WEBVTT 00:00:07.119 --> 00:00:08.799 hello everyone and welcome to another 00:00:08.799 --> 00:00:10.479 online program with the national 00:00:10.479 --> 00:00:12.399 portrait gallery thank you so much for 00:00:12.399 --> 00:00:15.439 joining us today i'm so excited to see 00:00:15.439 --> 00:00:17.360 you all streaming through our zoom doors 00:00:17.360 --> 00:00:20.800 and also joining us live on facebook 00:00:20.800 --> 00:00:22.800 my name is jill i work with the digital 00:00:22.800 --> 00:00:24.160 team here at the national portrait 00:00:24.160 --> 00:00:25.760 gallery and we're very excited to bring 00:00:25.760 --> 00:00:28.640 you this series of in-conversation tours 00:00:28.640 --> 00:00:31.680 which we have established on thursdays 00:00:31.680 --> 00:00:34.239 since we went into lockdown so some of 00:00:34.239 --> 00:00:36.239 you will be familiar i can see some very 00:00:36.239 --> 00:00:38.000 familiar names coming through the zoom 00:00:38.000 --> 00:00:40.319 room uh be familiar with our tuesday 00:00:40.319 --> 00:00:42.560 virtual highlights tours so 00:00:42.560 --> 00:00:45.040 with those tours um you know we have our 00:00:45.040 --> 00:00:46.879 access and learning team guide you on 00:00:46.879 --> 00:00:48.800 our tour around the gallery and so we 00:00:48.800 --> 00:00:51.120 thought for thursdays we'd uh we sort of 00:00:51.120 --> 00:00:53.200 mix it up a little bit and throw some 00:00:53.200 --> 00:00:55.519 unusual things at you and some of those 00:00:55.519 --> 00:00:58.080 unusual things are bringing our behind 00:00:58.080 --> 00:00:59.440 the scenes staff who you may not 00:00:59.440 --> 00:01:02.319 necessarily have met yet out in front of 00:01:02.319 --> 00:01:04.080 the camera so and that's been a bit 00:01:04.080 --> 00:01:05.440 challenging for a few of the people i've 00:01:05.440 --> 00:01:08.080 asked we have definitely had a few no's 00:01:08.080 --> 00:01:09.680 but there have been some very willing 00:01:09.680 --> 00:01:11.599 volunteers who are happy to share some 00:01:11.599 --> 00:01:12.959 stories behind the scenes of the 00:01:12.959 --> 00:01:15.120 portrait gallery with you 00:01:15.120 --> 00:01:17.040 i am broadcasting today from the 00:01:17.040 --> 00:01:19.040 beautiful lands of the nambrian nunawal 00:01:19.040 --> 00:01:21.360 peoples here in canberra and i'd like to 00:01:21.360 --> 00:01:25.200 extend um a warm welcome and uh my 00:01:25.200 --> 00:01:26.640 appreciation to the traditional 00:01:26.640 --> 00:01:28.720 custodians of any of the lands on which 00:01:28.720 --> 00:01:31.599 you are coming to us from today as well 00:01:31.599 --> 00:01:34.000 our tours are always highly interactive 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:35.599 we love to get your questions and 00:01:35.599 --> 00:01:38.400 comments in the chat so if you'd like to 00:01:38.400 --> 00:01:41.120 talk or ask anything of our presenter 00:01:41.120 --> 00:01:43.120 today please pop the questions into the 00:01:43.120 --> 00:01:44.959 chat function on zoom or into the 00:01:44.959 --> 00:01:47.040 comments section on facebook and we'll 00:01:47.040 --> 00:01:48.799 do our very best to get as many of those 00:01:48.799 --> 00:01:51.519 questions through to louise 00:01:51.519 --> 00:01:52.720 so 00:01:52.720 --> 00:01:55.120 when i was originally thinking about 00:01:55.120 --> 00:01:58.239 what we might introduce you to today i 00:01:58.239 --> 00:02:00.480 was taken back to a memory i had when i 00:02:00.480 --> 00:02:02.000 was a child of when i was first 00:02:02.000 --> 00:02:04.239 introduced to this notion of travel 00:02:04.239 --> 00:02:06.000 and it was thanks to my 00:02:06.000 --> 00:02:08.480 darling mother who had gone on an 00:02:08.480 --> 00:02:10.560 adventure when she was in her twenties 00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:12.480 and she traveled around the world 00:02:12.480 --> 00:02:15.000 and she had thanks to that adventure an 00:02:15.000 --> 00:02:19.040 entire library a stock library of slides 00:02:19.040 --> 00:02:21.360 so every now and again mum would dust 00:02:21.360 --> 00:02:23.599 off the projector you know get the 00:02:23.599 --> 00:02:26.239 slides out layer them all up and my 00:02:26.239 --> 00:02:28.798 sister and i would sit in ore watching 00:02:28.798 --> 00:02:30.399 all of the different places that she'd 00:02:30.399 --> 00:02:31.519 been to 00:02:31.519 --> 00:02:33.680 and i often feel that way when i 00:02:33.680 --> 00:02:35.600 listened to our guest presenter today 00:02:35.600 --> 00:02:38.080 louise cummins who is our travelling 00:02:38.080 --> 00:02:39.759 exhibitions officer and our touring 00:02:39.759 --> 00:02:41.680 manager for the portrait gallery when we 00:02:41.680 --> 00:02:43.680 have chats in the in the staff room and 00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:45.680 i hear some of her stories i'm 00:02:45.680 --> 00:02:47.440 transported back to that 00:02:47.440 --> 00:02:49.520 five-year-old child watching those slide 00:02:49.520 --> 00:02:51.919 presentations by my mother so 00:02:51.919 --> 00:02:53.919 whilst most of us unfortunately are 00:02:53.919 --> 00:02:55.759 unable to travel at the moment we 00:02:55.759 --> 00:02:56.880 thought it would be a terrific 00:02:56.880 --> 00:02:59.440 opportunity to bring louise in and let 00:02:59.440 --> 00:03:01.759 her take us on a journey of all of the 00:03:01.759 --> 00:03:04.000 places that she's taken our portraits 00:03:04.000 --> 00:03:06.160 and all the adventures that they've seen 00:03:06.160 --> 00:03:09.680 so louise welcome thank you very much um 00:03:09.680 --> 00:03:11.759 thank you for having me 00:03:11.759 --> 00:03:14.479 it's uh really wonderful to be here so 00:03:14.479 --> 00:03:16.639 i joined the portrait gallery three 00:03:16.639 --> 00:03:19.280 years ago and i have what i consider to 00:03:19.280 --> 00:03:22.160 be the best role in the gallery i get to 00:03:22.160 --> 00:03:25.280 take our collection our portraits um and 00:03:25.280 --> 00:03:28.240 our exhibitions all across australia 00:03:28.240 --> 00:03:30.400 so we don't travel every exhibition but 00:03:30.400 --> 00:03:32.880 we travel really special ones one of the 00:03:32.880 --> 00:03:34.720 ones we do travel regularly is our 00:03:34.720 --> 00:03:37.360 national photographic portrait prize 00:03:37.360 --> 00:03:38.880 and then there's going to be a few 00:03:38.880 --> 00:03:40.240 others that you'll see as we go through 00:03:40.240 --> 00:03:42.639 the presentation today one of the first 00:03:42.639 --> 00:03:43.919 shows that i 00:03:43.919 --> 00:03:45.759 got to tour at the portrait gallery was 00:03:45.759 --> 00:03:47.199 express yourself 00:03:47.199 --> 00:03:50.000 and also a really exciting project that 00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:52.880 was a sort of uh quite groundbreaking 00:03:52.880 --> 00:03:55.199 for us collaboration between us and the 00:03:55.199 --> 00:03:58.000 national film and sound archive so if we 00:03:58.000 --> 00:04:00.800 flick over to the first slide 00:04:00.800 --> 00:04:03.120 i thought i might give the audience a 00:04:03.120 --> 00:04:06.080 little bit of a background into how we 00:04:06.080 --> 00:04:07.520 travel our works 00:04:07.520 --> 00:04:08.319 so 00:04:08.319 --> 00:04:10.000 this is what a traveling exhibition 00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:12.479 looks like when it arrives in a space so 00:04:12.479 --> 00:04:14.160 when we have an exhibition like the one 00:04:14.160 --> 00:04:16.960 behind me here in the portrait gallery 00:04:16.960 --> 00:04:18.960 it generally takes us about two to three 00:04:18.960 --> 00:04:21.840 weeks to install all the works but when 00:04:21.840 --> 00:04:24.960 we take our show travelling the maximum 00:04:24.960 --> 00:04:27.120 that will ever have is four and a half 00:04:27.120 --> 00:04:28.080 days 00:04:28.080 --> 00:04:28.880 so 00:04:28.880 --> 00:04:30.880 we have to have everything incredibly 00:04:30.880 --> 00:04:33.919 organized we have to know every artwork 00:04:33.919 --> 00:04:36.319 and its little quirks because 00:04:36.319 --> 00:04:37.759 you know of course 00:04:37.759 --> 00:04:39.280 like everything in life it would be 00:04:39.280 --> 00:04:41.039 great if it was all perfect and that 00:04:41.039 --> 00:04:42.240 there were no 00:04:42.240 --> 00:04:44.560 changes or size differences and that 00:04:44.560 --> 00:04:46.720 every uh like d-ring was hung at the 00:04:46.720 --> 00:04:47.840 right level 00:04:47.840 --> 00:04:49.520 not always the case 00:04:49.520 --> 00:04:52.000 um and so i have quite a good knowledge 00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:53.039 of 00:04:53.039 --> 00:04:54.960 as much as the front of our artworks but 00:04:54.960 --> 00:04:56.639 the backs of what everything looks like 00:04:56.639 --> 00:04:58.479 and how they hang 00:04:58.479 --> 00:05:00.160 so this will be what an exhibition looks 00:05:00.160 --> 00:05:01.919 like when it hits the space 00:05:01.919 --> 00:05:05.039 so uh it goes ahead of me we transport 00:05:05.039 --> 00:05:07.919 in australia most of our um artworks and 00:05:07.919 --> 00:05:09.440 our exhibitions 00:05:09.440 --> 00:05:11.919 via trucks so the trucks are climate 00:05:11.919 --> 00:05:13.440 controlled 00:05:13.440 --> 00:05:15.680 which is exciting and also a bit 00:05:15.680 --> 00:05:19.039 expensive so the artworks themselves 00:05:19.039 --> 00:05:21.199 basically never leave gallery conditions 00:05:21.199 --> 00:05:23.199 even when they are sort of traveling 00:05:23.199 --> 00:05:25.360 from a to b 00:05:25.360 --> 00:05:26.960 