WEBVTT 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:02.920 now i'm gonna introduce two of my 00:00:02.920 --> 00:00:04.120 friends 00:00:04.120 --> 00:00:06.440 sally and belle 00:00:06.440 --> 00:00:08.200 and sally and belle are going to take us 00:00:08.200 --> 00:00:10.040 through all sorts of craft making 00:00:10.040 --> 00:00:11.640 activities now because this is friday 00:00:11.640 --> 00:00:13.560 crafternoon you know 00:00:13.560 --> 00:00:15.959 hey sally how you going 00:00:15.959 --> 00:00:17.720 i'm good robert 00:00:17.720 --> 00:00:20.839 it's such a beautiful day today um such 00:00:20.839 --> 00:00:22.680 a pleasure to be joining you all for 00:00:22.680 --> 00:00:25.320 afternoon i've um participated a couple 00:00:25.320 --> 00:00:26.839 of times and it's such a fun way to 00:00:26.839 --> 00:00:29.560 spend an hour at the end of the week so 00:00:29.560 --> 00:00:31.640 it's lovely to be actually part of the 00:00:31.640 --> 00:00:33.640 hosting team and hosting a bit of 00:00:33.640 --> 00:00:35.800 crafting as well yeah i think this is is 00:00:35.800 --> 00:00:37.560 this your first afternoon for the 00:00:37.560 --> 00:00:39.399 gallery yeah it is 00:00:39.399 --> 00:00:42.360 well welcome to the team fantastic i 00:00:42.360 --> 00:00:43.880 love that picture 00:00:43.880 --> 00:00:45.320 on your wall there 00:00:45.320 --> 00:00:46.360 thank you 00:00:46.360 --> 00:00:49.320 it's my local artist uh 00:00:49.320 --> 00:00:51.880 stephen cassini okay 00:00:51.880 --> 00:00:54.920 and bill welcome to you as well how you 00:00:54.920 --> 00:00:56.200 going 00:00:56.200 --> 00:00:58.600 i'm super excited to be here it's my 00:00:58.600 --> 00:01:00.680 first afternoon as well and i love 00:01:00.680 --> 00:01:03.080 possum magic so i'm excited 00:01:03.080 --> 00:01:05.640 in that great video from men 00:01:05.640 --> 00:01:07.720 and you've got all your craft materials 00:01:07.720 --> 00:01:10.040 on the table in front of you i do i'm 00:01:10.040 --> 00:01:12.279 very ready 00:01:12.279 --> 00:01:14.200 excellent and just a reminder to 00:01:14.200 --> 00:01:15.640 everyone in the audience and i can see 00:01:15.640 --> 00:01:17.640 all your amazing faces for those who've 00:01:17.640 --> 00:01:19.880 chosen to keep their video on i'm just a 00:01:19.880 --> 00:01:21.720 reminder that if you want to check on 00:01:21.720 --> 00:01:24.279 the materials um matt has put that into 00:01:24.279 --> 00:01:26.839 the chat so you can see what's required 00:01:26.839 --> 00:01:30.040 for the three activities all right well 00:01:30.040 --> 00:01:32.440 i might step out and let you two go at 00:01:32.440 --> 00:01:34.279 it 00:01:34.279 --> 00:01:37.240 thanks robert fantastic see you at the 00:01:37.240 --> 00:01:38.680 other end 00:01:38.680 --> 00:01:40.680 thinking about what we just listened to 00:01:40.680 --> 00:01:42.680 that great book what was your favorite 00:01:42.680 --> 00:01:44.519 part sally 00:01:44.519 --> 00:01:47.000 oh i had so many favorite parts but i 00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:48.920 have to admit i do love their traveling 00:01:48.920 --> 00:01:50.680 around australia 00:01:50.680 --> 00:01:54.040 and particularly when i see grandma poss 00:01:54.040 --> 00:01:57.399 with hush on her back on the bike i just 00:01:57.399 --> 00:01:58.920 love that image 00:01:58.920 --> 00:02:00.440 that is a good one 00:02:00.440 --> 00:02:02.279 i think my favorite part is when hush 00:02:02.279 --> 00:02:04.600 becomes visible again and i think that's 00:02:04.600 --> 00:02:06.279 what i'm going to draw for our first 00:02:06.279 --> 00:02:07.800 activity today 00:02:07.800 --> 00:02:09.800 so first up we are going to do our 00:02:09.800 --> 00:02:11.640 invisible painting 00:02:11.640 --> 00:02:14.680 so for this you'll need a piece of paper 00:02:14.680 --> 00:02:17.240 we'll also need a paint brush or if you 00:02:17.240 --> 00:02:20.440 have a pastry brush that'll work as well 00:02:20.440 --> 00:02:22.760 i'm also going to have some water i've 00:02:22.760 --> 00:02:24.360 got mine in a little cup here but you 00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:26.360 could have yours in a bowl 00:02:26.360 --> 00:02:28.200 or a glass 00:02:28.200 --> 00:02:30.200 and either some paint or some food 00:02:30.200 --> 00:02:31.320 coloring 00:02:31.320 --> 00:02:33.880 and the first step for this well we need 00:02:33.880 --> 00:02:36.680 our wax candle as well so if you've got 00:02:36.680 --> 00:02:39.160 any kind of white candle or a white 00:02:39.160 --> 00:02:41.480 crayon will work as well we're going to 00:02:41.480 --> 00:02:43.640 keep that one handy 00:02:43.640 --> 00:02:45.399 but first up we're going to need to 00:02:45.399 --> 00:02:48.600 dilute our food coloring or our paint 00:02:48.600 --> 00:02:50.040 so i'm just going to put some drops of 00:02:50.040 --> 00:02:54.399 it here into the water 00:02:55.399 --> 00:02:59.079 give it a little mix 00:02:59.880 --> 00:03:03.480 and then we'll put that to the side 00:03:03.639 --> 00:03:06.360 so i'm going to draw today 00:03:06.360 --> 00:03:07.800 using 00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:09.560 my candle 00:03:09.560 --> 00:03:11.639 and i'm gonna draw 00:03:11.639 --> 00:03:15.639 when grandma poss and hush come together 00:03:15.639 --> 00:03:18.519 they're sitting i think on a tree 00:03:18.519 --> 00:03:21.959 and hush becomes visible again so first 00:03:21.959 --> 00:03:25.160 up i'm going to draw my tree 00:03:25.160 --> 00:03:27.320 but you can draw anything you like so 00:03:27.320 --> 00:03:29.240 you might want to pick your favorite 00:03:29.240 --> 00:03:30.839 part of the story 00:03:30.839 --> 00:03:34.600 maybe your favorite animal that they saw 00:03:34.600 --> 00:03:36.279 maybe some of the great food that they 00:03:36.279 --> 00:03:38.519 had 00:03:39.480 --> 00:03:43.000 i'm just gonna start working on grandma 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:48.880 she's got a nice tummy nice and round 00:03:49.399 --> 00:03:51.959 legs 00:03:55.800 --> 00:03:58.600 and grandma's wearing some stripy shoes 00:03:58.600 --> 00:04:00.200 in the book 00:04:00.200 --> 00:04:04.839 i'm gonna draw those stripes on as well 00:04:10.920 --> 00:04:13.079 she's got 00:04:13.079 --> 00:04:15.800 some kind of claws or little fingers i'm 00:04:15.800 --> 00:04:18.920 gonna draw those 00:04:19.240 --> 00:04:22.519 and most importantly grandma is wearing 00:04:22.519 --> 00:04:24.600 some glasses and that's how i'll know 00:04:24.600 --> 00:04:27.920 that it's her 00:04:36.839 --> 00:04:39.000 i've got my ears 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:42.360 they're nice and pointy 00:04:43.160 --> 00:04:44.440 and a little 00:04:44.440 --> 00:04:47.720 round nose 00:04:48.839 --> 00:04:50.519 possums do a lot of smelling with their 00:04:50.519 --> 00:04:52.440 noses that's how they 00:04:52.440 --> 00:04:55.079 see lots of things especially if like 00:04:55.079 --> 00:04:57.320 grandma they wear glasses that nose 00:04:57.320 --> 00:04:59.480 helps them out 00:04:59.480 --> 00:05:03.160 they've also got fluffy tails don't they 00:05:03.160 --> 00:05:06.279 do a long tail 00:05:06.600 --> 00:05:08.839 they can be curly sometimes to help them 00:05:08.839 --> 00:05:12.560 hold on to things 00:05:13.880 --> 00:05:17.079 this is so funny watching you draw and 00:05:17.079 --> 00:05:18.680 not be able