:38:11.160 latest up-and-comers yeah i um 00:38:11.160 --> 00:38:12.760 maybe someone like with a music 00:38:12.760 --> 00:38:15.960 background i think would be awesome um 00:38:15.960 --> 00:38:18.280 yeah um because the contribution of 00:38:18.280 --> 00:38:21.240 music um you know within australia and 00:38:21.240 --> 00:38:23.319 culture and everything is so important 00:38:23.319 --> 00:38:25.000 um 00:38:25.000 --> 00:38:26.680 yeah i look at all like people that are 00:38:26.680 --> 00:38:28.040 like 00:38:28.040 --> 00:38:30.359 reclaim language through song um and 00:38:30.359 --> 00:38:32.440 they're out there um 00:38:32.440 --> 00:38:33.880 on like sort of like national or 00:38:33.880 --> 00:38:36.359 international levels now that can speak 00:38:36.359 --> 00:38:39.319 speak language and sing it um is so 00:38:39.319 --> 00:38:41.319 important so yeah maybe someone in the 00:38:41.319 --> 00:38:43.319 music field i think would be cool to 00:38:43.319 --> 00:38:45.960 have a portraiture 00:38:46.760 --> 00:38:48.680 we've got your virtual background there 00:38:48.680 --> 00:38:51.000 with uh guerilla behind you as well 00:38:51.000 --> 00:38:53.079 rebecca yeah 00:38:53.079 --> 00:38:55.240 a classic one of people reclaiming 00:38:55.240 --> 00:38:56.839 language through song but that could be 00:38:56.839 --> 00:38:58.440 a whole exhibition in and of itself 00:38:58.440 --> 00:38:59.319 actually 00:38:59.319 --> 00:39:01.800 song makers and music makers 00:39:01.800 --> 00:39:04.119 yeah absolutely 00:39:04.119 --> 00:39:05.960 um 00:39:05.960 --> 00:39:07.720 since rebecca's come on board with us 00:39:07.720 --> 00:39:11.720 here um we've put her to work and 00:39:11.960 --> 00:39:14.760 including doing some writing um for our 00:39:14.760 --> 00:39:17.560 next edition of portrait mag um do you 00:39:17.560 --> 00:39:19.319 want to talk just a little bit about the 00:39:19.319 --> 00:39:20.359 article that you've been working on 00:39:20.359 --> 00:39:23.880 rebecca yeah so i've been um 00:39:23.880 --> 00:39:26.280 working sort of with these beautiful 00:39:26.280 --> 00:39:30.119 photographs um by jacob nash who's the 00:39:30.119 --> 00:39:32.680 creative head of bangara 00:39:32.680 --> 00:39:34.760 indigenous dance 00:39:34.760 --> 00:39:36.200 so it's been really nice to be able to 00:39:36.200 --> 00:39:37.720 talk with him and interview him about 00:39:37.720 --> 00:39:39.800 the works but it's sort of really 00:39:39.800 --> 00:39:41.319 looking at 00:39:41.319 --> 00:39:43.240 the paint up room and the use of ochre 00:39:43.240 --> 00:39:45.960 and dance um and the way that 00:39:45.960 --> 00:39:49.240 ochre um has a transformation property 00:39:49.240 --> 00:39:51.800 um into a spiritual sense for dances and 00:39:51.800 --> 00:39:53.880 and jacob's really captured these really 00:39:53.880 --> 00:39:55.319 strong images 00:39:55.319 --> 00:39:57.079 of these dances um and they're so 00:39:57.079 --> 00:39:59.960 powerful because they've become from 00:39:59.960 --> 00:40:01.960 from people into they've transformed 00:40:01.960 --> 00:40:03.000 into 00:40:03.000 --> 00:40:05.640 um this almost sacred realm of being the 00:40:05.640 --> 00:40:08.200 storyteller of being um 00:40:08.200 --> 00:40:10.680 as dancers as cultural dancers like that 00:40:10.680 --> 00:40:11.800 yeah so 00:40:11.800 --> 00:40:13.160 that's sort of the article and it's just 00:40:13.160 --> 00:40:14.599 yeah the really lovely interview with 00:40:14.599 --> 00:40:16.599 jacob um and about the importance of 00:40:16.599 --> 00:40:21.079 dance and culture um and and yeah okay 00:40:21.079 --> 00:40:22.119 yeah 00:40:22.119 --> 00:40:24.359 and i think i think i'm i'm fascinated 00:40:24.359 --> 00:40:26.280 to read it and then see see the suite of 00:40:26.280 --> 00:40:28.040 works once the magazine's published 00:40:28.040 --> 00:40:31.000 maybe i'll get a sneak peek but um 00:40:31.000 --> 00:40:32.280 i think i think this is one of the 00:40:32.280 --> 00:40:35.000 exciting things about our genre i mean 00:40:35.000 --> 00:40:36.599 portraiture is 00:40:36.599 --> 00:40:38.520 at face value quite could be considered 00:40:38.520 --> 00:40:40.040 quite narrow 00:40:40.040 --> 00:40:42.760 a narrow sort of niche space within 00:40:42.760 --> 00:40:44.520 visual arts practice 00:40:44.520 --> 