um when they get to the space they 00:05:26.960 --> 00:05:30.160 acclimatize for at least 24 hours so 00:05:30.160 --> 00:05:32.240 this is what it looks like when the 00:05:32.240 --> 00:05:35.280 artworks are waiting for us to arrive on 00:05:35.280 --> 00:05:38.560 day one of an install 00:05:38.560 --> 00:05:40.240 sometimes it's a little bit intimidating 00:05:40.240 --> 00:05:41.360 because 00:05:41.360 --> 00:05:43.440 for whatever size of an exhibition is 00:05:43.440 --> 00:05:45.599 all the crating and things it'll look 00:05:45.599 --> 00:05:47.840 about two-thirds the size of what you'll 00:05:47.840 --> 00:05:49.840 end up seeing on the walls 00:05:49.840 --> 00:05:51.039 so 00:05:51.039 --> 00:05:53.919 i have arrived at a few venues um some 00:05:53.919 --> 00:05:56.720 very freaked out looks on their faces um 00:05:56.720 --> 00:05:59.440 but we always get there so if we flick 00:05:59.440 --> 00:06:01.759 to the next slide 00:06:01.759 --> 00:06:04.160 um you'll see so this is an artwork it 00:06:04.160 --> 00:06:06.080 was in our 00:06:06.080 --> 00:06:07.599 um 00:06:07.599 --> 00:06:09.120 exhibition the look which toured to 00:06:09.120 --> 00:06:12.479 geelong very sadly that exhibition which 00:06:12.479 --> 00:06:15.199 was absolutely gorgeous and there's a 00:06:15.199 --> 00:06:17.440 beautiful gallery the jalon gallery it 00:06:17.440 --> 00:06:20.720 was only open for seven days before uh 00:06:20.720 --> 00:06:23.280 we had to go and take it all back down 00:06:23.280 --> 00:06:26.319 um because the um lockdown the first 00:06:26.319 --> 00:06:28.319 covert lockdown sort of occurred and we 00:06:28.319 --> 00:06:30.879 needed to bring everything back home 00:06:30.879 --> 00:06:31.759 so 00:06:31.759 --> 00:06:34.720 this is one of our photographs all of 00:06:34.720 --> 00:06:37.120 our works travel differently and we have 00:06:37.120 --> 00:06:38.560 a lot of bespoke 00:06:38.560 --> 00:06:41.599 not only framing but also crates so a 00:06:41.599 --> 00:06:44.240 lot of photographs travel flat up and so 00:06:44.240 --> 00:06:46.399 do things like ochres or pastels will 00:06:46.399 --> 00:06:49.120 only ever travel face up because they 00:06:49.120 --> 00:06:51.440 are quite fragile 00:06:51.440 --> 00:06:53.519 other things will need to travel spotted 00:06:53.519 --> 00:06:56.000 into crates depending on their size 00:06:56.000 --> 00:06:57.040 um 00:06:57.040 --> 00:06:59.680 and yeah it's creating is an art unto 00:06:59.680 --> 00:07:02.560 itself and we have um an amazing 00:07:02.560 --> 00:07:04.160 registration team 00:07:04.160 --> 00:07:07.200 who i work with who um 00:07:07.200 --> 00:07:09.440 fit out the insides of all of our crates 00:07:09.440 --> 00:07:11.519 so we we order the outside they're 00:07:11.519 --> 00:07:13.279 they're made by a third party and we are 00:07:13.279 --> 00:07:14.800 responsible for the 00:07:14.800 --> 00:07:16.959 interiors and making sure those fit outs 00:07:16.959 --> 00:07:19.120 are snug and safe for all of our 00:07:19.120 --> 00:07:21.440 artworks um 00:07:21.440 --> 00:07:23.279 i'm not a master crate builder myself i 00:07:23.279 --> 00:07:26.240 can fix the crate but i'm so glad to be 00:07:26.240 --> 00:07:28.399 supported by a wonderful gallery team in 00:07:28.399 --> 00:07:30.880 this you know sort of endeavor 00:07:30.880 --> 00:07:34.480 so if we flick to the next slide um 00:07:34.480 --> 00:07:37.600 you'll see this is what that show looked 00:07:37.600 --> 00:07:39.680 like the the first one 00:07:39.680 --> 00:07:43.120 um this is starstruck uh in bathurst 00:07:43.120 --> 00:07:46.000 regional gallery so every element except 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:48.080 for the walls and the lighting we have 00:07:48.080 --> 00:07:49.600 brought with us 00:07:49.600 --> 00:07:52.240 so we bought the floor plants the little 00:07:52.240 --> 00:07:53.440 um 00:07:53.440 --> 00:07:54.399 uh 00:07:54.399 --> 00:07:56.640 barriers around the the plinth is called 00:07:56.640 --> 00:07:59.519 a staunchen so those are ours as well 00:07:59.519 --> 00:08:02.560 the costumes the artworks everything 00:08:02.560 --> 00:08:05.360 so this was an incredibly fun install 00:08:05.360 --> 00:08:07.279 and this exhibition 00:08:07.279 --> 00:08:08.800 it kind of exemplifies one of the 00:08:08.800 --> 00:08:11.440 reasons that it is so important to tour 00:08:11.440 --> 00:08:13.519 shows we're really fortunate to live in 00:08:13.519 --> 00:08:15.440 canberra in the nation's capital and get 00:08:15.440 --> 00:08:17.200 to see and experience 00:08:17.200 --> 00:08:19.920 um a lot of wonderful exhibitions 00:08:19.920 --> 00:08:21.040 however 00:08:21.040 --> 00:08:22.640 not everyone can always travel to 00:08:22.640 --> 00:08:24.560 canberra you know for a variety of 00:08:24.560 --> 00:08:26.240 reasons and so 00:08:26.240 --> 00:08:28.880 we get to bring these artworks to places 00:08:28.880 --> 00:08:29.839 this 00:08:29.839 --> 00:08:31.200 particular show 00:08:31.200 --> 00:08:33.600 went to queensland south australia 00:08:33.600 --> 00:08:36.480 western australia and bathurst in new 00:08:36.480 --> 00:08:38.240 south wales 00:08:38.240 --> 00:08:40.399 and when it was there 00:08:40.399 --> 00:08:42.880 what we kind of found was that quite a 00:08:42.880 --> 00:08:44.399 few of the works were sort of 00:08:44.399 --> 00:08:46.320 recontextualized 00:08:46.320 --> 00:08:48.720 um and they had really different 00:08:48.720 --> 00:08:51.120 meanings as they went to each of the 00:08:51.120 --> 00:08:52.800 venues because people had different 00:08:52.800 --> 00:08:55.120 histories either with the movies that 00:08:55.120 --> 00:08:56.560 were shown in there 00:08:56.560 --> 00:08:58.399 or the 00:08:58.399 --> 00:09:00.399 famous actors that had spent time or 00:09:00.399 --> 00:09:02.640 were from different areas and things 00:09:02.640 --> 00:09:04.399 like that 00:09:04.399 --> 00:09:08.320 and if we go to the next slide 00:09:08.320 --> 00:09:12.480 you'll see that this is me in bathurst 00:09:12.480 --> 00:09:15.360 um i'm laying out one of our showcases 00:09:15.360 --> 00:09:17.200 so this is another portrait gallery 00:09:17.200 --> 00:09:19.120 thing that we bring with us 00:09:19.120 --> 00:09:21.519 um these showcases protect our artworks 00:09:21.519 --> 00:09:23.760 and keep them safe and uh let them let 00:09:23.760 --> 00:09:28.160 us display sort of smaller 3d objects 00:09:28.160 --> 00:09:31.440 these are really really intriguing 00:09:31.440 --> 00:09:33.360 casting books from the 00:09:33.360 --> 00:09:37.680 1930s so when australia was having 00:09:37.680 --> 00:09:40.959 a really golden age of australian cinema 00:09:40.959 --> 00:09:43.920 and thousands of young women were 00:09:43.920 --> 00:09:46.959 wanting to be movie stars just as they 00:09:46.959 --> 00:09:47.920 sort of 00:09:47.920 --> 00:09:49.200 are now 00:09:49.200 --> 00:09:50.720 um and 00:09:50.720 --> 00:09:54.079 these casting books held many photos and 00:09:54.079 --> 00:09:56.399 notes from interviews with young women 00:09:56.399 --> 00:09:57.440 who 00:09:57.440 --> 00:09:59.120 were wanting to be actresses and these 00:09:59.120 --> 00:10:01.360 were the books that film producers and 00:10:01.360 --> 00:10:03.120 directors flipped through as they were 00:10:03.120 --> 00:10:05.920 casting movies 00:10:05.920 --> 00:10:08.399 and what we found is um 00:10:08.399 --> 00:10:11.279 people's names and addresses and you 00:10:11.279 --> 00:10:12.320 know 00:10:12.320 --> 00:10:14.079 personal details are all included in 00:10:14.079 --> 00:10:16.399 these books and so as we went to each 00:10:16.399 --> 00:10:17.440 venue 00:10:17.440 --> 00:10:20.639 we displayed them open to 00:10:20.639 --> 00:10:23.360 pages that referenced um people in the 00:10:23.360 --> 00:10:26.800 area and you know people from sort of um 00:10:26.800 --> 00:10:30.000 bathurst lisco region or you know when 00:10:30.000 --> 00:10:32.000 the show was in geraldton people from 00:10:32.000 --> 00:10:33.519 western australia 00:10:33.519 --> 00:10:36.240 and so on and so forth and it was really 00:10:36.240 --> 00:10:38.720 amazing to see sort of the glamorous 00:10:38.720 --> 00:10:40.800 young women of that time 00:10:40.800 --> 00:10:42.959 uh it was also quite funny because how 00:10:42.959 --> 00:10:45.279 some of those um 00:10:45.279 --> 00:10:47.760 women are written about uh 00:10:47.760 --> 00:10:48.800 would 00:10:48.800 --> 00:10:51.279 wouldn't be how we'd uh refer to young 00:10:51.279 --> 00:10:52.560 women now 00:10:52.560 --> 00:10:54.639 uh the way that their attributes were 00:10:54.639 --> 00:10:57.200 sort of recorded with things like um not 00:10:57.200 --> 00:11:00.160 natural blonde hair okay voice 00:11:00.160 --> 00:11:01.200 um 00:11:01.200 --> 00:11:05.440 can sing can't swim can't drive 00:11:05.440 --> 00:11:07.440 and 00:11:07.440 --> 00:11:11.280 they sort of set out these um amazing 00:11:11.280 --> 00:11:12.560 [Music] 00:11:12.560 --> 00:11:14.320 little 00:11:14.320 --> 00:11:16.959 insights into life in australia at that 00:11:16.959 --> 00:11:18.800 time you know different people from 00:11:18.800 --> 00:11:20.560 different areas very much had different 00:11:20.560 --> 00:11:21.760 skills 00:11:21.760 --> 00:11:23.040 and um 00:11:23.040 --> 00:11:25.120 it was totally amazing 00:11:25.120 --> 00:11:27.519 and so interesting louise that that kind 00:11:27.519 --> 00:11:29.360 of community connection that you can 00:11:29.360 --> 00:11:31.760 actually almost tailor even though you 00:11:31.760 --> 00:11:33.600 may think that an exhibition just comes 00:11:33.600 --> 00:11:35.600 on display at the portrait gallery gets 00:11:35.600 --> 00:11:37.440 all packed up and then off it goes like 00:11:37.440 --> 00:11:39.440 a lego block and you plug it in and you 00:11:39.440 --> 00:11:41.040 plug it in but it's actually not like 00:11:41.040 --> 00:11:42.560 that there's a lot of customization 00:11:42.560 --> 00:11:45.680 isn't there it definitely is so it's an 00:11:45.680 --> 00:11:48.800 incredibly collaborative process that we 00:11:48.800 --> 00:11:51.680 um go through with every gallery that we 00:11:51.680 --> 00:11:54.160 work with to host our exhibitions 00:11:54.160 --> 00:11:57.519 so we often find things like um 00:11:57.519 --> 00:12:00.160 our designer aaron um we'll we'll do a 00:12:00.160 --> 00:12:02.560 design of the gallery and we'll um send 00:12:02.560 --> 00:12:05.360 it and um they'll often say oh did you 00:12:05.360 --> 00:12:07.920 know that such and such person actually 00:12:07.920 --> 00:12:09.600 went to school here so we'd like to 00:12:09.600 --> 00:12:11.279 feature them more prominently in our 00:12:11.279 --> 00:12:12.399 space 00:12:12.399 --> 00:12:15.040 um every gallery has sort of like um 00:12:15.040 --> 00:12:17.199 beautiful sight lines and sort of um 00:12:17.199 --> 00:12:19.279 what one of my university lecture 00:12:19.279 --> 00:12:21.440 lecturers used to refer to as power 00:12:21.440 --> 00:12:22.800 positions 00:12:22.800 --> 00:12:25.519 where um when you sort of walk into a 00:12:25.519 --> 00:12:27.519 space you things can immediately grab 00:12:27.519 --> 00:12:28.720 your eye 00:12:28.720 --> 00:12:30.399 and um 00:12:30.399 --> 00:12:32.480 galleries know their own sort of power 00:12:32.480 --> 00:12:34.639 positions better than um you know we 00:12:34.639 --> 00:12:36.160 will when we see 00:12:36.160 --> 00:12:38.880 um you know just little photos or or the 00:12:38.880 --> 00:12:40.399 gallery maps 00:12:40.399 --> 00:12:43.360 and um so we we work to shuffle to make 00:12:43.360 --> 00:12:45.519 stories more prominent or 00:12:45.519 --> 00:12:47.680 um maybe to 00:12:47.680 --> 00:12:50.000 um 00:12:50.240 --> 00:12:52.560 highlight local connections to stories 00:12:52.560 --> 00:12:55.600 as well which is really fun because of 00:12:55.600 --> 00:12:57.440 course although we know a lot about our 00:12:57.440 --> 00:12:59.519 collection we certainly don't know 00:12:59.519 --> 00:13:02.639 everything and we get a lot of really 00:13:02.639 --> 00:13:05.760 really interesting correspondence from 00:13:05.760 --> 00:13:07.760 the community and from 00:13:07.760 --> 00:13:10.720 visitors who tell us more and it really 00:13:10.720 --> 00:13:11.680 creates 00:13:11.680 --> 00:13:14.800 such a wonderful dialogue between um you 00:13:14.800 --> 00:13:17.519 know us the works and the 00:13:17.519 --> 00:13:18.320 um 00:13:18.320 --> 00:13:20.000 the public 00:13:20.000 --> 00:13:21.920 gail was wondering whether any of the 00:13:21.920 --> 00:13:24.240 people or the families recognized anyone 00:13:24.240 --> 00:13:26.079 in those casting books i'm actually 00:13:26.079 --> 00:13:27.760 curious to see if anyone wants to put in 00:13:27.760 --> 00:13:29.519 the chat what their three attributes 00:13:29.519 --> 00:13:30.480 might be 00:13:30.480 --> 00:13:34.480 mine mine might be sleeps too much um 00:13:34.480 --> 00:13:35.680 you know 00:13:35.680 --> 00:13:37.519 but yeah did any did you get any 00:13:37.519 --> 00:13:39.040 correspondence or hear any stories about 00:13:39.040 --> 00:13:40.720 anyone who may have recognized anyone in 00:13:40.720 --> 00:13:43.680 those casting books so we did um which 00:13:43.680 --> 00:13:45.360 was really exciting particularly in 00:13:45.360 --> 00:13:48.560 queensland where um some movies had been 00:13:48.560 --> 00:13:50.880 filmed um in the hinterlands behind the 00:13:50.880 --> 00:13:53.519 gold coast um so the show actually was 00:13:53.519 --> 00:13:57.279 um shown at uh uh hotter so the home of 00:13:57.279 --> 00:13:58.959 the arts on the gold coast 00:13:58.959 --> 00:14:02.959 and um a few people had known um like 00:14:02.959 --> 00:14:04.720 their grandmother had sort of been in 00:14:04.720 --> 00:14:07.040 movies and things like that and and had 00:14:07.040 --> 00:14:09.440 seen their little and you know been 00:14:09.440 --> 00:14:10.880 extras in backgrounds and stuff and had 00:14:10.880 --> 00:14:13.199 seen their little um photo 00:14:13.199 --> 00:14:14.160 and so 00:14:14.160 --> 00:14:15.839 those casting books actually owned by 00:14:15.839 --> 00:14:18.399 the national film and sound archive and 00:14:18.399 --> 00:14:21.199 so um those two were sort of married 00:14:21.199 --> 00:14:23.199 together and they're able to provide you 00:14:23.199 --> 00:14:25.360 know more information as to 00:14:25.360 --> 00:14:27.279 those movies and you know the processes 00:14:27.279 --> 00:14:29.440 behind them because of course you know 00:14:29.440 --> 00:14:32.079 record keeping uh on movie sets isn't 00:14:32.079 --> 00:14:34.800 necessarily everyone's favorite job and 00:14:34.800 --> 00:14:36.079 so they're able to provide more 00:14:36.079 --> 00:14:39.040 information on those processes and then 00:14:39.040 --> 00:14:41.040 they're also able to know more about 00:14:41.040 --> 00:14:44.160 their objects and the history of the um 00:14:44.160 --> 00:14:45.839 women who featured in them which is 00:14:45.839 --> 00:14:48.240 always a really exciting and enriching 00:14:48.240 --> 00:14:50.480 thing to have in the space 00:14:50.480 --> 00:14:52.480 shout out to gail who's uh popped her 00:14:52.480 --> 00:14:54.399 three attributes too short too wide and 00:14:54.399 --> 00:14:57.360 very uncoordinated 00:14:57.360 --> 00:15:00.079 ale you and me both 00:15:00.079 --> 00:15:01.920 well if we go to the next slide i'll 00:15:01.920 --> 00:15:02.959 actually tell you something quite 00:15:02.959 --> 00:15:04.800 interesting so the next slide is a 00:15:04.800 --> 00:15:06.959 beautiful actress she was incredibly 00:15:06.959 --> 00:15:08.320 famous like all good australian 00:15:08.320 --> 00:15:10.720 actresses she was born in new zealand 00:15:10.720 --> 00:15:13.279 um and she wanted to 00:15:13.279 --> 00:15:15.360 be a movie star so her 00:15:15.360 --> 00:15:16.559 she and her father made a deal that 00:15:16.559 --> 00:15:19.039 they'd come to australia uh from dunedin 00:15:19.039 --> 00:15:20.480 and and try 00:15:20.480 --> 00:15:22.319 to be famous in australia and then if 00:15:22.319 --> 00:15:24.000 that worked then you know maybe we'd see 00:15:24.000 --> 00:15:25.439 whether that would go 00:15:25.439 --> 00:15:27.919 um and she 00:15:27.919 --> 00:15:29.679 didn't have all the skills required but 00:15:29.679 --> 00:15:33.439 she um learned to both swim and ride a 00:15:33.439 --> 00:15:34.400 horse 00:15:34.400 --> 00:15:37.039 for a movie that was filmed in um just 00:15:37.039 --> 00:15:40.079 outside of bathurst towards lisco called 00:15:40.079 --> 00:15:42.320 a girl of the bush 00:15:42.320 --> 00:15:44.799 it was in 1920 00:15:44.799 --> 00:15:45.760 movie 00:15:45.760 --> 00:15:48.240 that was silent black and white and 00:15:48.240 --> 00:15:49.760 apparently she was absolutely 00:15:49.760 --> 00:15:51.760 captivating in the film 00:15:51.760 --> 00:15:55.120 and um it sort of um you know uh 00:15:55.120 --> 00:15:57.600 really catapulted her to stardom and 00:15:57.600 --> 00:15:59.520 this was another one where when this was 00:15:59.520 --> 00:16:01.280 on display in bathurst 00:16:01.280 --> 00:16:02.559 local people 00:16:02.559 --> 00:16:04.480 were sort of um 00:16:04.480 --> 00:16:06.720 came in and spoken sort of uh let us 00:16:06.720 --> 00:16:08.480 know that their grandfathers had said 00:16:08.480 --> 00:16:10.160 that they'd been extras in shearing 00:16:10.160 --> 00:16:12.160 scenes and this and that and they 00:16:12.160 --> 00:16:13.520 thought they'd been pulling their legs 00:16:13.520 --> 00:16:15.520 for all these years only to find out 00:16:15.520 --> 00:16:17.919 that indeed it was real and they had met 00:16:17.919 --> 00:16:21.280 this you know incredibly glamorous um 00:16:21.280 --> 00:16:23.840 movie star who went on to be in the 00:16:23.840 --> 00:16:24.640 first 00:16:24.640 --> 00:16:27.520 color talky film in the world 00:16:27.520 --> 00:16:30.000 and um they'd all thought it was a a 00:16:30.000 --> 00:16:32.480 tall tale that was sort of um bandied 00:16:32.480 --> 00:16:34.640 about in the pubs and um 00:16:34.640 --> 00:16:36.640 yeah it was excellent to see her sort of 00:16:36.640 --> 00:16:38.640 return triumphant in this you know 00:16:38.640 --> 00:16:42.000 gorgeous hand-colored photograph um in 00:16:42.000 --> 00:16:44.880 uh bathurst and yeah it's it's really 00:16:44.880 --> 00:16:48.559 such fun to um bring all of these 00:16:48.559 --> 00:16:50.480 yes like such amazing artworks and 00:16:50.480 --> 00:16:52.640 stories and to to sort of hear them and 00:16:52.640 --> 00:16:55.200 be able to bring those tales then back 00:16:55.200 --> 00:16:57.760 to the portrait gallery in canberra 00:16:57.760 --> 00:16:59.679 i it really as i said before really is 00:16:59.679 --> 00:17:02.799 the best job in the gallery 00:17:02.799 --> 00:17:05.919 noella who has uh noella o'keefe who 00:17:05.919 --> 00:17:09.039 thinks she's met you in wa before says 00:17:09.039 --> 00:17:11.120 that um vera is absolutely gorgeous but 00:17:11.120 --> 00:17:12.559 it's probably a bit hard to control that 00:17:12.559 --> 00:17:16.160 hairstyle in outback situations 00:17:16.160 --> 00:17:18.320 i don't know how some of these women 00:17:18.320 --> 00:17:21.039 were