to see 00:05:18.680 --> 00:05:21.399 the result until later 00:05:21.399 --> 00:05:23.720 that's the hardest part robert 00:05:23.720 --> 00:05:25.839 i can't quite see what i'm drawing so 00:05:25.839 --> 00:05:29.480 hopefully it turns out 00:05:29.480 --> 00:05:33.160 i know i'm finding it hard too belle 00:05:34.199 --> 00:05:35.880 but that's okay we're just gonna do our 00:05:35.880 --> 00:05:37.560 best 00:05:37.560 --> 00:05:39.480 i guess it's part of the magic isn't it 00:05:39.480 --> 00:05:42.279 and we'll see what happens 00:05:42.279 --> 00:05:45.079 so i'm drawing hush now 00:05:45.079 --> 00:05:47.639 a little body 00:05:47.639 --> 00:05:49.880 some little legs and i'm going to color 00:05:49.880 --> 00:05:52.360 in the legs 00:05:52.360 --> 00:05:56.560 just to make it a little bit different 00:06:07.720 --> 00:06:10.279 how's your drawing going sally 00:06:10.279 --> 00:06:13.000 it's going well i feel like 00:06:13.000 --> 00:06:16.279 i'm gonna stop now and wait until the 00:06:16.279 --> 00:06:18.279 next step 00:06:18.279 --> 00:06:21.160 perfect i'm just gonna draw some stars 00:06:21.160 --> 00:06:23.240 on the edge of mine 00:06:23.240 --> 00:06:26.379 [Music] 00:06:35.160 --> 00:06:37.800 all right i've finished my drawing but 00:06:37.800 --> 00:06:39.399 if you haven't finished your drawing 00:06:39.399 --> 00:06:40.680 that's okay 00:06:40.680 --> 00:06:42.519 i'm going to move on to the color so you 00:06:42.519 --> 00:06:44.040 can either keep going with your drawing 00:06:44.040 --> 00:06:46.759 if you like and do the color later 00:06:46.759 --> 00:06:48.839 or you can stop drawing and we'll add 00:06:48.839 --> 00:06:50.680 the color together 00:06:50.680 --> 00:06:52.920 so i've got my paint brush now and i've 00:06:52.920 --> 00:06:55.000 got it in my water and i'm just going to 00:06:55.000 --> 00:06:57.480 start moving it across the paper 00:06:57.480 --> 00:06:59.639 and hopefully 00:06:59.639 --> 00:07:02.680 we might get a little bit of magic 00:07:02.680 --> 00:07:05.240 our picture will start to appear it'll 00:07:05.240 --> 00:07:08.360 become visible again 00:07:08.519 --> 00:07:11.480 so i can see grandma's head now 00:07:11.480 --> 00:07:14.959 and some stars 00:07:19.000 --> 00:07:20.839 and we really want to spread out our 00:07:20.839 --> 00:07:21.800 water 00:07:21.800 --> 00:07:22.839 so it 00:07:22.839 --> 00:07:26.279 dries nice and quick 00:07:27.639 --> 00:07:30.440 wow it's kind of fun isn't it seeing it 00:07:30.440 --> 00:07:33.399 appear 00:07:33.399 --> 00:07:35.639 it's very fun what color have you picked 00:07:35.639 --> 00:07:37.560 sally 00:07:37.560 --> 00:07:39.959 uh i picked the 00:07:39.959 --> 00:07:42.199 bicycle riding scene 00:07:42.199 --> 00:07:44.839 lovely 00:07:45.800 --> 00:07:50.040 oh i've got a tail over here now 00:07:54.600 --> 00:07:58.680 it looks great with the red paint 00:08:00.600 --> 00:08:03.800 nice and bright 00:08:09.399 --> 00:08:11.240 and if you don't have any paint you 00:08:11.240 --> 00:08:12.680 could give it a go with some colored 00:08:12.680 --> 00:08:14.279 pencils as well 00:08:14.279 --> 00:08:16.359 and color over the wax and see what 00:08:16.359 --> 00:08:18.439 happens 00:08:18.439 --> 00:08:20.760 it's all about experimenting 00:08:20.760 --> 00:08:24.120 and trying different things 00:08:28.199 --> 00:08:30.839 all right 00:08:31.880 --> 00:08:34.599 so hopefully this will dry 00:08:34.599 --> 00:08:36.199 pretty soon but let's have a little look 00:08:36.199 --> 00:08:38.520 at it 00:08:40.360 --> 00:08:44.280 so here i have grandma and hush 00:08:44.280 --> 00:08:45.559 and they're on 00:08:45.559 --> 00:08:47.240 their tree branch 00:08:47.240 --> 00:08:50.200 we've got a nice fluffy tail 00:08:50.200 --> 00:08:52.280 and a little tail and then we can see 00:08:52.280 --> 00:08:55.960 the magic happening around them 00:08:58.120 --> 00:09:00.039 okay mine's still a little bit wet i 00:09:00.039 --> 00:09:02.520 think it'll be okay 00:09:02.520 --> 00:09:05.160 hopefully oh amazing there's some very 00:09:05.160 --> 00:09:06.919 big wheels 00:09:06.919 --> 00:09:09.880 they're perfect 00:09:10.039 --> 00:09:13.720 it i did find it quite tricky to draw um 00:09:13.720 --> 00:09:16.840 white crayon on white paper but yeah 00:09:16.840 --> 00:09:18.760 it's turned out better than i thought so 00:09:18.760 --> 00:09:21.320 it is tricky but i think if we practice 00:09:21.320 --> 00:09:23.160 a few times 00:09:23.160 --> 00:09:26.120 we might get some good pictures 00:09:26.120 --> 00:09:28.919 i've seen a few people holding their um 00:09:28.919 --> 00:09:32.679 their artwork up uh shona looks like uh 00:09:32.679 --> 00:09:34.360 she's got 00:09:34.360 --> 00:09:38.520 got some there and willow is showing us 00:09:38.520 --> 00:09:41.000 um and it looks like she used blue as 00:09:41.000 --> 00:09:43.160 well 00:09:43.160 --> 00:09:46.679 any others old chin yep has used red 00:09:46.679 --> 00:09:50.600 hey that's come out really well 00:09:50.840 --> 00:09:53.000 and river's got a green or a blue one 00:09:53.000 --> 00:09:55.240 there that's looking amazing so much 00:09:55.240 --> 00:09:56.600 detail 00:09:56.600 --> 00:09:59.240 olive 00:09:59.240 --> 00:10:00.919 anita 00:10:00.919 --> 00:10:04.520 nice work everyone 00:10:05.840 --> 00:10:07.799 excellent 00:10:07.799 --> 00:10:10.679 wow well very good job and hopefully 00:10:10.679 --> 00:10:12.520 they all dry and so by the end of our 00:10:12.520 --> 00:10:14.120 program we can have another little look 00:10:14.120 --> 00:10:17.400 at them and see what we can make visible 00:10:17.400 --> 00:10:18.520 again 00:10:18.520 --> 00:10:19.640 but we're going to move on and we're 00:10:19.640 --> 00:10:22.520 going to juice another possum craft and 00:10:22.520 --> 00:10:24.039 sally's going to show us how to make a 00:10:24.039 --> 00:10:27.240 few different types of possums 00:10:27.240 --> 00:10:28.919 thanks belle 00:10:28.919 --> 00:10:29.799 so 00:10:29.799 --> 00:10:31.400 we're actually going to make a couple 00:10:31.400 --> 00:10:33.720 different possums and i'll let you know 00:10:33.720 --> 00:10:36.360 what materials you need but honestly you 00:10:36.360 --> 00:10:38.280 can probably make do 00:10:38.280 --> 00:10:39.960 so 00:10:39.960 --> 00:10:42.520 a paper plate if you have one 00:10:42.520 --> 00:10:45.000 it's probably a good start i like using 00:10:45.000 --> 00:10:46.679 a plate because 00:10:46.679 --> 00:10:47.960 in um 00:10:47.960 --> 00:10:50.200 the book hush and grandma floss they 00:10:50.200 --> 00:10:53.320 have really nice round bellies 00:10:53.320 --> 00:10:55.799 and then i use some brown paper 00:10:55.799 --> 00:10:57.480 you could use any paper really or 00:10:57.480 --> 00:11:00.120 cardboard uh and that's i use that as a 00:11:00.120 --> 00:11:02.679 template to make the face and you could 00:11:02.679 --> 00:11:07.320 use arms and legs or a new tail as well 00:11:07.320 --> 00:11:08.440 and 00:11:08.440 --> 00:11:10.840 i've got some pencils and some textures 00:11:10.840 --> 00:11:12.520 as well to draw with so anything you can 00:11:12.520 --> 00:11:13.960 draw with 00:11:13.960 --> 00:11:15.320 and then some scissors because there's a 00:11:15.320 --> 00:11:18.120 little bit of cutting involved 00:11:18.120 --> 00:11:19.880 and i'm just going to show you out like 00:11:19.880 --> 00:11:21.559 one of my finished ones so you can have 00:11:21.559 --> 00:11:24.840 