00:40:47.319 uh in contemporary art but having said 00:40:47.319 --> 00:40:49.720 that it's a conjunction of so many 00:40:49.720 --> 00:40:52.520 things it's a conjunction of history 00:40:52.520 --> 00:40:55.560 story narrative identity 00:40:55.560 --> 00:40:57.800 and and then and then through through 00:40:57.800 --> 00:40:59.880 the visual creative lens and so that's 00:40:59.880 --> 00:41:02.200 where we get to have these exciting and 00:41:02.200 --> 00:41:03.400 really 00:41:03.400 --> 00:41:04.520 um 00:41:04.520 --> 00:41:07.079 engrossing opportunities to explore 00:41:07.079 --> 00:41:09.720 people like like the jacob nash story 00:41:09.720 --> 00:41:11.560 that you'll be doing for the magazine 00:41:11.560 --> 00:41:13.880 yeah um there's definitely so much room 00:41:13.880 --> 00:41:16.119 to push boundaries of like what what 00:41:16.119 --> 00:41:18.119 people consider to be quite a narrow 00:41:18.119 --> 00:41:19.000 field 00:41:19.000 --> 00:41:21.079 definitely um 00:41:21.079 --> 00:41:23.000 yeah there's so many stories yeah i 00:41:23.000 --> 00:41:25.000 can't be told yeah 00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:27.240 and that's why we knew that with only 45 00:41:27.240 --> 00:41:29.160 minutes today we'd barely be able to you 00:41:29.160 --> 00:41:31.640 know we could have we could sort of skim 00:41:31.640 --> 00:41:33.400 along the surface like we're skipping 00:41:33.400 --> 00:41:35.240 stones but really what we're hoping to 00:41:35.240 --> 00:41:38.119 set up for ourselves is is a platform 00:41:38.119 --> 00:41:39.880 from which we can really start to dive 00:41:39.880 --> 00:41:41.560 into some of these 00:41:41.560 --> 00:41:44.440 topics and have some really um intense 00:41:44.440 --> 00:41:46.940 and and and hopefully um 00:41:46.940 --> 00:41:48.040 [Music] 00:41:48.040 --> 00:41:50.440 uh interesting and useful conversations 00:41:50.440 --> 00:41:51.800 going forward 00:41:51.800 --> 00:41:53.160 yeah definitely 00:41:53.160 --> 00:41:54.599 absolutely 00:41:54.599 --> 00:41:56.359 we've almost had that exact comment from 00:41:56.359 --> 00:41:58.200 one of the members of our zoom audience 00:41:58.200 --> 00:42:00.280 today from tony who is asking us to 00:42:00.280 --> 00:42:02.680 please continue these once things 00:42:02.680 --> 00:42:04.839 return to some sense of normalcy because 00:42:04.839 --> 00:42:06.680 the conversations are so important to be 00:42:06.680 --> 00:42:09.880 had and it really means that people can 00:42:09.880 --> 00:42:11.560 from around australia and indeed around 00:42:11.560 --> 00:42:13.160 the world can access to these kind of 00:42:13.160 --> 00:42:14.760 conversations 00:42:14.760 --> 00:42:15.960 that we're bringing to the world through 00:42:15.960 --> 00:42:18.359 these virtual programs so thank you tony 00:42:18.359 --> 00:42:20.760 we didn't pay you for that comment but 00:42:20.760 --> 00:42:23.400 we really very much appreciate it and we 00:42:23.400 --> 00:42:25.240 are definitely planning on continuing 00:42:25.240 --> 00:42:27.240 these virtual conversations once the 00:42:27.240 --> 00:42:29.319 gallery's open in stores again on friday 00:42:29.319 --> 00:42:30.200 this is 00:42:30.200 --> 00:42:32.760 um it's now become one of our bedrocks i 00:42:32.760 --> 00:42:34.920 suppose is uh committing ourselves to 00:42:34.920 --> 00:42:37.079 bringing these virtual programs out to 00:42:37.079 --> 00:42:39.480 australia into the world so thank you so 00:42:39.480 --> 00:42:41.640 much sandra and rebecca for such an 00:42:41.640 --> 00:42:43.400 interesting conversation today we've 00:42:43.400 --> 00:42:45.319 touched on so many different areas but i 00:42:45.319 --> 00:42:48.280 really love the focus on um 00:42:48.280 --> 00:42:50.760 indigenous members of our collection who 00:42:50.760 --> 00:42:52.280 have actually really pushed boundaries 00:42:52.280 --> 00:42:54.119 in terms of the arts and it was such a 00:42:54.119 --> 00:42:55.640 lovely reflection that you had earlier 00:42:55.640 --> 00:42:57.640 on rebecca about people paving the way 00:42:57.640 --> 00:42:59.800 for yourself and your career as well and 00:42:59.800 --> 00:43:01.560 that's always that personal 00:43:01.560 --> 00:43:03.640 um connection to the people in our 00:43:03.640 --> 00:43:05.160 collection was such a lovely thing