doing it on you know on horseback 00:17:21.039 --> 00:17:23.520 riding through these amazing locations 00:17:23.520 --> 00:17:24.799 and you know they don't look like 00:17:24.799 --> 00:17:27.360 they've ever like there's no sweat 00:17:27.360 --> 00:17:29.039 there's not you know 00:17:29.039 --> 00:17:31.280 any sort of um 00:17:31.280 --> 00:17:32.080 uh 00:17:32.080 --> 00:17:34.160 you'd never know and i mean i think i'd 00:17:34.160 --> 00:17:34.960 be 00:17:34.960 --> 00:17:36.880 near a horse and my hair would be frizzy 00:17:36.880 --> 00:17:38.080 and 00:17:38.080 --> 00:17:40.480 wouldn't be worth talking to 00:17:40.480 --> 00:17:42.000 but um 00:17:42.000 --> 00:17:44.160 yeah it's yeah she's so glamorous but 00:17:44.160 --> 00:17:47.679 she did say about herself that she um 00:17:47.679 --> 00:17:49.919 purposefully looked sort of um beautiful 00:17:49.919 --> 00:17:51.520 and fae in this photo because she 00:17:51.520 --> 00:17:53.919 actually was quite um wicked and had a 00:17:53.919 --> 00:17:56.640 quite baldy sense of humor so she um 00:17:56.640 --> 00:17:58.960 purposefully was doing a bit of a bait 00:17:58.960 --> 00:18:01.200 and switch for her audience in in this 00:18:01.200 --> 00:18:02.000 um 00:18:02.000 --> 00:18:05.520 in this uh photograph 00:18:05.520 --> 00:18:08.400 so if we go to the next slide i thought 00:18:08.400 --> 00:18:10.160 i'd give you a little bit of a look so 00:18:10.160 --> 00:18:12.799 this is actually the gallery designs 00:18:12.799 --> 00:18:16.400 that we send to everybody and they we 00:18:16.400 --> 00:18:18.159 and where we sort of start negotiating 00:18:18.159 --> 00:18:20.559 and discussing um how we're going to lay 00:18:20.559 --> 00:18:22.320 out gallery spaces 00:18:22.320 --> 00:18:24.640 what portraits are going to go where 00:18:24.640 --> 00:18:26.799 so this is from the look 00:18:26.799 --> 00:18:30.880 um a beautiful exhibition that's um 00:18:30.880 --> 00:18:34.000 sadly not on tour anymore but um 00:18:34.000 --> 00:18:36.400 yes uh was wowed audiences both at 00:18:36.400 --> 00:18:38.640 geelong and um at the national portrait 00:18:38.640 --> 00:18:40.880 gallery and you'll see that there's 00:18:40.880 --> 00:18:43.520 quite a few details in there and we once 00:18:43.520 --> 00:18:45.520 we're on site because we only have that 00:18:45.520 --> 00:18:48.799 very short period in which to hang 00:18:48.799 --> 00:18:51.919 and um you know realize a show 00:18:51.919 --> 00:18:53.520 we 00:18:53.520 --> 00:18:55.280 stick to them quite religiously which is 00:18:55.280 --> 00:18:56.799 good and so 00:18:56.799 --> 00:18:59.120 um you'll see that there's a line um on 00:18:59.120 --> 00:19:00.960 there it's 00:19:00.960 --> 00:19:02.960 1500 mil so that's where we keep the 00:19:02.960 --> 00:19:05.520 center line of all of our views 00:19:05.520 --> 00:19:07.039 and then when we measure works we 00:19:07.039 --> 00:19:09.120 measure them to always be sitting on 00:19:09.120 --> 00:19:11.520 that center line 00:19:11.520 --> 00:19:12.400 and 00:19:12.400 --> 00:19:15.120 we incorporate everything into them so 00:19:15.120 --> 00:19:16.640 you might see on there there's the 00:19:16.640 --> 00:19:18.720 baseboards there's where the power 00:19:18.720 --> 00:19:19.679 um 00:19:19.679 --> 00:19:22.320 power is in each of the uh baseboards 00:19:22.320 --> 00:19:23.600 along the floor 00:19:23.600 --> 00:19:25.600 um the 00:19:25.600 --> 00:19:27.600 wall labels are all there just so that 00:19:27.600 --> 00:19:29.440 we kind of know everything's going to be 00:19:29.440 --> 00:19:31.039 able to fit 00:19:31.039 --> 00:19:32.640 but that's not to say that things don't 00:19:32.640 --> 00:19:34.640 change there's definitely been times one 00:19:34.640 --> 00:19:36.640 of the the things about being a 00:19:36.640 --> 00:19:38.240 traveling exhibitions coordinator is 00:19:38.240 --> 00:19:39.440 you're often 00:19:39.440 --> 00:19:41.360 thinking on your feet and adapting shows 00:19:41.360 --> 00:19:43.600 i've definitely been to venues where 00:19:43.600 --> 00:19:46.080 they've said oh um council came in 00:19:46.080 --> 00:19:49.360 yesterday and they've installed a new 00:19:49.360 --> 00:19:52.480 um fire hose and it's smack bang in the 00:19:52.480 --> 00:19:54.159 middle of one of the walls 00:19:54.159 --> 00:19:56.240 and you know a giant artwork was meant 00:19:56.240 --> 00:19:58.000 to hang there and you think 00:19:58.000 --> 00:19:59.679 right i guess we'll be working around 00:19:59.679 --> 00:20:01.919 that and you know um 00:20:01.919 --> 00:20:02.720 so 00:20:02.720 --> 00:20:05.440 it doesn't always go to plan but um it's 00:20:05.440 --> 00:20:07.200 always great to have a guide to begin 00:20:07.200 --> 00:20:08.559 with 00:20:08.559 --> 00:20:10.320 um one of the questions that we do get 00:20:10.320 --> 00:20:12.880 asked a lot if we flick to the next 00:20:12.880 --> 00:20:13.919 slide 00:20:13.919 --> 00:20:17.039 is how do we always hang things so 00:20:17.039 --> 00:20:17.919 straight 00:20:17.919 --> 00:20:20.480 so two tricks of the trade there is you 00:20:20.480 --> 00:20:22.640 it might be difficult to see because of 00:20:22.640 --> 00:20:24.320 the photo when it might be a bit small 00:20:24.320 --> 00:20:26.320 but you'll see on that trolley there is 00:20:26.320 --> 00:20:27.919 a laser level 00:20:27.919 --> 00:20:31.200 and so that laser we set it at um 1500 00:20:31.200 --> 00:20:33.039 mil or whatever we've decided is going 00:20:33.039 --> 00:20:34.720 to be a height to which we're going to 00:20:34.720 --> 00:20:35.760 hang 00:20:35.760 --> 00:20:37.600 and then we'll be able to measure just 00:20:37.600 --> 00:20:39.919 off that and already have the first bits 00:20:39.919 --> 00:20:41.840 all done 00:20:41.840 --> 00:20:44.240 the other thing is that every artwork 00:20:44.240 --> 00:20:47.360 that we have has two points of contact 00:20:47.360 --> 00:20:48.400 on the back 00:20:48.400 --> 00:20:49.280 so 00:20:49.280 --> 00:20:51.760 we never have anything that's like um 00:20:51.760 --> 00:20:53.600 a string across the back and we hang it 00:20:53.600 --> 00:20:56.080 on a nail because that can very easily 00:20:56.080 --> 00:20:59.120 go skew if i'm sure we've all seen zooms 00:20:59.120 --> 00:21:01.440 where people have a 00:21:01.440 --> 00:21:03.440 painting in the background that's 00:21:03.440 --> 00:21:05.600 on a horrible angle 00:21:05.600 --> 00:21:07.440 difficult to almost concentrate 00:21:07.440 --> 00:21:08.559 sometimes 00:21:08.559 --> 00:21:10.559 but we have the two points of contact 00:21:10.559 --> 00:21:12.960 that equal distance to each other and 00:21:12.960 --> 00:21:15.120 when a work goes on them it has almost 00:21:15.120 --> 00:21:16.559 no movement 00:21:16.559 --> 00:21:18.159 which is really 00:21:18.159 --> 00:21:19.600 helpful for us 00:21:19.600 --> 00:21:22.240 and then we also have a double um thing 00:21:22.240 --> 00:21:24.480 that we can do where um we can put 00:21:24.480 --> 00:21:26.240 locking devices on the back so that 00:21:26.240 --> 00:21:28.720 really there can be no movement for 00:21:28.720 --> 00:21:31.760 um very expensive or valuable works but 00:21:31.760 --> 00:21:32.960 you do have to be careful there because 00:21:32.960 --> 00:21:35.520 once it's on it's it's on and there's 00:21:35.520 --> 00:21:36.960 not really getting 00:21:36.960 --> 00:21:38.720 it off without digging out half of the 00:21:38.720 --> 00:21:41.440 wall behind it even though you know 00:21:41.440 --> 00:21:43.039 you're always trying to be not create 00:21:43.039 --> 00:21:46.320 too much damage but you know can happen 00:21:46.320 --> 00:21:47.440 um 00:21:47.440 --> 00:21:48.799 this was um 00:21:48.799 --> 00:21:51.440 a little install shot from gosford 00:21:51.440 --> 00:21:53.919 regional gallery uh in new south wales 00:21:53.919 --> 00:21:56.159 that took express yourself 00:21:56.159 --> 00:21:59.520 this was another really interesting um 00:21:59.520 --> 00:22:01.600 one where things didn't quite go to plan 00:22:01.600 --> 00:22:02.400 because 00:22:02.400 --> 00:22:03.679 this was supposed to go straight from 00:22:03.679 --> 00:22:06.720 gosford up to townsville um 00:22:06.720 --> 00:22:08.480 and unfortunately 00:22:08.480 --> 00:22:10.480 queensland had huge floods and 00:22:10.480 --> 00:22:13.360 townsville itself was completely flooded 00:22:13.360 --> 00:22:16.320 and the truck got as far as brisbane and 00:22:16.320 --> 00:22:19.120 met a huge wall of water and had to go 00:22:19.120 --> 00:22:22.640 back to the brisbane depot and so um the 00:22:22.640 --> 00:22:24.960 townsville gallery team were excellent 00:22:24.960 --> 00:22:25.679 and 00:22:25.679 --> 00:22:28.159 you know we all sort of um got things 00:22:28.159 --> 00:22:30.320 moving and 00:22:30.320 --> 00:22:32.080 eventually got the show with a little 00:22:32.080 --> 00:22:34.320 bit of a delay to townsville 00:22:34.320 --> 00:22:36.480 um but yeah there's never a dull moment 00:22:36.480 --> 00:22:38.559 i mean we definitely have had 00:22:38.559 --> 00:22:40.000 times uh 00:22:40.000 --> 00:22:41.120 there was 00:22:41.120 --> 00:22:42.640 we took the national photographic 00:22:42.640 --> 00:22:45.440 portrait prize to western australia once 00:22:45.440 --> 00:22:48.080 and when um it was supposed to come back 00:22:48.080 --> 00:22:50.799 over to the blue mountains 00:22:50.799 --> 00:22:51.679 uh 00:22:51.679 --> 00:22:54.320 there were so many bushfires um in the 00:22:54.320 --> 00:22:56.320 very southern part of wa that the road 00:22:56.320 --> 00:22:58.240 caught fire 00:22:58.240 --> 00:23:00.880 and we were unable to go across