WEBVTT 00:00:04.880 --> 00:00:06.960 we've got a very very special guest with us today 00:00:06.960 --> 00:00:09.440 kittia pulaskas is a melbourne based 00:00:09.440 --> 00:00:12.560 craft based designer and kittia is going to 00:00:12.560 --> 00:00:14.080 be showing us how we can make some 00:00:14.080 --> 00:00:15.520 beautiful flowers that we can keep at 00:00:15.520 --> 00:00:18.960 home isn't that right kids 00:00:20.800 --> 00:00:23.840 hi matt yes it is i'm so excited to be 00:00:23.840 --> 00:00:26.000 here thanks for having me i'm really 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:27.919 looking forward to getting stuck in to 00:00:27.919 --> 00:00:29.840 today's craft session with you do you 00:00:29.840 --> 00:00:31.199 want to maybe introduce yourself a 00:00:31.199 --> 00:00:32.479 little bit and tell us what we're going 00:00:32.479 --> 00:00:35.199 to need for today 00:00:35.280 --> 00:00:37.520 for sure so i'm a craft based designer 00:00:37.520 --> 00:00:39.440 but in layman's terms that basically 00:00:39.440 --> 00:00:42.080 just means i'm a professional crafter i 00:00:42.080 --> 00:00:44.400 do craft for my job 00:00:44.400 --> 00:00:46.240 and it's really fun 00:00:46.240 --> 00:00:48.960 and i am a huge fan of color as you can 00:00:48.960 --> 00:00:53.280 obviously see around me i create 00:00:53.280 --> 00:00:56.560 colorful diy projects props like the 00:00:56.560 --> 00:00:59.360 pinata that you see over there 00:00:59.360 --> 00:01:01.759 illustrations and installations all 00:01:01.759 --> 00:01:04.960 using craft based techniques 00:01:04.960 --> 00:01:06.639 and i've been running my own business 00:01:06.639 --> 00:01:08.800 for 11 years and i love teaching craft 00:01:08.800 --> 00:01:12.000 workshops and i love flowers and i'm 00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:14.560 from canberra originally so 00:01:14.560 --> 00:01:16.639 this is the perfect workshop for me and 00:01:16.639 --> 00:01:18.240 i'm really excited to get stuck into it 00:01:18.240 --> 00:01:20.160 with everyone 00:01:20.160 --> 00:01:21.600 fantastic so what are we gonna need 00:01:21.600 --> 00:01:22.560 today 00:01:22.560 --> 00:01:25.120 okay so there were some there was a list 00:01:25.120 --> 00:01:27.039 that was sent out 00:01:27.039 --> 00:01:29.680 prior to the workshop um i'll just go 00:01:29.680 --> 00:01:33.120 through what we've got here to work with 00:01:33.120 --> 00:01:35.199 but if you don't have um i think i saw 00:01:35.199 --> 00:01:36.800 something come up into 00:01:36.800 --> 00:01:38.720 um the chat just then saying someone 00:01:38.720 --> 00:01:41.199 didn't have um straws and skewers that's 00:01:41.199 --> 00:01:43.360 okay you can still create the flowers 00:01:43.360 --> 00:01:45.520 today without those things and then you 00:01:45.520 --> 00:01:47.440 can add that in a bit later on if you 00:01:47.440 --> 00:01:49.520 want or just keep the flowers 00:01:49.520 --> 00:01:50.960 um without 00:01:50.960 --> 00:01:53.680 any stems so to speak so i'll just 00:01:53.680 --> 00:01:56.080 quickly show you if you um 00:01:56.080 --> 00:01:58.000 if you can see the craft cam um you'll 00:01:58.000 --> 00:01:59.440 be able to see 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:01.680 what we're making today so these are 00:02:01.680 --> 00:02:03.840 just a couple of examples of what um 00:02:03.840 --> 00:02:06.880 i've made but as you can see from these 00:02:06.880 --> 00:02:09.120 and the workshop photo you really can 00:02:09.120 --> 00:02:11.360 make any kind of