a look at it to start off with 00:11:24.840 --> 00:11:27.400 and as you maybe um we can show bells as 00:11:27.400 --> 00:11:28.679 well because it's really interesting 00:11:28.679 --> 00:11:32.039 both bell and i have um done possums and 00:11:32.039 --> 00:11:33.559 we've used the same materials pretty 00:11:33.559 --> 00:11:36.440 much but created quite different 00:11:36.440 --> 00:11:39.000 possums 00:11:39.720 --> 00:11:43.799 i've got a curly towel possum over here 00:11:44.120 --> 00:11:45.799 yeah so if you've got pipe cleaners 00:11:45.799 --> 00:11:47.559 definitely use that otherwise you can 00:11:47.559 --> 00:11:50.600 just make a template um 00:11:50.600 --> 00:11:52.440 so i'll get started and show you how 00:11:52.440 --> 00:11:55.320 i've made mine um but you're welcome to 00:11:55.320 --> 00:11:56.679 be creative 00:11:56.679 --> 00:12:00.600 and um adapt to your materials 00:12:00.600 --> 00:12:02.039 all right so i'm just going to lower my 00:12:02.039 --> 00:12:04.520 camera 00:12:07.720 --> 00:12:11.720 so first of all i'm going to draw 00:12:11.720 --> 00:12:15.320 my little possum's body 00:12:15.990 --> 00:12:19.069 [Music] 00:12:21.799 --> 00:12:25.240 and because hush does a lot of eating 00:12:25.240 --> 00:12:28.840 i'm gonna draw hush eating 00:12:32.679 --> 00:12:34.360 and i like to follow the light like the 00:12:34.360 --> 00:12:36.440 curve of the plate 00:12:36.440 --> 00:12:37.799 so if you have 00:12:37.799 --> 00:12:39.480 a plate you could i think it's quite 00:12:39.480 --> 00:12:42.840 nice to sort of use up 00:12:45.080 --> 00:12:47.159 i'm drawing the arms to start off with 00:12:47.159 --> 00:12:49.720 and the little 00:12:51.000 --> 00:12:53.480 and possums have quite sharp flaws so 00:12:53.480 --> 00:12:56.840 i'm drawing the claws in 00:12:57.000 --> 00:12:59.720 and i think i'll draw past some 00:12:59.720 --> 00:13:01.880 i'm sorry hush eating a little sandwich 00:13:01.880 --> 00:13:05.720 i think vegemite sandwich 00:13:05.799 --> 00:13:09.559 i wish i had a vegemite sandwich now 00:13:09.559 --> 00:13:12.919 it's that time of day afternoon tea time 00:13:12.919 --> 00:13:14.679 but yeah this is totally up to you how 00:13:14.679 --> 00:13:16.919 you draw your possum 00:13:16.919 --> 00:13:17.880 um 00:13:17.880 --> 00:13:20.760 yeah i think this is really it's quite a 00:13:20.760 --> 00:13:24.200 you can adapt use your imagination 00:13:24.200 --> 00:13:27.880 so i'm drawing the legs now 00:13:30.760 --> 00:13:32.760 and i'm imagining 00:13:32.760 --> 00:13:34.840 that hush is sitting on a branch so i'll 00:13:34.840 --> 00:13:37.720 draw his little feet and the sharp 00:13:37.720 --> 00:13:41.120 floors again 00:13:53.240 --> 00:13:57.000 all right so that's my body so far 00:13:57.000 --> 00:13:59.400 and now i'm going to do 00:13:59.400 --> 00:14:00.760 a template 00:14:00.760 --> 00:14:02.600 using the brown paper but you could use 00:14:02.600 --> 00:14:04.600 any paper you want really 00:14:04.600 --> 00:14:06.200 and i'm going to draw 00:14:06.200 --> 00:14:09.159 harsha's face 00:14:12.280 --> 00:14:14.679 he's got such a cute face 00:14:14.679 --> 00:14:16.039 yeah and then i've got to do these big 00:14:16.039 --> 00:14:19.039 ears 00:14:33.799 --> 00:14:35.480 and even though belle and i are both 00:14:35.480 --> 00:14:37.720 drawing possums you're welcome to do a 00:14:37.720 --> 00:14:39.159 different sort of animal if you wanted 00:14:39.159 --> 00:14:41.320 to 00:14:42.039 --> 00:14:43.240 because there's lots of different 00:14:43.240 --> 00:14:44.919 animals 00:14:44.919 --> 00:14:48.799 in this book isn't there 00:14:49.960 --> 00:14:53.080 you could do a koala that would be one 00:14:53.080 --> 00:14:57.080 yeah could do an echidna or a wombat 00:14:57.080 --> 00:14:59.840 wombat yeah i love one 00:14:59.840 --> 00:15:03.320 bath so i've just drawn the eyes big 00:15:03.320 --> 00:15:05.480 big round black eyes 00:15:05.480 --> 00:15:08.440 possums have really big eyes 00:15:08.440 --> 00:15:10.200 so they can see well at night because 00:15:10.200 --> 00:15:13.640 they're nocturnal creatures 00:15:14.440 --> 00:15:16.200 i'm drawing a little nose and then a 00:15:16.200 --> 00:15:18.200 little smile because i think 00:15:18.200 --> 00:15:19.880 hush often has a little smile on his 00:15:19.880 --> 00:15:21.400 face 00:15:21.400 --> 00:15:25.039 on her face sorry 00:15:29.720 --> 00:15:32.919 draw some whiskers 00:15:36.679 --> 00:15:39.799 okay and now i'm gonna draw a tail as 00:15:39.799 --> 00:15:42.799 well 00:15:50.600 --> 00:15:52.279 you can have fun with the tail because 00:15:52.279 --> 00:15:55.000 the tail is often quite 00:15:55.000 --> 00:15:57.480 long and it twists and turns 00:15:57.480 --> 00:16:01.240 a little bit of a spiral if you want to 00:16:01.320 --> 00:16:02.520 although you've then got to think about 00:16:02.520 --> 00:16:06.120 how how hard it will be to cut 00:16:10.200 --> 00:16:11.960 so 00:16:11.960 --> 00:16:13.880 this is a tricky 00:16:13.880 --> 00:16:15.960 um so if you are feeling comfortable 00:16:15.960 --> 00:16:19.320 with scissors you can cut your own um 00:16:19.320 --> 00:16:20.760 templates out 00:16:20.760 --> 00:16:22.919 if you make sure if you um if you have 00:16:22.919 --> 00:16:24.919 your license your scissor license if not 00:16:24.919 --> 00:16:26.840 perhaps you can get an adult to help you 00:16:26.840 --> 00:16:30.240 with this part 00:16:45.880 --> 00:16:48.880 so 00:16:55.240 --> 00:16:58.600 i can hear the sounds of concentration 00:16:58.600 --> 00:17:03.480 of people cutting difficult shapes out 00:17:03.480 --> 00:17:08.440 cutting is actually not my forte so 00:17:08.440 --> 00:17:12.360 i've kept it fairly simple this time 00:17:12.840 --> 00:17:14.679 how are you going val 00:17:14.679 --> 00:17:16.200 i'm going good i've just finished 00:17:16.200 --> 00:17:18.440 cutting out all my body parts and i'm 00:17:18.440 --> 00:17:20.679 sticking them to my plate just with a 00:17:20.679 --> 00:17:23.000 bit of tape but if you don't have tape 00:17:23.000 --> 00:17:26.520 you could use glue or blue tack 00:17:26.520 --> 00:17:29.880 i'm just sticking them on 00:17:29.880 --> 00:17:31.880 because belle's is slightly different to 00:17:31.880 --> 00:17:33.240 mine 00:17:33.240 --> 00:17:36.440 i have a little plate so i decided 00:17:36.440 --> 00:17:38.120 to cut out 00:17:38.120 --> 00:17:40.760 my legs and my arms and my head 00:17:40.760 --> 00:17:43.799 and stick them on 00:17:44.440 --> 00:17:45.960 i'm just going to flip 00:17:45.960 --> 00:17:47.880 him over 00:17:47.880 --> 00:17:51.799 and put my legs on the back 00:17:57.559 --> 00:17:58.919 i'm getting there 00:17:58.919 --> 00:18:03.120 my cutting is taking a while 00:18:03.960 --> 00:18:05.159 uh 00:18:05.159 --> 00:18:07.480 you can also just keep adding detail if 00:18:07.480 --> 00:18:08.840 you're if you've already finished 00:18:08.840 --> 00:18:10.200 cutting out your 00:18:10.200 --> 00:18:11.880 your possum 00:18:11.880 --> 00:18:14.200 or whatever creature you're making you 00:18:14.200 --> 00:18:17.159 can start adding more detail to the to 00:18:17.159 --> 00:18:19.000 their face 00:18:19.000 --> 00:18:21.159 or to their body 00:18:21.159 --> 00:18:22.679 that's what i'm going to do sally i'm 00:18:22.679 --> 00:18:27.159 going to color in my ears i think 00:18:28.360 --> 00:18:29.840 all right so now i 00:18:29.840 --> 00:18:32.200 have my tail 00:18:32.200 --> 00:18:35.799 my face i'll get rid of the scraps 00:18:36.120 --> 00:18:40.279 and i'm going to get my plate back 00:18:42.279 --> 00:18:46.159 and i'm going to put it together 00:18:48.600 --> 00:18:51.799 okay let's see how this goes 00:18:51.799 --> 00:18:53.799 so i've just got some double-sided tape 00:18:53.799 --> 00:18:56.360 but it's now said any tape or blue tack 00:18:56.360 --> 00:19:00.080 or glue would work 00:19:11.399 --> 00:19:15.240 sorry now show you on the head so far 00:19:15.240 --> 00:19:17.880 and then i'll put his tail on 00:19:17.880 --> 00:19:19.960 all right 00:19:19.960 --> 00:19:21.320 let's get in there 00:19:21.320 --> 00:19:25.080 i just give it more of a trim actually 00:19:26.520 --> 00:19:29.000 i'm putting my tail on as well 00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:30.600 because i'm using a pipe cleaner i've 00:19:30.600 --> 00:19:33.399 decided to twist it up a little bit 00:19:33.399 --> 00:19:37.679 and then tape it onto the back 00:19:50.440 --> 00:19:53.399 so that's mine so far 00:19:53.399 --> 00:19:55.159 very quickly i might just add a little 00:19:55.159 --> 00:19:58.520 bit of color to it 00:20:01.799 --> 00:20:03.720 so yeah i i'm putting just a bit of 00:20:03.720 --> 00:20:05.559 brown and gray on 00:20:05.559 --> 00:20:08.880 on the body 00:20:10.279 --> 00:20:12.760 i think i'll might put a little bit of 00:20:12.760 --> 00:20:14.440 pink 00:20:14.440 --> 00:20:17.720 pinky red on the nose 00:20:17.880 --> 00:20:21.640 oh they definitely have pink noses 00:20:21.640 --> 00:20:23.720 possums at my house 00:20:23.720 --> 00:20:25.720 come and stick their noses up against 00:20:25.720 --> 00:20:29.320 the window and they're very pink 00:20:30.679 --> 00:20:32.520 yeah possums are quite cheeky aren't 00:20:32.520 --> 00:20:33.640 they 00:20:33.640 --> 00:20:34.679 they're 00:20:34.679 --> 00:20:36.440 they're fearless 00:20:36.440 --> 00:20:39.600 and fearless 00:20:56.360 --> 00:21:00.360 i think i'm nearly done 00:21:00.360 --> 00:21:01.799 it's one of those projects you could 00:21:01.799 --> 00:21:03.960 just keep going though 00:21:03.960 --> 00:21:06.679 you probably like keep adding detail and 00:21:06.679 --> 00:21:09.640 just making it look 00:21:11.240 --> 00:21:13.480 more and more realistic as you go 00:21:13.480 --> 00:21:18.320 or more fun whichever way you want to go 00:21:35.320 --> 00:21:36.679 how's um 00:21:36.679 --> 00:21:39.320 how's everyone going like is anyone 00:21:39.320 --> 00:21:41.720 wanting to show their possums 00:21:41.720 --> 00:21:43.320 oh erin and 00:21:43.320 --> 00:21:45.559 erin and claire are holding theirs up 00:21:45.559 --> 00:21:48.120 that looks amazing 00:21:48.120 --> 00:21:51.000 really good job jen's got one there with 00:21:51.000 --> 00:21:53.880 a lovely tail 00:21:54.039 --> 00:21:55.960 beautiful 00:21:55.960 --> 00:21:57.320 mine's getting there honestly i could 00:21:57.320 --> 00:22:01.080 keep going i have to say but 00:22:01.080 --> 00:22:02.760 looking fantastic 00:22:02.760 --> 00:22:05.320 oh yeah lots of people holding theirs up 00:22:05.320 --> 00:22:08.279 oh fantastic job everyone 00:22:08.279 --> 00:22:09.960 oh thank you 00:22:09.960 --> 00:22:11.799 and you could do that you could make 00:22:11.799 --> 00:22:13.320 yeah lots of different australian 00:22:13.320 --> 00:22:15.240 animals that in that using that way 00:22:15.240 --> 00:22:16.919 couldn't she 00:22:16.919 --> 00:22:19.640 yeah and a lot of the illustrations 00:22:19.640 --> 00:22:21.880 in possum magic the animals are quite 00:22:21.880 --> 00:22:24.039 round so i think the plate works really 00:22:24.039 --> 00:22:26.679 well as that sort of template you can 00:22:26.679 --> 00:22:30.440 make a round echidna around koala 00:22:30.440 --> 00:22:31.480 yeah 00:22:31.480 --> 00:22:33.799 possum how would you make all the spikes 00:22:33.799 --> 00:22:35.799 on an echidna 00:22:35.799 --> 00:22:37.559 that is a good question 00:22:37.559 --> 00:22:39.960 um i guess if you had a lot of pipe 00:22:39.960 --> 00:22:42.200 cleaners you could even try and do that 00:22:42.200 --> 00:22:44.679 yeah autistics maybe 00:22:44.679 --> 00:22:46.919 too yeah be sharp but 00:22:46.919 --> 00:22:49.559 be effective 00:22:50.519 --> 00:22:52.039 yeah you can definitely take this in 00:22:52.039 --> 00:22:53.640 lots of different directions if you want 00:22:53.640 --> 00:22:55.080 to 00:22:55.080 --> 00:22:56.679 so i think 00:22:56.679 --> 00:22:58.120 i think we've definitely got time to 00:22:58.120 --> 00:23:00.519 make our other possum friend 00:23:00.519 --> 00:23:01.399 so 00:23:01.399 --> 00:23:05.720 i might show you an example first of all 00:23:07.559 --> 00:23:10.360 so you can see it's a little possum and 00:23:10.360 --> 00:23:12.360 it's actually on a pen 00:23:12.360 --> 00:23:14.519 so this one actually can be 00:23:14.519 --> 00:23:18.200 a brooch so if you feel like it 00:23:18.200 --> 00:23:20.039 you can just wear it like so 00:23:20.039 --> 00:23:23.399 we've made a couple actually 00:23:23.399 --> 00:23:26.840 a little bit extreme 00:23:26.960 --> 00:23:28.760 [Music] 00:23:28.760 --> 00:23:30.440 so we'll go through this one as well 00:23:30.440 --> 00:23:32.200 with you 00:23:32.200 --> 00:23:36.360 so you just need to get a scrap of paper 00:23:37.000 --> 00:23:38.519 yeah it's good to just use what you've 00:23:38.519 --> 00:23:40.919 got left over from your um previous 00:23:40.919 --> 00:23:43.399 possum 00:23:44.519 --> 00:23:47.000 if you have a peg handy it's good to get 00:23:47.000 --> 00:23:48.279 a peg 00:23:48.279 --> 00:23:50.360 um i have a nice wooden peg but plastic 00:23:50.360 --> 00:23:54.519 paper do yeah perfect belle 00:23:54.519 --> 00:23:55.720 um 00:23:55.720 --> 00:23:57.640 pen texture 00:23:57.640 --> 00:23:59.240 pencil 00:23:59.240 --> 00:24:02.039 and yeah you get to start drawing 00:24:02.039 --> 00:24:03.960 oh and scissors you will need this one 00:24:03.960 --> 00:24:06.360 as well 00:24:06.760 --> 00:24:10.279 so i'm just going to lower it down 00:24:11.480 --> 00:24:16.039 and grab my texture again 00:24:17.240 --> 00:24:19.080 might be handy to think about how big 00:24:19.080 --> 00:24:20.600 you want to make it and if you want it 00:24:20.600 --> 00:24:23.480 to cover up the peg 00:24:23.480 --> 00:24:25.320 so that can sort of be a bit of an idea 00:24:25.320 --> 00:24:28.559 of the scale 00:24:36.039 --> 00:24:37.399 so i'm just going to draw my little 00:24:37.399 --> 00:24:40.279 possum friend 00:24:44.919 --> 00:24:46.600 i'm going to draw it quite similar to 00:24:46.600 --> 00:24:50.559 how i did before 00:24:52.279 --> 00:24:55.880 big sharp claws 00:24:57.480 --> 00:25:01.120 nice round belly 00:25:05.320 --> 00:25:06.760 and i'm going to make these little arms 00:25:06.760 --> 00:25:09.559 go up again 00:25:11.240 --> 00:25:13.640 so i'm doing a very similar shape to 00:25:13.640 --> 00:25:15.640 what i did on the plate 00:25:15.640 --> 00:25:17.399 obviously that's up to you how you do 00:25:17.399 --> 00:25:19.880 this one 00:25:24.599 --> 00:25:28.440 and i'm gonna have hush eating again 00:25:28.440 --> 00:25:29.839 i think this 00:25:29.839 --> 00:25:34.679 time piece of pavlova 00:25:35.719 --> 00:25:36.599 probably doesn't really look like 00:25:36.599 --> 00:25:39.480 pavlova but that's the idea 00:25:39.480 --> 00:25:41.239 all right 00:25:41.239 --> 00:25:43.639 i did berry bread last time maybe i 