the 00:23:00.880 --> 00:23:02.720 nullarbor which meant we had to divert a 00:23:02.720 --> 00:23:05.200 truck up through alice springs and then 00:23:05.200 --> 00:23:07.279 back down to kitumba 00:23:07.279 --> 00:23:10.080 um and then when it got to katoomba or 00:23:10.080 --> 00:23:12.720 to approach katoomba there was also 00:23:12.720 --> 00:23:14.960 bushfires in kitumba 00:23:14.960 --> 00:23:16.640 so eventually we got it all there and 00:23:16.640 --> 00:23:19.279 everyone was safe and sound and so were 00:23:19.279 --> 00:23:21.440 the artworks but you know certainly 00:23:21.440 --> 00:23:23.520 you're not expecting a road fire to sort 00:23:23.520 --> 00:23:24.720 of um 00:23:24.720 --> 00:23:26.480 get in the way of things or 00:23:26.480 --> 00:23:28.720 uh high seas have prevented trucks at 00:23:28.720 --> 00:23:30.559 times from getting back on the spirit of 00:23:30.559 --> 00:23:32.480 tasmania and bring artworks back to the 00:23:32.480 --> 00:23:34.240 mainland 00:23:34.240 --> 00:23:37.600 so there's always variables which is um 00:23:37.600 --> 00:23:39.440 it keeps things interesting and keeps 00:23:39.440 --> 00:23:42.000 our registrar um up at night 00:23:42.000 --> 00:23:44.159 i i always have the attitude of no it'll 00:23:44.159 --> 00:23:45.919 be okay of course we'll get works there 00:23:45.919 --> 00:23:47.919 you know there's no worries 00:23:47.919 --> 00:23:49.840 and um not sort of saying oh i think 00:23:49.840 --> 00:23:51.679 there's a cyclone approaching the coast 00:23:51.679 --> 00:23:53.039 um 00:23:53.039 --> 00:23:56.240 but you know we we get there um so if we 00:23:56.240 --> 00:23:58.559 hit the next slide 00:23:58.559 --> 00:24:01.120 i think we should be able to see 00:24:01.120 --> 00:24:03.600 yes these are some wonderful colleagues 00:24:03.600 --> 00:24:04.640 of mine 00:24:04.640 --> 00:24:05.760 um 00:24:05.760 --> 00:24:08.799 and they are testing some instructions 00:24:08.799 --> 00:24:11.039 so not always are we able to bring every 00:24:11.039 --> 00:24:13.200 element from the national portrait 00:24:13.200 --> 00:24:16.880 gallery to all of our venues 00:24:16.880 --> 00:24:19.840 so sometimes we create um sort of other 00:24:19.840 --> 00:24:21.600 modules and and different bits and 00:24:21.600 --> 00:24:23.840 pieces like that and 00:24:23.840 --> 00:24:25.840 they go with an exhibition to try and 00:24:25.840 --> 00:24:28.640 recreate as much of it as we can 00:24:28.640 --> 00:24:32.400 this particular module went with um 00:24:32.400 --> 00:24:34.240 a touring exhibition that i didn't 00:24:34.240 --> 00:24:37.200 travel with and so we put together a 00:24:37.200 --> 00:24:40.880 series of instructions and videos to 00:24:40.880 --> 00:24:41.760 help 00:24:41.760 --> 00:24:42.480 the 00:24:42.480 --> 00:24:44.720 galleries that took this exhibition to 00:24:44.720 --> 00:24:47.600 construct it so i wrote those 00:24:47.600 --> 00:24:49.919 instructions and then gave them to some 00:24:49.919 --> 00:24:51.919 colleagues who hadn't seen 00:24:51.919 --> 00:24:52.880 um 00:24:52.880 --> 00:24:55.520 the original idea or the object when it 00:24:55.520 --> 00:24:56.480 was made 00:24:56.480 --> 00:24:58.159 and said um 00:24:58.159 --> 00:25:00.400 can you make these and can you can you 00:25:00.400 --> 00:25:02.240 test these instructions and see what 00:25:02.240 --> 00:25:04.480 happens 00:25:04.480 --> 00:25:06.000 uh they're very good colleagues very 00:25:06.000 --> 00:25:09.039 good friends luckily and um it was some 00:25:09.039 --> 00:25:11.679 of it felt a bit like ikea gone wrong i 00:25:11.679 --> 00:25:13.679 suddenly had a bit more sympathy for the 00:25:13.679 --> 00:25:15.360 people writing those 00:25:15.360 --> 00:25:17.679 flat pack instructions 00:25:17.679 --> 00:25:19.520 but we definitely did get there and we 00:25:19.520 --> 00:25:22.159 created um you know that the module was 00:25:22.159 --> 00:25:24.400 was created and we definitely learned 00:25:24.400 --> 00:25:26.320 quite a few things it had some very 00:25:26.320 --> 00:25:28.400 sharp edges it was a little bit 00:25:28.400 --> 00:25:30.559 dangerous in that way that we needed to 00:25:30.559 --> 00:25:33.679 file down and also we certainly found 00:25:33.679 --> 00:25:36.640 out that uh once you built it you 00:25:36.640 --> 00:25:40.320 absolutely could not move it anywhere 00:25:40.320 --> 00:25:41.200 um 00:25:41.200 --> 00:25:44.240 the other thing that we did then was 00:25:44.240 --> 00:25:48.399 make a video of um putting it together 00:25:48.399 --> 00:25:51.760 um i have many talents but uh being in 00:25:51.760 --> 00:25:53.760 instructional videos i don't think is 00:25:53.760 --> 00:25:54.960 one of them 00:25:54.960 --> 00:25:58.399 it is horrendous and um 00:25:58.399 --> 00:26:00.640 several galleries called laughing after 00:26:00.640 --> 00:26:02.080 having seen it 00:26:02.080 --> 00:26:02.960 um 00:26:02.960 --> 00:26:06.240 we also made another video describing um 00:26:06.240 --> 00:26:07.520 getting some artworks out of a 00:26:07.520 --> 00:26:09.120 particular style of crate that we don't 00:26:09.120 --> 00:26:12.559 use very often that sort of springs open 00:26:12.559 --> 00:26:16.720 and um yes i i hopefully will be able to 00:26:16.720 --> 00:26:19.120 find some more professional actors to be 00:26:19.120 --> 00:26:21.360 in the next ones because um 00:26:21.360 --> 00:26:22.720 i don't know if the world could stand 00:26:22.720 --> 00:26:25.360 anymore of um my particular videos thank 00:26:25.360 --> 00:26:27.279 god that they're not out there you know 00:26:27.279 --> 00:26:28.960 on youtube for someone to find because 00:26:28.960 --> 00:26:30.320 i'd be 00:26:30.320 --> 00:26:32.240 yeah i don't know how my professional 00:26:32.240 --> 00:26:34.080 career would go after that 00:26:34.080 --> 00:26:35.279 sounds like there needs to be three 00:26:35.279 --> 00:26:37.060 attributes in there louise somewhere 00:26:37.060 --> 00:26:39.360 [Laughter] 00:26:39.360 --> 00:26:42.080 we did have a question from peter oh and 00:26:42.080 --> 00:26:44.159 also a shout out from shingo ishikawa 00:26:44.159 --> 00:26:46.399 who is joining us on facebook and um 00:26:46.399 --> 00:26:47.840 remembers working with you on the 00:26:47.840 --> 00:26:50.000 starstruck exhibition but we did have a 00:26:50.000 --> 00:26:51.360 question from peter about what's the 00:26:51.360 --> 00:26:53.520 hardest thing you've had to hang and i 00:26:53.520 --> 00:26:56.799 like travel and hang 00:26:56.799 --> 00:26:57.840 um 00:26:57.840 --> 00:26:59.520 there's a few things sometimes it's 00:26:59.520 --> 00:27:02.559 actually not the artworks it's 00:27:02.559 --> 00:27:03.919 all the 00:27:03.919 --> 00:27:06.000 um exhibition vinyl 00:27:06.000 --> 00:27:08.960 um that is incredibly challenging um 00:27:08.960 --> 00:27:11.440 that mark webber artwork is actually 00:27:11.440 --> 00:27:13.840 quite challenging it's very big it's 00:27:13.840 --> 00:27:15.279 very heavy 00:27:15.279 --> 00:27:18.399 and it is um 00:27:18.399 --> 00:27:21.840 uh the particular frame element is very 00:27:21.840 --> 00:27:23.440 unforgiving so we always wear gloves 00:27:23.440 --> 00:27:25.679 when we handle artworks but somehow it 00:27:25.679 --> 00:27:27.760 can get quite smudgy you're forever 00:27:27.760 --> 00:27:29.760 forever looking and and you know making 00:27:29.760 --> 00:27:31.679 sure that there's no sort of handle or 00:27:31.679 --> 00:27:33.200 smudge marks on there 00:27:33.200 --> 00:27:35.919 also it's digital work sometimes we have 00:27:35.919 --> 00:27:38.159 a 00:27:38.159 --> 00:27:41.760 beautiful portrait of um kate blanchet 00:27:41.760 --> 00:27:44.480 and um when we travel digital works we 00:27:44.480 --> 00:27:46.960 generally travel them on televisions we 00:27:46.960 --> 00:27:49.919 pre-program them their time they've got 00:27:49.919 --> 00:27:51.919 timers on them so that gallery staff 00:27:51.919 --> 00:27:53.600 don't need to go in with remote controls 00:27:53.600 --> 00:27:55.520 every day they just come on go off at 00:27:55.520 --> 00:27:57.279 the right times 00:27:57.279 --> 00:27:59.360 but sometimes best laid plans i've 00:27:59.360 --> 00:28:01.679 definitely plugged in a tv once i've put 00:28:01.679 --> 00:28:04.799 it on on its bracket and 00:28:04.799 --> 00:28:07.039 there's no um 00:28:07.039 --> 00:28:08.720 uh 00:28:08.720 --> 00:28:11.360 no video on there the time is gone 00:28:11.360 --> 00:28:13.039 not sure what's happened 00:28:13.039 --> 00:28:15.520 um so yeah there's a few there's one in 00:28:15.520 --> 00:28:17.200 every exhibition this is your little 00:28:17.200 --> 00:28:20.000 trouble someone but um i mean generally 00:28:20.000 --> 00:28:21.600 we're we're pretty lucky and and where 00:28:21.600 --> 00:28:23.440 there's a will there's a way 00:28:23.440 --> 00:28:26.000 we we don't let them get us down so let 00:28:26.000 --> 00:28:28.080 it get us down 00:28:28.080 --> 00:28:29.919 lent 00:28:29.919 --> 00:28:31.200 um 00:28:31.200 --> 00:28:33.200 yeah so if we go to the next slide i 00:28:33.200 --> 00:28:35.679 think shingo might actually um even be 00:28:35.679 --> 00:28:38.880 able to see himself a bit so this is one 00:28:38.880 --> 00:28:40.559 of the funny things that happened when 00:28:40.559 --> 00:28:42.240 we were in um 00:28:42.240 --> 00:28:45.520 uh taking uh starstruck to bathurst it 00:28:45.520 --> 00:28:47.200 was a very eventful time 00:28:47.200 --> 00:28:49.200 um a local journalist who loved 00:28:49.200 --> 00:28:50.880 priscilla queen of the desert came and 00:28:50.880 --> 00:28:53.120 visited us as we were 00:28:53.120 --> 00:28:54.960 