to 00:43:05.160 --> 00:43:07.720 hear you share so thank you so much 00:43:07.720 --> 00:43:08.839 thank you 00:43:08.839 --> 00:43:11.079 yeah we never do anything alone 00:43:11.079 --> 00:43:13.400 exactly yeah exactly 00:43:13.400 --> 00:43:15.640 and i i'd like to again welcome rebecca 00:43:15.640 --> 00:43:16.920 to the team we're looking forward to 00:43:16.920 --> 00:43:19.319 working with him for a long time to come 00:43:19.319 --> 00:43:21.960 yeah very happy to be here 00:43:21.960 --> 00:43:23.880 so our virtual community will hear a lot 00:43:23.880 --> 00:43:25.640 more from rebecca going forward coming 00:43:25.640 --> 00:43:28.280 forward in the next few years so thank 00:43:28.280 --> 00:43:30.119 you so much to both of you and and thank 00:43:30.119 --> 00:43:31.640 you to everybody who was joining us 00:43:31.640 --> 00:43:34.040 today on facebook and zoom we really 00:43:34.040 --> 00:43:36.280 appreciate you logging in and joining in 00:43:36.280 --> 00:43:37.960 the conversation and putting your 00:43:37.960 --> 00:43:40.280 observations and comments into the chat 00:43:40.280 --> 00:43:42.200 if you'd like to catch up on all the 00:43:42.200 --> 00:43:43.880 other things we've got coming forward 00:43:43.880 --> 00:43:47.000 when we open on friday um our exhibition 00:43:47.000 --> 00:43:49.079 that was abruptly cut short by our last 00:43:49.079 --> 00:43:50.680 lockdown living memory the national 00:43:50.680 --> 00:43:52.520 photographic portrait prize it's 00:43:52.520 --> 00:43:54.839 actually been extended until the 16th of 00:43:54.839 --> 00:43:55.960 january 00:43:55.960 --> 00:43:59.640 but as well as that we're also opening 00:43:59.640 --> 00:44:01.960 our call for entries to next year's 00:44:01.960 --> 00:44:03.560 national photographic portrait prize 00:44:03.560 --> 00:44:05.560 this coming monday so 00:44:05.560 --> 00:44:07.319 all of the photographers out there who 00:44:07.319 --> 00:44:09.319 would like to submit their work for the 00:44:09.319 --> 00:44:10.680 national photographic portrait prize 00:44:10.680 --> 00:44:12.920 next year mark that date in your diaries 00:44:12.920 --> 00:44:15.160 and start getting those entries into us 00:44:15.160 --> 00:44:16.520 but because we seem to have such a 00:44:16.520 --> 00:44:18.760 photography focus in the next month the 00:44:18.760 --> 00:44:21.240 next few thursdays in november we are 00:44:21.240 --> 00:44:23.000 going to feature 00:44:23.000 --> 00:44:24.839 some discussions with photographers and 00:44:24.839 --> 00:44:26.680 specifically photographers who spent a 00:44:26.680 --> 00:44:29.160 lot of time working overseas so we have 00:44:29.160 --> 00:44:32.200 john ciarvis next thursday um who uh 00:44:32.200 --> 00:44:34.040 separates his time between los angeles 00:44:34.040 --> 00:44:36.599 and mexico and melbourne and then we've 00:44:36.599 --> 00:44:39.240 also got coming up later in november a 00:44:39.240 --> 00:44:40.520 discussion with nikki toole the 00:44:40.520 --> 00:44:42.680 wonderful nikki tool who 00:44:42.680 --> 00:44:44.359 left australia 00:44:44.359 --> 00:44:46.760 um at the beginning before covert really 00:44:46.760 --> 00:44:48.440 hit with the idea of travelling around 00:44:48.440 --> 00:44:50.200 the world for one year and resettling 00:44:50.200 --> 00:44:52.599 back in melbourne but has been stuck in 00:44:52.599 --> 00:44:54.680 paris ever since so she's just decided 00:44:54.680 --> 00:44:56.359 to make that her home 00:44:56.359 --> 00:44:58.440 you know when the world gives you lemons 00:44:58.440 --> 00:45:00.040 what do you do so 00:45:00.040 --> 00:45:01.720 please join us for those conversations 00:45:01.720 --> 00:45:03.319 and also jump on our website to see all 00:45:03.319 --> 00:45:04.760 of the other great programs we've got 00:45:04.760 --> 00:45:06.680 coming up in the next couple of months 00:45:06.680 --> 00:45:09.160 and we hope to see you all 00:45:09.160 --> 00:45:11.720 hopefully in the gallery if you can make 00:45:11.720 --> 00:45:14.040 it to canberra otherwise please join us 00:45:14.040 --> 00:45:15.720 back online we love seeing all of your 00:45:15.720 --> 00:45:18.520 faces um come to us each week through 00:45:18.520 --> 00:45:20.440 this virtual platform thank you so much 00:45:20.440 --> 00:45:25.520 everybody stay safe see you soon bye