00:25:43.639 --> 00:25:45.800 should try a lamington 00:25:45.800 --> 00:25:46.050 oh 00:25:46.050 --> 00:25:49.119 [Music] 00:25:49.639 --> 00:25:51.320 i have to me i think i've made my badge 00:25:51.320 --> 00:25:53.480 a bit big this time that's all right 00:25:53.480 --> 00:25:57.359 though it's gonna be a big badge 00:26:09.240 --> 00:26:11.880 drawing the whiskers 00:26:11.880 --> 00:26:14.839 a little happy smile 00:26:36.599 --> 00:26:40.119 oh i haven't done the child whoops 00:26:40.119 --> 00:26:43.800 your whiskers look great sally 00:26:44.119 --> 00:26:46.119 oh thank you let me have a look at yours 00:26:46.119 --> 00:26:48.680 oh yours is looking very nice 00:26:48.680 --> 00:26:49.960 oh 00:26:49.960 --> 00:26:52.040 i've made mine quite big this time oh 00:26:52.040 --> 00:26:53.720 well it's i think it'll still fit on the 00:26:53.720 --> 00:26:55.800 peg 00:26:55.800 --> 00:26:58.920 it'll be like a badge 00:26:59.480 --> 00:27:03.599 and i'll do a really big tail 00:27:09.160 --> 00:27:11.240 all right so when you've drawn your 00:27:11.240 --> 00:27:14.200 possum friend 00:27:14.520 --> 00:27:15.800 and like 00:27:15.800 --> 00:27:18.599 um like i said before you really can do 00:27:18.599 --> 00:27:21.240 other animals if you like 00:27:21.240 --> 00:27:22.440 whatever 00:27:22.440 --> 00:27:25.400 favorite animal you have 00:27:25.400 --> 00:27:27.960 and then this is also quite tricky to 00:27:27.960 --> 00:27:28.760 cut 00:27:28.760 --> 00:27:30.280 so hopefully 00:27:30.280 --> 00:27:32.440 uh either have a go yourself if you've 00:27:32.440 --> 00:27:34.920 got your scissor license or if you have 00:27:34.920 --> 00:27:36.839 an adult with you perhaps you can get 00:27:36.839 --> 00:27:39.079 them to help you with this one 00:27:39.079 --> 00:27:41.400 and take it nice and slow because 00:27:41.400 --> 00:27:42.680 it's quite 00:27:42.680 --> 00:27:45.000 if it's probably a lot trickier to cut 00:27:45.000 --> 00:27:48.160 this one 00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:05.480 how are you going bill i've just started 00:28:05.480 --> 00:28:07.720 to cut mine out 00:28:07.720 --> 00:28:08.839 i've 00:28:08.839 --> 00:28:09.640 made 00:28:09.640 --> 00:28:11.560 him eating a lamington 00:28:11.560 --> 00:28:13.640 but i like lamingtons with jam in the 00:28:13.640 --> 00:28:14.520 middle 00:28:14.520 --> 00:28:15.400 so 00:28:15.400 --> 00:28:18.720 jam in 00:28:19.960 --> 00:28:21.720 i like all dessert with jam in the 00:28:21.720 --> 00:28:23.640 middle 00:28:23.640 --> 00:28:27.400 i do like the lamington that is 00:28:27.400 --> 00:28:29.480 was that the last i'm trying that was 00:28:29.480 --> 00:28:30.599 the thing that 00:28:30.599 --> 00:28:31.720 finally 00:28:31.720 --> 00:28:33.480 that was the last thing he ate 00:28:33.480 --> 00:28:35.240 that she ate before she became visible 00:28:35.240 --> 00:28:39.400 again yes is that right but hush 00:28:42.839 --> 00:28:45.640 here we go just cutting the 00:28:45.640 --> 00:28:48.280 around the just cut around the head 00:28:48.280 --> 00:28:50.520 and the shoulders 00:28:50.520 --> 00:28:52.440 the ears are a bit tricky 00:28:52.440 --> 00:28:55.400 ears are tricky 00:28:57.079 --> 00:29:00.960 and then around the leg 00:29:04.520 --> 00:29:07.480 and around the feet 00:29:07.720 --> 00:29:09.480 so my feet are very hard to cut around 00:29:09.480 --> 00:29:12.119 because i've done these claws 00:29:12.119 --> 00:29:13.079 um 00:29:13.079 --> 00:29:15.560 i might just 00:29:15.560 --> 00:29:19.480 have to go back and fix that up later 00:29:19.480 --> 00:29:22.960 and then the tail 00:29:33.960 --> 00:29:36.960 so 00:29:46.680 --> 00:29:49.880 so this is my possum 00:29:49.880 --> 00:29:52.359 so far 00:29:52.440 --> 00:29:55.000 he looks so cheeky 00:29:55.000 --> 00:29:56.440 yeah i feel like this one is 00:29:56.440 --> 00:29:58.280 particularly cheeky 00:29:58.280 --> 00:29:59.160 oh 00:29:59.160 --> 00:30:01.320 yours is very cute that looks a bit like 00:30:01.320 --> 00:30:03.320 a ghost 00:30:03.320 --> 00:30:08.280 okay i might very quickly add some color 00:30:08.520 --> 00:30:12.400 pink nose again 00:30:12.839 --> 00:30:14.119 a little bit of 00:30:14.119 --> 00:30:15.960 brown 00:30:15.960 --> 00:30:19.599 or darker brown 00:30:31.880 --> 00:30:34.440 and actually i might even have time to 00:30:34.440 --> 00:30:39.599 fix these claws up a bit let's see 00:30:52.040 --> 00:30:54.680 yeah i'm just doing a bit of color 00:30:54.680 --> 00:30:57.800 on the tail now 00:31:03.240 --> 00:31:05.720 there's a lot of concentrated faces out 00:31:05.720 --> 00:31:07.800 there 00:31:07.800 --> 00:31:09.720 dean has got some beautiful ones she's 00:31:09.720 --> 00:31:11.720 just holding up to the camera 00:31:11.720 --> 00:31:16.680 oh gorgeous green and green and blue 00:31:17.000 --> 00:31:20.359 nice work that looks fantastic 00:31:20.359 --> 00:31:22.119 oh and river's got a beautiful one with 00:31:22.119 --> 00:31:23.400 uh 00:31:23.400 --> 00:31:25.000 yeah with the peg 00:31:25.000 --> 00:31:27.240 holding it up 00:31:27.240 --> 00:31:31.079 with a very wiggly tail 00:31:31.240 --> 00:31:33.640 i think we are just about ready 00:31:33.640 --> 00:31:35.800 to stick them on the pegs aren't we oh 00:31:35.800 --> 00:31:39.000 aaron and claire yes lovely little 00:31:39.000 --> 00:31:41.560 lovely little possum looks like a manga 00:31:41.560 --> 00:31:44.560 possum 00:31:50.359 --> 00:31:52.119 i think i'm ready to stick mine on my 00:31:52.119 --> 00:31:56.040 peg yeah i think i am too 00:31:56.920 --> 00:31:58.440 lined it up i think i've done it the 00:31:58.440 --> 00:32:00.760 right size 00:32:00.760 --> 00:32:04.200 mine is massive 00:32:04.200 --> 00:32:06.200 anyway so yeah with your pear 00:32:06.200 --> 00:32:07.720 and your possum 00:32:07.720 --> 00:32:10.119 just if you've got double-sided tape 00:32:10.119 --> 00:32:11.720 that works a treat 00:32:11.720 --> 00:32:13.720 but you can use 00:32:13.720 --> 00:32:15.960 yeah anything really anything to make it 00:32:15.960 --> 00:32:18.839 stick 00:32:22.200 --> 00:32:23.000 yeah 00:32:23.000 --> 00:32:26.280 mine is big 00:32:27.240 --> 00:32:31.000 here we go let's have a look 00:32:31.000 --> 00:32:33.240 i'll just fix my camera up a little bit 00:32:33.240 --> 00:32:34.920 oh so yeah 00:32:34.920 --> 00:32:37.480 oh he looks great 00:32:37.480 --> 00:32:40.760 i love you guys 00:32:41.160 --> 00:32:43.000 oh so cute 00:32:43.000 --> 00:32:45.400 oh i like the lamington there 00:32:45.400 --> 00:32:48.359 with the jam in the middle 00:32:48.359 --> 00:32:50.040 and the good thing about these is you 00:32:50.040 --> 00:32:52.280 can stick them to whatever you like so 00:32:52.280 --> 00:32:53.960 it can look like your possums are just 00:32:53.960 --> 00:32:56.520 hanging out you have them upside down by 00:32:56.520 --> 00:32:57.880 their tails 00:32:57.880 --> 00:32:59.880 maybe 00:32:59.880 --> 00:33:01.400 that's true 00:33:01.400 --> 00:33:03.800 if he sticks on you do eating upside 00:33:03.800 --> 00:33:06.359 down even 00:33:06.760 --> 00:33:10.760 this one is very big that's all right 00:33:25.000 --> 00:33:26.359 i could just put an extra bit of bling 00:33:26.359 --> 00:33:28.520 on it 00:33:28.520 --> 00:33:30.839 perfect 00:33:30.839 --> 00:33:32.520 oh and yeah and of course this is 00:33:32.520 --> 00:33:34.520 something you could keep working on if 00:33:34.520 --> 00:33:36.680 you wanted