um getting the exhibition ready for 00:28:54.960 --> 00:28:57.520 display and was there when we 00:28:57.520 --> 00:29:00.720 uh took out the thong dress that is worn 00:29:00.720 --> 00:29:03.279 by hugo weaving in the movie 00:29:03.279 --> 00:29:06.640 and um took a photo of us um 00:29:06.640 --> 00:29:09.440 so shingo is there from the nfsa and 00:29:09.440 --> 00:29:12.480 claire his colleague myself and we sort 00:29:12.480 --> 00:29:14.720 of thought after he took it and we we 00:29:14.720 --> 00:29:17.519 had a bit of a chat um that you know to 00:29:17.519 --> 00:29:19.600 be sandwiched somewhere you know between 00:29:19.600 --> 00:29:21.600 sort of the crossword and the sport and 00:29:21.600 --> 00:29:22.799 things like that 00:29:22.799 --> 00:29:26.159 only to all be eating breakfast um in a 00:29:26.159 --> 00:29:28.240 cafe and having a chat before we we went 00:29:28.240 --> 00:29:29.760 back to the gallery for another day of 00:29:29.760 --> 00:29:31.360 work 00:29:31.360 --> 00:29:33.600 and to find someone opening the paper 00:29:33.600 --> 00:29:36.159 and our faces were on the front of it 00:29:36.159 --> 00:29:37.039 um 00:29:37.039 --> 00:29:37.840 so 00:29:37.840 --> 00:29:41.120 we took this photo which i think my mum 00:29:41.120 --> 00:29:43.440 said is this a proof of life when i sent 00:29:43.440 --> 00:29:44.559 it to her 00:29:44.559 --> 00:29:47.760 um and it was a lot of quite funny but 00:29:47.760 --> 00:29:49.679 we um 00:29:49.679 --> 00:29:52.640 yeah it was a a great um 00:29:52.640 --> 00:29:54.399 laugh sort of see yourself reflected 00:29:54.399 --> 00:29:56.080 back on the newspaper i've been looking 00:29:56.080 --> 00:29:58.480 horribly tired as well 00:29:58.480 --> 00:29:59.279 um 00:29:59.279 --> 00:30:00.880 it's one of the fun things about 00:30:00.880 --> 00:30:02.720 traveling with shows is you get to sort 00:30:02.720 --> 00:30:05.120 of do every role in the portrait gallery 00:30:05.120 --> 00:30:08.080 so when i'm at a venue you know and you 00:30:08.080 --> 00:30:09.440 know we might be in 00:30:09.440 --> 00:30:11.440 western australia or something you know 00:30:11.440 --> 00:30:13.440 you're not just doing the exhibition 00:30:13.440 --> 00:30:16.000 you're also the marketing person you're 00:30:16.000 --> 00:30:17.679 the registrar you know you're the 00:30:17.679 --> 00:30:20.320 conservation um you know assistant 00:30:20.320 --> 00:30:23.039 you're also the executive sometimes and 00:30:23.039 --> 00:30:25.360 you know doing all these kinds of things 00:30:25.360 --> 00:30:27.120 so yeah it was 00:30:27.120 --> 00:30:29.760 a bit a bit of a strange one 00:30:29.760 --> 00:30:30.880 um 00:30:30.880 --> 00:30:32.640 and then if you go to the next one you 00:30:32.640 --> 00:30:34.960 see me in one of my many hats which is 00:30:34.960 --> 00:30:36.000 um 00:30:36.000 --> 00:30:38.159 uh opening the show so this was in 00:30:38.159 --> 00:30:41.279 collie in western australia it was such 00:30:41.279 --> 00:30:43.760 an exciting gallery to go and see 00:30:43.760 --> 00:30:45.360 a relatively new 00:30:45.360 --> 00:30:46.799 community space 00:30:46.799 --> 00:30:48.960 um the 00:30:48.960 --> 00:30:51.200 art gallery board lobbied really hard 00:30:51.200 --> 00:30:54.159 and fundraised you know immensely to um 00:30:54.159 --> 00:30:56.000 have this gallery built 00:30:56.000 --> 00:30:58.320 and it was you know great to be able to 00:30:58.320 --> 00:31:00.559 go down and see and support it they have 00:31:00.559 --> 00:31:02.799 they had a budding collection 00:31:02.799 --> 00:31:06.000 um you know very robust gallery program 00:31:06.000 --> 00:31:09.600 and because it was um so collie is 00:31:09.600 --> 00:31:11.440 um maybe 00:31:11.440 --> 00:31:14.720 30 minutes inland of bunbury in the um 00:31:14.720 --> 00:31:16.880 south of western australia 00:31:16.880 --> 00:31:17.760 um 00:31:17.760 --> 00:31:19.600 unfortunately our senior curator at the 00:31:19.600 --> 00:31:22.799 time chris wasn't able to travel so um 00:31:22.799 --> 00:31:23.679 i 00:31:23.679 --> 00:31:25.440 undertook the opening and had a lot of 00:31:25.440 --> 00:31:28.080 fun meeting people um 00:31:28.080 --> 00:31:30.640 who are local to the area and one of the 00:31:30.640 --> 00:31:32.799 other really exciting things is this is 00:31:32.799 --> 00:31:35.039 our national photographic portrait prize 00:31:35.039 --> 00:31:37.760 this was the 2019 iteration of the 00:31:37.760 --> 00:31:38.960 exhibition 00:31:38.960 --> 00:31:41.279 some of the artists who were in the show 00:31:41.279 --> 00:31:43.360 weren't able to travel to canberra but 00:31:43.360 --> 00:31:45.679 they were local to western australia so 00:31:45.679 --> 00:31:48.640 they came and enjoyed the opening at 00:31:48.640 --> 00:31:50.799 colley and seeing their works you know 00:31:50.799 --> 00:31:52.720 in their home state which is something 00:31:52.720 --> 00:31:54.720 really exciting they were able to bring 00:31:54.720 --> 00:31:58.080 you know friends and family and um 00:31:58.080 --> 00:31:59.679 you know their high school art teachers 00:31:59.679 --> 00:32:02.399 and all sorts of fun things like that so 00:32:02.399 --> 00:32:04.240 you know i really do get the pleasure of 00:32:04.240 --> 00:32:06.080 meeting all sorts of different people 00:32:06.080 --> 00:32:07.679 and um 00:32:07.679 --> 00:32:09.360 getting to you know share these 00:32:09.360 --> 00:32:11.120 exhibitions which i'm 00:32:11.120 --> 00:32:13.600 yeah it's it's an absolutely immense 00:32:13.600 --> 00:32:14.640 privilege 00:32:14.640 --> 00:32:15.919 um 00:32:15.919 --> 00:32:18.640 collie was also a lot of fun because 00:32:18.640 --> 00:32:20.639 we got to explore 00:32:20.639 --> 00:32:22.800 you know when the um 00:32:22.800 --> 00:32:25.119 the day's over and the gallery's shut we 00:32:25.119 --> 00:32:27.440 often go exploring and we 00:32:27.440 --> 00:32:29.839 went and saw some beautiful lagoons we 00:32:29.839 --> 00:32:33.199 swam at the beach out of bunbury um 00:32:33.199 --> 00:32:35.119 it's such a beautiful area and if you're 00:32:35.119 --> 00:32:37.760 ever in that sort of bunbury bustleton 00:32:37.760 --> 00:32:39.760 sort of spot i'd highly encourage you to 00:32:39.760 --> 00:32:42.000 go and visit the collie art gallery 00:32:42.000 --> 00:32:43.199 because 00:32:43.199 --> 00:32:45.119 as i said it's got a really wonderful 00:32:45.119 --> 00:32:48.239 program and wonderful staff 00:32:48.239 --> 00:32:49.520 so if we go 00:32:49.520 --> 00:32:51.839 to the next one 00:32:51.839 --> 00:32:54.480 um one of the best things about 00:32:54.480 --> 00:32:57.679 traveling with shows is that 00:32:57.679 --> 00:32:58.480 um 00:32:58.480 --> 00:33:00.480 it's always a bit of an adventure and 00:33:00.480 --> 00:33:02.719 this was an adventure that 00:33:02.719 --> 00:33:05.599 i got to go on in 00:33:05.599 --> 00:33:08.399 just outside of geraldton in wa 00:33:08.399 --> 00:33:10.960 so this is the province of hut river 00:33:10.960 --> 00:33:14.880 principality um which um has anyone in 00:33:14.880 --> 00:33:18.079 the audience been there or know what it 00:33:18.079 --> 00:33:19.760 is 00:33:19.760 --> 00:33:21.200 well i'll let you know if any of those 00:33:21.200 --> 00:33:23.119 comments come through 00:33:23.119 --> 00:33:23.839 so 00:33:23.839 --> 00:33:26.839 this is a place that noella prince 00:33:26.839 --> 00:33:30.880 leonard prince leonard indeed um we got 00:33:30.880 --> 00:33:32.640 to meet the esteemed prince leonard and 00:33:32.640 --> 00:33:35.680 his um son prince graham 00:33:35.680 --> 00:33:39.040 um i believe his youngest son um when we 00:33:39.040 --> 00:33:42.720 went there so this um is a principality 00:33:42.720 --> 00:33:45.839 that's seceded from australia over 00:33:45.839 --> 00:33:48.640 a dispute with wheat quotas i believe 00:33:48.640 --> 00:33:49.599 and 00:33:49.599 --> 00:33:50.720 they 00:33:50.720 --> 00:33:53.119 uh live independently it's a place that 00:33:53.119 --> 00:33:55.680 um i'd been curious about for many many 00:33:55.680 --> 00:33:57.839 years and that i talked about with 00:33:57.839 --> 00:34:00.400 friends and family and when 00:34:00.400 --> 00:34:03.359 we went out to scout a venue which we 00:34:03.359 --> 00:34:05.359 often do we went over to geraldton we 00:34:05.359 --> 00:34:07.599 were bringing several large shows there 00:34:07.599 --> 00:34:09.280 and needed to 00:34:09.280 --> 00:34:11.280 understand more about their space their 00:34:11.280 --> 00:34:13.040 loading docks you know the really 00:34:13.040 --> 00:34:14.400 glamorous things 00:34:14.400 --> 00:34:15.920 instead of spending most of your time in 00:34:15.920 --> 00:34:17.280 a gallery when you go and check it out 00:34:17.280 --> 00:34:18.800 you spend most of your time at the back 00:34:18.800 --> 00:34:20.960 working out how trucks are going to 00:34:20.960 --> 00:34:22.720 reverse out properly 00:34:22.720 --> 00:34:25.359 um are you going to be able to move um 00:34:25.359 --> 00:34:28.320 heavy machinery through their back doors 00:34:28.320 --> 00:34:29.760 um but 00:34:29.760 --> 00:34:31.839 we also had a little bit of spare time 00:34:31.839 --> 00:34:36.000 and we knew this was only um 00:34:36.000 --> 00:34:39.760 uh maybe an hour out of town um so first 00:34:39.760 --> 00:34:42.079 we went and saw the beautiful pink lake 00:34:42.079 --> 00:34:44.880 gregory and then on the way back went to 00:34:44.880 --> 00:34:46.160 hut river 00:34:46.160 --> 00:34:47.680 so um 00:34:47.680 --> 00:34:49.839 princess shirley um 00:34:49.839 --> 00:34:50.560 who 00:34:50.560 --> 00:34:54.480 she and um prince leonard had