to you could add more detail 00:33:36.680 --> 00:33:39.400 or you could make more of them 00:33:39.400 --> 00:33:40.520 and then you can have like a whole 00:33:40.520 --> 00:33:42.040 family of them 00:33:42.040 --> 00:33:42.920 and then 00:33:42.920 --> 00:33:44.440 you can um 00:33:44.440 --> 00:33:48.760 decorate your um your space with them 00:33:49.670 --> 00:33:51.400 [Music] 00:33:51.400 --> 00:33:52.599 well 00:33:52.599 --> 00:33:55.160 i think we should probably move on to 00:33:55.160 --> 00:33:56.119 our 00:33:56.119 --> 00:33:59.400 next activity i think that's a good idea 00:33:59.400 --> 00:34:01.800 the next one is go around go on a 00:34:01.800 --> 00:34:04.280 journey around australia 00:34:04.280 --> 00:34:07.160 and bell do you want to 00:34:07.160 --> 00:34:10.200 to give them a low down on that 00:34:10.200 --> 00:34:13.000 so in the book as we saw 00:34:13.000 --> 00:34:14.920 hush and grandma post they traveled all 00:34:14.920 --> 00:34:16.680 the way around australia eating 00:34:16.680 --> 00:34:18.280 different foods 00:34:18.280 --> 00:34:20.440 to see what would make hush visible 00:34:20.440 --> 00:34:21.319 again 00:34:21.319 --> 00:34:23.400 so we're gonna go on our own trip 00:34:23.400 --> 00:34:25.400 so you need either a piece of paper that 00:34:25.400 --> 00:34:28.040 you can draw australia on 00:34:28.040 --> 00:34:31.000 or if you have our map template from 00:34:31.000 --> 00:34:32.839 your invitation or our website you can 00:34:32.839 --> 00:34:35.640 use that as well doesn't matter 00:34:35.640 --> 00:34:37.720 you can just draw australia on your 00:34:37.720 --> 00:34:40.280 piece of paper and we're going to go on 00:34:40.280 --> 00:34:42.599 a bit of an excursion 00:34:42.599 --> 00:34:45.720 so to start off with 00:34:45.720 --> 00:34:47.800 i'd like you to draw something from 00:34:47.800 --> 00:34:50.359 where you are right now 00:34:50.359 --> 00:34:52.920 so i am in canberra right now that's 00:34:52.920 --> 00:34:54.440 where i live 00:34:54.440 --> 00:34:57.640 and in canberra we have a big forest 00:34:57.640 --> 00:34:59.319 called the arboretum 00:34:59.319 --> 00:35:01.160 and i like to go there and have picnics 00:35:01.160 --> 00:35:03.160 sometimes with my friends 00:35:03.160 --> 00:35:05.640 especially in lockdown so i'm going to 00:35:05.640 --> 00:35:09.480 draw some big trees 00:35:09.960 --> 00:35:11.640 and it doesn't matter if you don't get 00:35:11.640 --> 00:35:14.760 it exactly on where you live 00:35:14.760 --> 00:35:19.280 just guess just do your area 00:35:23.160 --> 00:35:26.440 savelle i didn't actually have a map 00:35:26.440 --> 00:35:28.520 i'll just show everyone i ended up 00:35:28.520 --> 00:35:32.200 having i hand drew my australia 00:35:32.200 --> 00:35:34.040 unfortunately my printer is not working 00:35:34.040 --> 00:35:35.400 so 00:35:35.400 --> 00:35:38.440 yes that is a big country there 00:35:38.440 --> 00:35:39.400 so 00:35:39.400 --> 00:35:40.520 i think it's a little bit out of 00:35:40.520 --> 00:35:43.240 proportion but it'll do 00:35:43.240 --> 00:35:44.920 know if it's perfect 00:35:44.920 --> 00:35:46.520 for what women 00:35:46.520 --> 00:35:49.640 definitely it'll do and i'm i'm gonna 00:35:49.640 --> 00:35:51.560 sorry i'll move my camera down actually 00:35:51.560 --> 00:35:53.480 there we go 00:35:53.480 --> 00:35:56.359 and i'm just across the border in 00:35:56.359 --> 00:35:57.960 queanbeyan 00:35:57.960 --> 00:35:59.720 and so i'm gonna draw the queen bean 00:35:59.720 --> 00:36:03.480 river which is a beautiful spot 00:36:03.480 --> 00:36:07.079 where i go for walks with my dog and 00:36:07.079 --> 00:36:09.800 my family 00:36:10.920 --> 00:36:13.960 that sounds very nice we've both chosen 00:36:13.960 --> 00:36:16.280 places of nature 00:36:16.280 --> 00:36:19.000 to start with 00:36:26.119 --> 00:36:28.520 i'm finishing off my trees 00:36:28.520 --> 00:36:30.119 they look a little bit like christmas 00:36:30.119 --> 00:36:32.920 trees these ones they've got a big pine 00:36:32.920 --> 00:36:35.400 forest 00:36:36.040 --> 00:36:37.640 and while we're finishing off our 00:36:37.640 --> 00:36:40.200 drawing 00:36:40.440 --> 00:36:42.200 think about somewhere that you've been 00:36:42.200 --> 00:36:43.400 before 00:36:43.400 --> 00:36:45.240 maybe you went on holidays or maybe you 00:36:45.240 --> 00:36:47.800 went to visit someone 00:36:47.800 --> 00:36:49.160 and that's the next place that we're 00:36:49.160 --> 00:36:51.800 gonna draw 00:36:51.880 --> 00:36:53.880 or maybe somewhere where you wanna go on 00:36:53.880 --> 00:36:55.960 holidays 00:36:55.960 --> 00:36:58.200 we're going to do that one next so keep 00:36:58.200 --> 00:37:00.440 it in your mind and 00:37:00.440 --> 00:37:02.520 i jumped down there 00:37:02.520 --> 00:37:04.920 you did 00:37:07.480 --> 00:37:09.079 but it's good to be thinking about lots 00:37:09.079 --> 00:37:12.599 of different places 00:37:12.599 --> 00:37:14.920 i've been on holidays but i'd like to go 00:37:14.920 --> 00:37:16.040 again 00:37:16.040 --> 00:37:17.160 i went 00:37:17.160 --> 00:37:19.240 to the ningaloo reef 00:37:19.240 --> 00:37:21.720 and that's in western australia so it's 00:37:21.720 --> 00:37:25.640 all the way on the other side of my map 00:37:25.640 --> 00:37:27.640 when i was there 00:37:27.640 --> 00:37:30.040 i went snorkeling 00:37:30.040 --> 00:37:32.200 and i saw a lot of fish 00:37:32.200 --> 00:37:36.400 so i'm gonna drop my fish 00:37:39.720 --> 00:37:41.720 but you can draw anything you like from 00:37:41.720 --> 00:37:45.160 somewhere that you've been before 00:37:46.040 --> 00:37:49.400 so i'm gonna draw 00:37:49.400 --> 00:37:52.520 cradle mountain in tasmania 00:37:52.520 --> 00:37:54.119 i went there a few years ago and it was 00:37:54.119 --> 00:37:56.680 just amazing 00:37:56.680 --> 00:37:59.640 um did lots of hikes 00:37:59.640 --> 00:38:01.880 and 00:38:03.000 --> 00:38:07.520 and i also saw lots of wombats actually 00:38:07.720 --> 00:38:08.920 and it's 00:38:08.920 --> 00:38:12.040 such an amazing um 00:38:12.040 --> 00:38:14.280 unique sort of shape i don't know if i'm 00:38:14.280 --> 00:38:17.400 gonna get it very well but 00:38:17.640 --> 00:38:20.280 i've never been to tasmania but i'd love 00:38:20.280 --> 00:38:22.839 to go 00:38:23.000 --> 00:38:25.960 maybe in the winter when it's snowing 00:38:25.960 --> 00:38:29.079 yes i've been i've been in autumn and 00:38:29.079 --> 00:38:30.760 winter yeah the snow 00:38:30.760 --> 00:38:34.280 yeah it's beautiful and snowing 00:38:34.280 --> 00:38:36.119 and i'm going to draw a wombat the one 00:38:36.119 --> 00:38:37.480 that's going to have to be off to the 00:38:37.480 --> 00:38:40.599 side because i can't fit my wombat on 00:38:40.599 --> 00:38:43.720 tasmania that's okay 00:38:43.720 --> 00:38:45.800 so i've got my fish and i think i'm 00:38:45.800 --> 00:38:50.839 going to draw in some waves next to it 00:38:51.400 --> 00:38:53.480 there was a lot of waves when we went on 00:38:53.480 --> 00:38:55.960 the boat 00:38:59.720 --> 00:39:03.400 and actually um i went um by a boat to 00:39:03.400 --> 00:39:04.920 tasmania 00:39:04.920 --> 00:39:05.880 so 00:39:05.880 --> 00:39:06.680 yeah 00:39:06.680 --> 00:39:08.040 so 00:39:08.040 --> 00:39:11.480 i could draw the boat actually 00:39:11.559 --> 00:39:13.240 a big red boat 00:39:13.240 --> 00:39:16.200 i could start um 00:39:16.520 --> 00:39:18.680 this could be my story of my all my 00:39:18.680 --> 00:39:21.640 previous holidays 00:39:21.720 --> 00:39:23.800 adding to it 00:39:23.800 --> 00:39:25.800 that's the good thing about our maps we 00:39:25.800 --> 00:39:29.599 can just keep adding 00:39:32.040 --> 00:39:35.000 all right so i have my waves 00:39:35.000 --> 00:39:37.240 excellent let's think about somewhere 00:39:37.240 --> 00:39:40.119 that you might like to go on holidays 00:39:40.119 --> 00:39:41.720 oh 00:39:41.720 --> 00:39:43.720 there are so many places i would like to 00:39:43.720 --> 00:39:45.960 go 00:39:45.960 --> 00:39:47.079 hmm 00:39:47.079 --> 00:39:49.079 where would you like to go next sally 00:39:49.079 --> 00:39:51.800 yeah where do i want to go next so i 00:39:51.800 --> 00:39:53.559 think i really want to go somewhere 00:39:53.559 --> 00:39:54.839 tropical 00:39:54.839 --> 00:39:57.880 and i'm thinking north queensland 00:39:57.880 --> 00:40:00.920 and i'm thinking rainforest 00:40:00.920 --> 00:40:03.480 something in the daintree rainforest 00:40:03.480 --> 00:40:08.040 oh that sounds amazing very warm 00:40:08.920 --> 00:40:11.160 we've had quite a long cold winter here 00:40:11.160 --> 00:40:13.240 in canberra i mean it is now spring but 00:40:13.240 --> 00:40:16.040 i think perhaps i'm still 00:40:16.040 --> 00:40:18.920 seeking the warmth 00:40:19.160 --> 00:40:21.960 me too because i'd like to go 00:40:21.960 --> 00:40:23.480 to darwin 00:40:23.480 --> 00:40:27.160 and i'd love to see a crocodile 00:40:27.160 --> 00:40:30.040 in the wild 00:40:30.359 --> 00:40:32.440 i'm gonna draw my crocodile 00:40:32.440 --> 00:40:33.960 he's got a big 00:40:33.960 --> 00:40:35.640 open mouth 00:40:35.640 --> 00:40:39.920 i'm gonna put some teeth in there 00:40:48.119 --> 00:40:51.079 and an eye 00:40:51.880 --> 00:40:53.960 going along in the animal theme i am 00:40:53.960 --> 00:40:55.400 also going to draw an animal i'm going 00:40:55.400 --> 00:40:57.480 to draw a cassowary 00:40:57.480 --> 00:41:00.040 i'd like to see a cassowary one 00:41:00.040 --> 00:41:01.480 amazing 00:41:01.480 --> 00:41:04.119 they're very big cassowaries 00:41:04.119 --> 00:41:06.440 they are 00:41:06.440 --> 00:41:07.800 i think they're 00:41:07.800 --> 00:41:09.000 well i think they're nearly as big as an 00:41:09.000 --> 00:41:12.760 emu they might even be heavier 00:41:13.079 --> 00:41:16.359 quite they've got beautiful feathers 00:41:16.359 --> 00:41:20.480 that blue black color 00:41:28.520 --> 00:41:30.440 and like a crocodile you probably don't 00:41:30.440 --> 00:41:32.200 want to get too close to them in the 00:41:32.200 --> 00:41:34.599 wild 00:41:36.359 --> 00:41:38.839 just look 00:41:39.079 --> 00:41:41.480 from a safe distance ah 00:41:41.480 --> 00:41:44.440 native animals are like that just look 00:41:44.440 --> 00:41:46.599 no 00:41:49.839 --> 00:41:52.440 touching well i love the color of your 00:41:52.440 --> 00:41:53.640 cassowary 00:41:53.640 --> 00:41:55.160 oh thank you 00:41:55.160 --> 00:41:57.559 let me have a look oh 00:41:57.559 --> 00:41:59.640 i'm loving your crocodile 00:41:59.640 --> 00:42:03.160 big red crocodile 00:42:04.040 --> 00:42:07.800 you can see i've never seen one before 00:42:11.960 --> 00:42:13.400 i think 00:42:13.400 --> 00:42:17.559 we have time to do to go more places 00:42:17.559 --> 00:42:19.640 around australia well there's lots of 00:42:19.640 --> 00:42:21.880 places that i'd like to go 00:42:21.880 --> 00:42:22.599 um 00:42:22.599 --> 00:42:24.760 i think i might like to go to south 00:42:24.760 --> 00:42:26.599 australia 00:42:26.599 --> 00:42:29.480 maybe down to kangaroo island right down 00:42:29.480 --> 00:42:30.839 the bottom 00:42:30.839 --> 00:42:33.319 on kangaroo island they've got some of 00:42:33.319 --> 00:42:37.079 the best honey bees in the world 00:42:37.079 --> 00:42:39.000 you adding the island 00:42:39.000 --> 00:42:40.470 i'm just gonna draw my bees 00:42:40.470 --> 00:42:45.290 [Laughter] 00:42:45.960 --> 00:42:48.680 and bees are very important for our 00:42:48.680 --> 00:42:50.839 environment 00:42:50.839 --> 00:42:52.760 we've got to take care of them and plant 00:42:52.760 --> 00:42:54.520 lots of good 00:42:54.520 --> 00:42:58.400 flowers for them 00:43:04.680 --> 00:43:06.599 one of them says their dream is to visit 00:43:06.599 --> 00:43:08.440 darwin so maybe they want to go and see 00:43:08.440 --> 00:43:11.640 a crocodile up there as well 00:43:11.640 --> 00:43:12.440 and 00:43:12.440 --> 00:43:14.520 aaron and claire said they'd like to 00:43:14.520 --> 00:43:16.200 visit luna park 00:43:16.200 --> 00:43:18.440 the one in melbourne oh that's a good 00:43:18.440 --> 00:43:21.000 one that is a good one i actually was 00:43:21.000 --> 00:43:22.760 thinking i want to go to melbourne and 00:43:22.760 --> 00:43:23.960 i've got a few different things i want 00:43:23.960 --> 00:43:27.559 to do there maybe i'll draw melbourne 00:43:28.440 --> 00:43:31.640 but luna park would be fun 00:43:34.200 --> 00:43:35.800 i won't actually see my friends in 00:43:35.800 --> 00:43:39.319 melbourne it's been a long time 00:43:39.960 --> 00:43:43.680 that's a good one 00:43:43.880 --> 00:43:46.040 i don't know if i can just what does 00:43:46.040 --> 00:43:50.280 luna park's head look like i might try 00:43:55.559 --> 00:43:57.480 i've drawn some sky right like some tall 00:43:57.480 --> 00:44:00.920 buildings that's what they meant to be 00:44:01.240 --> 00:44:05.040 indicate it's a city 00:44:23.800 --> 00:44:26.280 catching up with friends i might draw a 00:44:26.280 --> 00:44:29.599 cup of tea 00:44:39.559 --> 00:44:41.880 i tried to draw the luna park um head 00:44:41.880 --> 00:44:44.920 but i don't think it's quite right 00:44:44.920 --> 00:44:47.559 the big entrance 00:44:47.559 --> 00:44:50.040 big clown face every clamp i don't think 00:44:50.040 --> 00:44:51.720 i've got it 00:44:51.720 --> 00:44:54.119 you gave 00:45:02.440 --> 00:45:04.119 i think we might have time to go to one 00:45:04.119 --> 00:45:07.240 more place i know i think so too is 00:45:07.240 --> 00:45:09.400 there anything i'd like to go 00:45:09.400 --> 00:45:11.079 where oh i think i might get off the 00:45:11.079 --> 00:45:13.000 east coast i'm really i've been really 00:45:13.000 --> 00:45:15.240 concentrated on there 00:45:15.240 --> 00:45:18.880 let me see 00:45:21.800 --> 00:45:23.319 um 00:45:23.319 --> 00:45:25.960 i might 00:45:26.680 --> 00:45:29.480 go to the flinders ranges 00:45:29.480 --> 00:45:33.480 in south australia and in particular to 00:45:33.480 --> 00:45:36.040 willpina 00:45:36.920 --> 00:45:42.599 um the indigenous um name for the places 00:45:42.599 --> 00:45:44.920 the volcano pounders and the vendors 00:45:44.920 --> 00:45:47.640 range beautiful area 00:45:47.640 --> 00:45:49.960 and i've only been there as a child so a 00:45:49.960 --> 00:45:52.839 long time ago 00:46:01.480 --> 00:46:04.839 it's like a desert 00:46:08.200 --> 00:46:10.680 there's still a few travel itinerary 00:46:10.680 --> 00:46:14.200 things coming up in the chat oh 00:46:14.200 --> 00:46:16.599 ray and joe who want to visit darwin 00:46:16.599 --> 00:46:18.440 also want to go to tassie so i think 00:46:18.440 --> 00:46:20.760 they're on the same 00:46:20.760 --> 00:46:22.760 track as you 00:46:22.760 --> 00:46:25.319 and aaron and claire would also like to 00:46:25.319 --> 00:46:27.880 visit the great barrie reef so clearly 00:46:27.880 --> 00:46:32.240 they want to go with more than one place 00:46:32.280 --> 00:46:34.119 that's the good thing the country's so 00:46:34.119 --> 00:46:36.599 big and there's so much to see 00:46:36.599 --> 00:46:38.359 on our map here 00:46:38.359 --> 00:46:41.400 i'd like to go to mount warning 00:46:41.400 --> 00:46:42.119 i 00:46:42.119 --> 00:46:43.799 think that's in queensland but it might 00:46:43.799 --> 00:46:46.440 be on the border of new south wales but 00:46:46.440 --> 00:46:47.400 i love 00:46:47.400 --> 00:46:49.559 hiking and 00:46:49.559 --> 00:46:54.040 see all the grass and the wild flowers 00:46:54.119 --> 00:46:55.559 yep 00:46:55.559 --> 00:46:57.640 it's a beautiful spot 00:46:57.640 --> 00:46:58.599 just 00:46:58.599 --> 00:47:00.680 just south of the queensland border in 00:47:00.680 --> 00:47:02.200 new south wales 00:47:02.200 --> 00:47:04.200 i claimed it as a child we had a picnic 00:47:04.200 --> 00:47:05.799 up the top i think 00:47:05.799 --> 00:47:08.040 from memory 00:47:08.040 --> 00:47:10.359 was it very steep 00:47:10.359 --> 00:47:11.720 uh 00:47:11.720 --> 00:47:15.079 in places it was but i you drive a fair 00:47:15.079 --> 00:47:17.160 way up and then you sort of do the the 00:47:17.160 --> 00:47:19.640 rest of the ascent from halfway up 00:47:19.640 --> 00:47:21.880 that sounds like my kind of climb it 00:47:21.880 --> 00:47:23.480 does doesn't it 00:47:23.480 --> 00:47:25.640 great views because it's so green up 00:47:25.640 --> 00:47:29.079 there so much rain 00:47:32.119 --> 00:47:33.799 kennedy wants to go and look for 00:47:33.799 --> 00:47:36.440 dinosaur fossils so he might be on his 00:47:36.440 --> 00:47:41.119 way to queensland as well 00:47:43.400 --> 00:47:47.319 i'd love to see a dinosaur fossil 00:47:49.720 --> 00:47:51.400 you're right robert it does rain a lot 00:47:51.400 --> 00:47:55.680 up there so i might draw some clouds 00:47:56.040 --> 00:47:59.160 just in case it rains while i'm there 00:47:59.160 --> 00:48:00.599 made it look 00:48:00.599 --> 00:48:02.680 oh that's a great shape you've got for 00:48:02.680 --> 00:48:03.880 mount warning because it has this really 00:48:03.880 --> 00:48:06.040 distinctive um 00:48:06.040 --> 00:48:07.319 shape at the top and you've really 00:48:07.319 --> 00:48:10.200 captured that oh thank you 00:48:10.200 --> 00:48:12.359 and it is often hidden by the clouds 00:48:12.359 --> 00:48:15.000 that's true 00:48:15.319 --> 00:48:17.240 and the good thing about this activity 00:48:17.240 --> 00:48:19.319 is you can just keep going 00:48:19.319 --> 00:48:20.920 and you could ask maybe other people in 00:48:20.920 --> 00:48:22.839 your house where they've been or where 00:48:22.839 --> 00:48:24.599 they'd like to go 00:48:24.599 --> 00:48:27.160 you can add that to your map 00:48:27.160 --> 00:48:29.559 we've got a lot of stuff coming in 00:48:29.559 --> 00:48:31.319 luke wants to go to kangaroo island and 00:48:31.319 --> 00:48:34.040 tasmania well he wants to see a 00:48:34.040 --> 00:48:37.599 tasmanian tiger 00:48:37.720 --> 00:48:39.480 you'd be very lucky 00:48:39.480 --> 00:48:41.079 you might be able to see a tasmanian 00:48:41.079 --> 00:48:43.480 devil 00:48:44.520 --> 00:48:46.920 i have seen a tasmanian devil 00:48:46.920 --> 00:48:50.200 they're pretty amazing creatures 00:48:50.200 --> 00:48:52.200 they make the most amazing noise don't 00:48:52.200 --> 00:48:54.359 they 00:48:55.880 --> 00:48:58.680 i think that we're 00:48:58.680 --> 00:49:00.680 just about done aren't we we're getting 00:49:00.680 --> 00:49:05.319 close to the end of our time together 00:49:05.319 --> 00:49:07.559 how's your map looking sally looking 00:49:07.559 --> 00:49:09.640 pretty good 00:49:09.640 --> 00:49:11.799 i mean i could just keep going i have to 00:49:11.799 --> 00:49:14.040 say 00:49:14.040 --> 00:49:15.400 hmm 00:49:15.400 --> 00:49:18.119 i like the idea of going to nigulu reef 00:49:18.119 --> 00:49:20.040 where you went as well that'll have to 00:49:20.040 --> 00:49:24.680 say it was very nice but very windy 00:49:24.680 --> 00:49:25.880 but that's okay because when you're 00:49:25.880 --> 00:49:28.119 underwater that doesn't matter 00:49:28.119 --> 00:49:31.119 hmm 00:49:39.720 --> 00:49:42.200 oh yes 00:49:42.200 --> 00:49:45.559 all the different places i'd like to go 00:49:45.559 --> 00:49:47.559 i could keep going i have to say i feel 00:49:47.559 --> 00:49:49.000 like 00:49:49.000 --> 00:49:49.880 um 00:49:49.880 --> 00:49:51.559 yeah there's many more places that i 00:49:51.559 --> 00:49:54.359 haven't included yet on my map 00:49:54.359 --> 00:49:56.200 and so many places in the chat that 00:49:56.200 --> 00:50:00.760 people are telling us about my map 00:50:00.760 --> 00:50:01.960 definitely 00:50:01.960 --> 00:50:04.119 now i'm very keen to go to darwin as 00:50:04.119 --> 00:50:08.520 well and kakadu national park 00:50:08.599 --> 00:50:11.400 count warning 00:50:13.240 --> 00:50:17.319 ah well it's been a lovely um hour with 00:50:17.319 --> 00:50:19.319 you all it's been such a lovely way to 00:50:19.319 --> 00:50:20.920 spend 00:50:20.920 --> 00:50:23.720 yeah this time of the week 00:50:23.720 --> 00:50:25.960 perfect way to end things off for the 00:50:25.960 --> 00:50:28.960 background 00:50:29.240 --> 00:50:30.680 fantastic 00:50:30.680 --> 00:50:32.839 thank you so much 00:50:32.839 --> 00:50:35.720 sally and thank you belle and uh thank 00:50:35.720 --> 00:50:37.480 you to everyone who joined in it was 00:50:37.480 --> 00:50:39.079 wonderful seeing you holding your work 00:50:39.079 --> 00:50:40.839 up to the cameras so that we could see 00:50:40.839 --> 00:50:43.400 what what you've come up with and of 00:50:43.400 --> 00:50:45.640 course as sally and bell have said you 00:50:45.640 --> 00:50:46.760 can keep 00:50:46.760 --> 00:50:49.160 keep on crafting and and make them more 00:50:49.160 --> 00:50:51.400 complicated or make more 00:50:51.400 --> 00:50:53.720 of the things that you made or go to 00:50:53.720 --> 00:50:55.799 more places around australia 00:50:55.799 --> 00:50:58.839 thanks guys that was fantastic 00:50:59.480 --> 00:51:00.760 so 00:51:00.760 --> 00:51:01.960 coming up 00:51:01.960 --> 00:51:05.960 uh next week we have mindfulness mondays 00:51:05.960 --> 00:51:06.839 on 00:51:06.839 --> 00:51:09.799 monday at 12 30 and that's where we have 00:51:09.799 --> 00:51:12.920 a nice slow look at some of the art in 00:51:12.920 --> 00:51:15.480 the national portrait gallery collection 00:51:15.480 --> 00:51:17.880 and on tuesday we've got our virtual 00:51:17.880 --> 00:51:20.680 highlights tour at 12 30. that's 00:51:20.680 --> 00:51:22.760 australian eastern daylight time don't 00:51:22.760 --> 00:51:24.359 forget that we've gone into daylight 00:51:24.359 --> 00:51:25.480 savings now 00:51:25.480 --> 00:51:28.040 and on thursday a really interactive 00:51:28.040 --> 00:51:30.119 tour through um 00:51:30.119 --> 00:51:32.760 through our collection with our curator 00:51:32.760 --> 00:51:34.280 um joe 00:51:34.280 --> 00:51:36.040 so go to the 00:51:36.040 --> 00:51:38.680 uh what's on section of the national 00:51:38.680 --> 00:51:42.559 portrait gallery's website 00:51:42.559 --> 00:51:44.920 portrait.gov.iu to see what else is 00:51:44.920 --> 00:51:46.280 coming up we've got something for 00:51:46.280 --> 00:51:47.480 everyone 00:51:47.480 --> 00:51:49.559 all right keep on crafting everyone 00:51:49.559 --> 00:51:51.559 we'll see you next time 00:51:51.559 --> 00:51:54.559 bye 00:52:12.680 --> 00:52:14.760 you