uh 00:34:54.480 --> 00:34:57.119 seceded um unfortunately she had passed 00:34:57.119 --> 00:35:00.320 away but we were able to go and explore 00:35:00.320 --> 00:35:01.200 um 00:35:01.200 --> 00:35:02.960 you know this new country 00:35:02.960 --> 00:35:04.240 and um 00:35:04.240 --> 00:35:06.400 learn a lot about it and my poor 00:35:06.400 --> 00:35:08.160 colleague aaron he was with me on this 00:35:08.160 --> 00:35:11.440 trip he'd never heard of it uh 00:35:11.440 --> 00:35:12.720 i think he might have thought i was 00:35:12.720 --> 00:35:15.920 making some of it up um but aaron is a 00:35:15.920 --> 00:35:18.160 collector at heart and so too were 00:35:18.160 --> 00:35:20.560 prince leonard and prince graham who had 00:35:20.560 --> 00:35:21.920 collections of 00:35:21.920 --> 00:35:24.480 rocks and postage stamps and you know 00:35:24.480 --> 00:35:27.040 they'd made their own currency and so we 00:35:27.040 --> 00:35:29.040 found out where and how you can get your 00:35:29.040 --> 00:35:31.040 own currency made if you're so inclined 00:35:31.040 --> 00:35:34.079 and um it was absolutely excellent 00:35:34.079 --> 00:35:36.560 excellent a true adventure 00:35:36.560 --> 00:35:37.760 and um 00:35:37.760 --> 00:35:40.079 sadly since you know that was some time 00:35:40.079 --> 00:35:43.280 ago now um prince leonard passed away 00:35:43.280 --> 00:35:46.640 and i believe that the um 00:35:46.640 --> 00:35:48.400 uh the family have been in a dispute 00:35:48.400 --> 00:35:50.400 with the tax department it's always 00:35:50.400 --> 00:35:52.480 taxes they get you and 00:35:52.480 --> 00:35:53.359 um 00:35:53.359 --> 00:35:56.560 the um property i think is now part of 00:35:56.560 --> 00:35:59.040 the holdings of the west australian 00:35:59.040 --> 00:36:00.240 museum 00:36:00.240 --> 00:36:02.480 so hopefully more people will be able to 00:36:02.480 --> 00:36:04.640 go and you know visit when we're able to 00:36:04.640 --> 00:36:06.720 move around the country a little bit 00:36:06.720 --> 00:36:08.400 more freely 00:36:08.400 --> 00:36:10.160 michelle who's joining us on facebook 00:36:10.160 --> 00:36:12.160 said that she once took art classes with 00:36:12.160 --> 00:36:13.760 prince leonard 00:36:13.760 --> 00:36:17.200 so there you go well apparently when we 00:36:17.200 --> 00:36:19.200 were there prince leonard had sent some 00:36:19.200 --> 00:36:21.920 of his watercolors to prince charles and 00:36:21.920 --> 00:36:24.400 they had um framed letters on the wall 00:36:24.400 --> 00:36:26.960 from prince charles sort of thanking 00:36:26.960 --> 00:36:30.480 thanking um prince leonard for his um 00:36:30.480 --> 00:36:33.040 uh gifts to the royal collection 00:36:33.040 --> 00:36:34.560 so i mean 00:36:34.560 --> 00:36:37.520 who knows one day um you know prince 00:36:37.520 --> 00:36:39.119 charles might be hanging some of um 00:36:39.119 --> 00:36:41.280 prince leonard's works you know through 00:36:41.280 --> 00:36:43.119 some of the many um 00:36:43.119 --> 00:36:45.200 palaces in in england 00:36:45.200 --> 00:36:47.839 which would be pretty fun 00:36:47.839 --> 00:36:50.800 um but yeah so it is a really really 00:36:50.800 --> 00:36:53.280 excellent job um the next thing we've 00:36:53.280 --> 00:36:56.000 had a bit of a hiatus from touring as as 00:36:56.000 --> 00:36:58.160 of course you may imagine with 00:36:58.160 --> 00:37:00.240 the covert lockdowns 00:37:00.240 --> 00:37:01.839 one of my colleagues told me oh how's 00:37:01.839 --> 00:37:03.440 your ground been going 00:37:03.440 --> 00:37:04.560 um 00:37:04.560 --> 00:37:06.800 not good i'm getting very restless but 00:37:06.800 --> 00:37:07.760 um 00:37:07.760 --> 00:37:09.599 we will be touring our pub rock 00:37:09.599 --> 00:37:11.200 exhibition next 00:37:11.200 --> 00:37:13.760 so that is a really cool show that we 00:37:13.760 --> 00:37:16.560 actually reopened with when we went i 00:37:16.560 --> 00:37:19.520 came out of covert lockdown last time 00:37:19.520 --> 00:37:22.160 and it features um 00:37:22.160 --> 00:37:25.200 australian pub rock and rockers from 00:37:25.200 --> 00:37:27.680 sort of you know the the very origins in 00:37:27.680 --> 00:37:29.680 the 60s right through the sort of heyday 00:37:29.680 --> 00:37:32.240 of the 70s and 80s and a little bit into 00:37:32.240 --> 00:37:35.359 the 90s there's some absolutely amazing 00:37:35.359 --> 00:37:36.640 images 00:37:36.640 --> 00:37:38.240 and that's one where we're actually 00:37:38.240 --> 00:37:40.800 going to really encourage all of our 00:37:40.800 --> 00:37:43.040 um galleries and and the communities 00:37:43.040 --> 00:37:44.400 within those galleries to actually 00:37:44.400 --> 00:37:46.800 contribute some of their own 00:37:46.800 --> 00:37:48.800 you know pub rock photos whether they're 00:37:48.800 --> 00:37:51.119 times that you know really legendary 00:37:51.119 --> 00:37:53.359 australian bands came and visited pubs 00:37:53.359 --> 00:37:55.920 or performed in their town or whether 00:37:55.920 --> 00:37:58.000 they're sort of um 00:37:58.000 --> 00:38:00.320 people who are really prominent pub rock 00:38:00.320 --> 00:38:02.960 bands you know from that era that were 00:38:02.960 --> 00:38:04.560 local to the area 00:38:04.560 --> 00:38:06.560 and that's a really exciting thing 00:38:06.560 --> 00:38:08.160 because it kind of invites like a 00:38:08.160 --> 00:38:10.640 co-curation and a really 00:38:10.640 --> 00:38:12.880 amazing conversation between 00:38:12.880 --> 00:38:15.760 our collection which is like um you know 00:38:15.760 --> 00:38:18.640 amazing and really um it's such a fun 00:38:18.640 --> 00:38:21.359 sweaty show you can almost like smell 00:38:21.359 --> 00:38:23.119 the beer and the stale cigarettes when 00:38:23.119 --> 00:38:24.480 you walk in 00:38:24.480 --> 00:38:26.880 and you know the collection and the 00:38:26.880 --> 00:38:28.560 local scenes that were happening all 00:38:28.560 --> 00:38:31.359 across australia at that time 00:38:31.359 --> 00:38:33.440 so louise if communities were interested 00:38:33.440 --> 00:38:35.599 in seeing pub rock around the place or 00:38:35.599 --> 00:38:37.599 any of our travelling exhibitions 00:38:37.599 --> 00:38:39.920 um how would they get in touch or how 00:38:39.920 --> 00:38:41.520 would they how do people how do we 00:38:41.520 --> 00:38:42.880 manage to find out where we're going to 00:38:42.880 --> 00:38:45.040 tour these amazing exhibitions to 00:38:45.040 --> 00:38:49.200 well we list them on our website i um 00:38:49.200 --> 00:38:51.119 under our exhibitions there but if you 00:38:51.119 --> 00:38:52.560 ever had any questions or it was 00:38:52.560 --> 00:38:53.920 something that you wanted to talk more 00:38:53.920 --> 00:38:56.480 about with me um you can always email 00:38:56.480 --> 00:38:59.359 touring npg.gov 00:38:59.359 --> 00:39:00.560 dot a u 00:39:00.560 --> 00:39:02.000 so um 00:39:02.000 --> 00:39:04.640 easy to get in touch with me and um i 00:39:04.640 --> 00:39:07.280 mean i love touring things everywhere 00:39:07.280 --> 00:39:08.640 um 00:39:08.640 --> 00:39:10.880 and there's no sort of you know we don't 00:39:10.880 --> 00:39:12.560 always have like hard and fast rules 00:39:12.560 --> 00:39:14.560 about what we tour to what places 00:39:14.560 --> 00:39:16.160 sometimes we are a little bit restricted 00:39:16.160 --> 00:39:19.040 if things are really really like light 00:39:19.040 --> 00:39:20.560 sensitive we have to make sure that we 00:39:20.560 --> 00:39:22.880 can be able to get the lux levels 00:39:22.880 --> 00:39:25.280 correct um and things like that so that 00:39:25.280 --> 00:39:27.680 we don't fade you know like old books 00:39:27.680 --> 00:39:29.920 and old photographs or that sort of 00:39:29.920 --> 00:39:32.480 thing but we do um 00:39:32.480 --> 00:39:34.319 get to tour to some really exciting 00:39:34.319 --> 00:39:36.079 places we're also going to tour at the 00:39:36.079 --> 00:39:38.000 moment we've got our 00:39:38.000 --> 00:39:40.000 living memory exhibition on at the 00:39:40.000 --> 00:39:42.160 portrait gallery that's been extended at 00:39:42.160 --> 00:39:43.760 the npg 00:39:43.760 --> 00:39:45.520 but when it finishes there that will 00:39:45.520 --> 00:39:47.520 also go on the road and that's a really 00:39:47.520 --> 00:39:49.520 beautiful look at 00:39:49.520 --> 00:39:51.599 um photographs from sort of the year 00:39:51.599 --> 00:39:55.520 that was 2020 into the start of 2021 um 00:39:55.520 --> 00:39:57.280 as sort of extension of our national 00:39:57.280 --> 00:39:59.599 photographic portrait prize and i know 00:39:59.599 --> 00:40:01.440 that you know with a lot of the themes 00:40:01.440 --> 00:40:02.800 and the conversations that are sort of 00:40:02.800 --> 00:40:04.720 happening in that show there are quite a 00:40:04.720 --> 00:40:06.960 few communities that are sort of keen to 00:40:06.960 --> 00:40:09.520 see that in their space and i'm 00:40:09.520 --> 00:40:12.720 incredibly excited to share it with them 00:40:12.720 --> 00:40:14.880 we have about five minutes less 00:40:14.880 --> 00:40:17.119 louise i was just wondering if anyone in 00:40:17.119 --> 00:40:18.560 the audience had any questions that 00:40:18.560 --> 00:40:20.240 they'd like to ask 00:40:20.240 --> 00:40:22.240 anyone who's joining us on zoom or on 00:40:22.240 --> 00:40:24.160 facebook 00:40:24.160 --> 00:40:25.920 we've had so many people reminiscing 00:40:25.920 --> 00:40:28.560 about some uh when they've met prince 00:40:28.560 --> 00:40:30.319 leonard and when they've heard of it but 00:40:30.319 --> 00:40:32.160 we did have a question earlier on about 00:40:32.160 --> 00:40:33.440 um 00:40:33.440 --> 00:40:35.920 and correctly gail has um 00:40:35.920 --> 00:40:37.599 ascertained that most of our traveling 00:40:37.599 --> 00:40:38.640 is done by 00:40:38.640 --> 00:40:40.960 road but do we ever fly exhibitions 00:40:40.960 --> 00:40:42.880 anywhere 00:40:42.880 --> 00:40:43.839 um 00:40:43.839 --> 00:40:47.200 it's a lot more expensive um we don't 00:40:47.200 --> 00:40:48.640 very much sometimes we fly individual 00:40:48.640 --> 00:40:50.880 artworks but unless we're flying 00:40:50.880 --> 00:40:52.319 something to say 00:40:52.319 --> 00:40:55.200 new zealand or somewhere 00:40:55.200 --> 00:40:57.200 um else 00:40:57.200 --> 00:40:59.839 we we don't the the cost is incredibly 00:40:59.839 --> 00:41:04.000 prohibitive so um it is it it's really 00:41:04.000 --> 00:41:06.400 expensive to get a truck from um you 00:41:06.400 --> 00:41:09.920 know perth to canberra but a flight a 00:41:09.920 --> 00:41:12.480 freight a cargo um freight flight where 00:41:12.480 --> 00:41:15.599 we have climate control is just 00:41:15.599 --> 00:41:18.560 mind-blowingly expensive and so we we 00:41:18.560 --> 00:41:20.720 try to avoid that because we do have 00:41:20.720 --> 00:41:22.640 really good roads and really great 00:41:22.640 --> 00:41:26.240 transport companies um in that 00:41:26.240 --> 00:41:28.400 in that space at the moment but not to 00:41:28.400 --> 00:41:30.400 say i mean in the future maybe because 00:41:30.400 --> 00:41:32.400 it is it is faster 00:41:32.400 --> 00:41:34.000 and um 00:41:34.000 --> 00:41:36.240 yeah we we certainly 00:41:36.240 --> 00:41:38.480 have done with like i said a few works 00:41:38.480 --> 00:41:40.720 or a single crate but not so much 00:41:40.720 --> 00:41:43.839 um with like a dedicated um plane load 00:41:43.839 --> 00:41:44.880 of 00:41:44.880 --> 00:41:46.720 um artworks 00:41:46.720 --> 00:41:48.480 yeah i remember a friend of mine who 00:41:48.480 --> 00:41:50.640 worked in an institution over in london 00:41:50.640 --> 00:41:52.319 saying that they could have bought a 00:41:52.319 --> 00:41:54.960 first class ticket for one of the works 00:41:54.960 --> 00:41:56.480 um and it would have been cheaper than 00:41:56.480 --> 00:41:59.520 trying to to send it freight 00:41:59.520 --> 00:42:01.440 with all of the extra requirements 00:42:01.440 --> 00:42:02.960 required for art 00:42:02.960 --> 00:42:04.160 um 00:42:04.160 --> 00:42:05.520 one last question i think we can 00:42:05.520 --> 00:42:07.680 probably go to before we finish we were 00:42:07.680 --> 00:42:10.160 just wondering how um touring is funded 00:42:10.160 --> 00:42:11.680 and just wondering whether there's like 00:42:11.680 --> 00:42:14.240 a is it a mpg or is there a government 00:42:14.240 --> 00:42:16.240 body that supports touring in australia 00:42:16.240 --> 00:42:17.200 at all 00:42:17.200 --> 00:42:19.920 so we're incredibly lucky that 00:42:19.920 --> 00:42:22.800 a lot of our touring is um 00:42:22.800 --> 00:42:25.359 supported by the office of the arts so 00:42:25.359 --> 00:42:27.839 they have an amazing program 00:42:27.839 --> 00:42:31.119 the national collecting institutions 00:42:31.119 --> 00:42:34.119 um 00:42:34.160 --> 00:42:36.480 touring outreach program goodness good 00:42:36.480 --> 00:42:37.920 we always refer to it by its acronym 00:42:37.920 --> 00:42:41.520 nikita um but they um have grants that 00:42:41.520 --> 00:42:44.240 we apply for each year to support uh 00:42:44.240 --> 00:42:45.680 touring our works because i mean 00:42:45.680 --> 00:42:47.760 australia is a huge country you know 00:42:47.760 --> 00:42:49.359 we're incredibly spread out and have 00:42:49.359 --> 00:42:51.599 incredibly diverse audiences it is an 00:42:51.599 --> 00:42:53.440 expensive undertaking and 00:42:53.440 --> 00:42:56.560 their commitment to making sure that um 00:42:56.560 --> 00:42:58.640 audiences outside of sort of you know 00:42:58.640 --> 00:43:00.560 canberra sydney melbourne get to see 00:43:00.560 --> 00:43:01.839 exciting 00:43:01.839 --> 00:43:04.319 exhibitions really is what allows us to 00:43:04.319 --> 00:43:08.160 do this type of work we also have 00:43:08.160 --> 00:43:10.560 private sponsors and 00:43:10.560 --> 00:43:12.400 benefactors who 00:43:12.400 --> 00:43:14.079 contribute to 00:43:14.079 --> 00:43:15.920 exhibitions and make it possible for us 00:43:15.920 --> 00:43:18.160 to take things even more remote 00:43:18.160 --> 00:43:19.920 sometimes and that 00:43:19.920 --> 00:43:22.079 uh support you know without that we're 00:43:22.079 --> 00:43:23.760 unable to do some of this you know 00:43:23.760 --> 00:43:26.319 amazing work and bring stuff to small 00:43:26.319 --> 00:43:28.480 but really interesting audiences in 00:43:28.480 --> 00:43:31.520 different parts of australia so um you 00:43:31.520 --> 00:43:34.480 know the mpg makes it possible by um 00:43:34.480 --> 00:43:36.560 employing me and covering my wage but 00:43:36.560 --> 00:43:39.920 the actual cost of touring yeah we we 00:43:39.920 --> 00:43:43.119 rely heavily on on grants and um 00:43:43.119 --> 00:43:46.640 uh sponsorships to make that happen 00:43:46.640 --> 00:43:48.720 brilliant thanks louise that has been 00:43:48.720 --> 00:43:51.200 such an amazingly informative 00:43:51.200 --> 00:43:52.960 entertaining and 00:43:52.960 --> 00:43:55.119 really brilliant look behind the scenes 00:43:55.119 --> 00:43:56.560 at the touring of the national portrait 00:43:56.560 --> 00:43:58.160 galleries portraits around australia 00:43:58.160 --> 00:44:00.319 thank you so much for joining us today 00:44:00.319 --> 00:44:01.839 that's all we have time for today 00:44:01.839 --> 00:44:04.160 everybody i know that 45 minutes is 00:44:04.160 --> 00:44:05.599 seems to go by like that when you're 00:44:05.599 --> 00:44:07.200 listening to such a great storyteller 00:44:07.200 --> 00:44:09.200 but we do have these tours happening 00:44:09.200 --> 00:44:11.040 every thursday if you'd like to join in 00:44:11.040 --> 00:44:13.119 for some more behind the scenes 00:44:13.119 --> 00:44:15.040 insights into how the portrait gallery 00:44:15.040 --> 00:44:15.920 ticks 00:44:15.920 --> 00:44:18.400 um romani you actually ask a question as 00:44:18.400 --> 00:44:21.440 well about how we hang people 00:44:21.440 --> 00:44:23.040 how we decide whether portraits face 00:44:23.040 --> 00:44:25.119 each other etc that question was 00:44:25.119 --> 00:44:27.839 actually answered by our curator um 00:44:27.839 --> 00:44:29.680 director of collections and exhibition 00:44:29.680 --> 00:44:31.599 sandra bruce in the tour that we held 00:44:31.599 --> 00:44:34.000 last thursday so if you'd like to jump 00:44:34.000 --> 00:44:36.160 on our website portrait.gov dot iu 00:44:36.160 --> 00:44:38.480 forward slash watch you can actually 00:44:38.480 --> 00:44:40.319 catch up on all of the recordings from 00:44:40.319 --> 00:44:41.680 all of our virtual programs that we've 00:44:41.680 --> 00:44:43.359 been putting out during lockdown so i 00:44:43.359 --> 00:44:45.440 really encourage everybody who's been 00:44:45.440 --> 00:44:47.680 enjoying these programs spread the word 00:44:47.680 --> 00:44:49.200 send the link to your friends because 00:44:49.200 --> 00:44:51.040 there's nothing better than for us than 00:44:51.040 --> 00:44:52.240 being able to engage with our 00:44:52.240 --> 00:44:54.000 communities particularly during this 00:44:54.000 --> 00:44:55.839 time but also going forward when we get 00:44:55.839 --> 00:44:58.000 back into the galleries fingers crossed 00:44:58.000 --> 00:44:59.280 very soon 00:44:59.280 --> 00:45:02.000 um jump on our website portrait.gov.iu 00:45:02.000 --> 00:45:04.000 for all of the upcoming programs that we 00:45:04.000 --> 00:45:06.480 have on offer we have a kids program for 00:45:06.480 --> 00:45:08.319 school holidays that's happening on 00:45:08.319 --> 00:45:12.079 friday at 3 30 and yeah we'd love to see 00:45:12.079 --> 00:45:14.079 many of your young ones and young at 00:45:14.079 --> 00:45:16.000 heart who'd like to join us for a craft 00:45:16.000 --> 00:45:19.520 noon but next tuesday the 5th of october 00:45:19.520 --> 00:45:22.720 at 7pm australian eastern daylight time 00:45:22.720 --> 00:45:23.839 because as it turns out we're going to 00:45:23.839 --> 00:45:26.240 daylight saving um we are having a 00:45:26.240 --> 00:45:28.079 hosting a really um 00:45:28.079 --> 00:45:30.240 fantastic fascinating conversation about 00:45:30.240 --> 00:45:32.400 our living memory national photographic 00:45:32.400 --> 00:45:35.280 portrait prize and how that relates to 00:45:35.280 --> 00:45:37.200 the taylor westing photographic portrait 00:45:37.200 --> 00:45:38.960 prize and the hold still project that 00:45:38.960 --> 00:45:40.559 were championed by the national portrait 00:45:40.559 --> 00:45:42.720 gallery in london so we're beaming in 00:45:42.720 --> 00:45:44.079 two of our colleagues from national 00:45:44.079 --> 00:45:46.079 portrait gallery london i'm joining two 00:45:46.079 --> 00:45:47.440 of our colleagues here from national 00:45:47.440 --> 00:45:49.280 portrait gallery australia so we hope 00:45:49.280 --> 00:45:51.760 that as many of you as possible might uh 00:45:51.760 --> 00:45:53.839 sit down with a cup of tea or a glass of 00:45:53.839 --> 00:45:56.800 wine and join us for that conversation 00:45:56.800 --> 00:45:59.359 until then or until next time thank you 00:45:59.359 --> 00:46:02.079 so much for joining us um please follow 00:46:02.079 --> 00:46:05.119 us on socials at portrait au stay safe 00:46:05.119 --> 00:46:07.520 stay well and we look forward to talking 00:46:07.520 --> 00:46:12.359 to you all again very soon thank you