color combination any 00:02:11.360 --> 00:02:14.319 kind of shape that you want it's really 00:02:14.319 --> 00:02:16.479 all about injecting your own imagination 00:02:16.479 --> 00:02:17.840 into the project and making these 00:02:17.840 --> 00:02:20.080 flowers your own so the materials that 00:02:20.080 --> 00:02:22.240 i've got today i've got a whole bunch of 00:02:22.240 --> 00:02:25.039 scrap colored paper i just use stuff i 00:02:25.039 --> 00:02:27.599 already had around the house you can 00:02:27.599 --> 00:02:29.440 use plain paper if you don't have 00:02:29.440 --> 00:02:31.440 colored paper and color it in with 00:02:31.440 --> 00:02:34.560 markers or colored pencils um 00:02:34.560 --> 00:02:36.479 wrapping paper is also really good or 00:02:36.479 --> 00:02:37.919 just basically anything colorful you've 00:02:37.919 --> 00:02:40.639 got lying around 00:02:40.639 --> 00:02:42.080 so um 00:02:42.080 --> 00:02:43.680 i've also got some templates which i've 00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:45.840 cut out now we sent a template sheet 00:02:45.840 --> 00:02:48.639 around so if you've managed to cut out 00:02:48.639 --> 00:02:52.479 any flower or leaf shapes from that 00:02:52.479 --> 00:02:54.319 by all means you can use them but i'll 00:02:54.319 --> 00:02:57.280 also be showing you how to just draw 00:02:57.280 --> 00:02:59.599 your own shapes so i've got my templates 00:02:59.599 --> 00:03:02.560 okay i also decided to um 00:03:02.560 --> 00:03:05.120 to have some colored markers 00:03:05.120 --> 00:03:07.840 because i wanted to add some detail to 00:03:07.840 --> 00:03:09.440 my petals 00:03:09.440 --> 00:03:11.599 i've got straws uh which i'm going to 00:03:11.599 --> 00:03:13.839 use for the stems and i've got a whole 00:03:13.839 --> 00:03:15.599 bunch of adhesives here so i've got a 00:03:15.599 --> 00:03:18.159 glue stick normal sticky tape and 00:03:18.159 --> 00:03:19.919 double-sided sticky tape but you can 00:03:19.919 --> 00:03:22.160 just make do with one of those things 00:03:22.160 --> 00:03:23.920 depending on what you've got available 00:03:23.920 --> 00:03:25.600 and then finally scissors so those are 00:03:25.600 --> 00:03:27.040 the materials we've got to work with 00:03:27.040 --> 00:03:28.080 today 00:03:28.080 --> 00:03:30.959 all right so you might be wondering 00:03:30.959 --> 00:03:33.600 what can i use my beautiful flowers for 00:03:33.600 --> 00:03:35.600 after i've finished creating them i've 00:03:35.600 --> 00:03:37.360 got a few ideas for you that i thought 00:03:37.360 --> 00:03:38.800 i'd throw out there for you to think 00:03:38.800 --> 00:03:41.040 about as you're making so 00:03:41.040 --> 00:03:42.560 one thing you could do with these is you 00:03:42.560 --> 00:03:44.720 could stick them in plant pots so you 00:03:44.720 --> 00:03:47.360 know how sometimes maybe for an indoor 00:03:47.360 --> 00:03:49.600 plant you might have a little uh sign 00:03:49.600 --> 00:03:51.760 that kind of says what the plant is 00:03:51.760 --> 00:03:53.120 this is kind of you could use the same 00:03:53.120 --> 00:03:54.800 idea you could just stick these in your 00:03:54.800 --> 00:03:56.560 pot plants for a little bit of added 00:03:56.560 --> 00:03:59.839 color um you could use them as cake 00:03:59.839 --> 00:04:01.760 toppers so if you're creating i know a 00:04:01.760 --> 00:04:03.279 lot of people are doing baking and lock 00:04:03.279 --> 00:04:06.320 down so if you're creating a cake 00:04:06.320 --> 00:04:07.920 perhaps you could decorate the top by 00:04:07.920 --> 00:04:09.680 sticking a variety of these on the top 00:04:09.680 --> 00:04:11.120 and maybe you could make some tiny 00:04:11.120 --> 00:04:13.519 versions with toothpicks 00:04:13.519 --> 00:04:15.200 for some cupcakes if you were gonna do 00:04:15.200 --> 00:04:16.080 that 00:04:16.080 --> 00:04:18.160 or you could give them to someone as a 00:04:18.160 --> 00:04:20.480 gift to brighten their day i mean i 00:04:20.480 --> 00:04:22.000 think we could all do with a little bit 00:04:22.000 --> 00:04:24.320 of day brightening at the moment 00:04:24.320 --> 00:04:26.880 so maybe there's someone that you know 00:04:26.880 --> 00:04:29.200 and love that needs a little pick-me-up 00:04:29.200 --> 00:04:30.880 why not give them a bunch of these 00:04:30.880 --> 00:04:32.880 handcrafted flowers so those are just a 00:04:32.880 --> 00:04:34.240 few ideas 00:04:34.240 --> 00:04:36.000 um i'd love to hear your ideas for what 00:04:36.000 --> 00:04:37.680 you might want to do with them so let us 00:04:37.680 --> 00:04:40.079 know in the chat as we go along today uh 00:04:40.079 --> 00:04:42.640 what you might use these for 00:04:42.640 --> 00:04:44.160 okay 00:04:44.160 --> 00:04:47.040 so i guess now we're ready to just jump 00:04:47.040 --> 00:04:50.160 straight in uh matt if you're ready to 00:04:50.160 --> 00:04:52.480 go we can get started i'm ready to go 00:04:52.480 --> 00:04:54.959 i've got paper i've got scissors i've 00:04:54.959 --> 00:04:56.959 got glue i'm i'm ready to craft along 00:04:56.959 --> 00:04:59.279 with you 00:05:00.560 --> 00:05:02.880 okay fantastic so the first thing that 00:05:02.880 --> 00:05:05.200 you're going to need to do is cut out 00:05:05.200 --> 00:05:06.880 your templates from the template sheet 00:05:06.880 --> 00:05:08.720 now if you didn't have access to a 00:05:08.720 --> 00:05:09.760 printer 00:05:09.760 --> 00:05:12.399 and if you didn't pre-cut these 00:05:12.399 --> 00:05:15.120 beforehand that's totally okay you can 00:05:15.120 --> 00:05:18.160 either cut out your shapes now or follow 00:05:18.160 --> 00:05:19.200 me 00:05:19.200 --> 00:05:23.200 as i um show you how to draw some 00:05:23.200 --> 00:05:26.320 petals and some leaf shapes from scratch 00:05:26.320 --> 00:05:28.399 now if first of all if you have already 00:05:28.399 --> 00:05:30.640 got your templates what you'll need to 00:05:30.640 --> 00:05:32.079 do is 00:05:32.079 --> 00:05:34.399 pick what you'd like to be the flower 00:05:34.399 --> 00:05:36.640 petals so here's some that i cut out 00:05:36.640 --> 00:05:38.959 earlier that i just drew 00:05:38.959 --> 00:05:41.440 so um but then also i've got here a 00:05:41.440 --> 00:05:43.839 template that's just a single petal that 00:05:43.839 --> 00:05:45.760 i'm going to use to make something like 00:05:45.760 --> 00:05:48.560 this daisy flower here so if you do have 00:05:48.560 --> 00:05:51.440 your templates ready you can pick what 00:05:51.440 --> 00:05:54.160 you're going to use as your first color 00:05:54.160 --> 00:05:56.640 so maybe i might choose blue and then 00:05:56.640 --> 00:05:57.760 you can 00:05:57.760 --> 00:05:59.920 trace around with a pencil 00:05:59.920 --> 00:06:01.920 your templates 00:06:01.920 --> 00:06:04.959 and then cut out your petals now for my 00:06:04.959 --> 00:06:06.399 daisy and 00:06:06.399 --> 00:06:08.160 like i said before you can do whatever 00:06:08.160 --> 00:06:11.360 you like with this for my daisy i cut 00:06:11.360 --> 00:06:13.839 six petals but it's up to you so you can 00:06:13.839 --> 00:06:15.760 get started on that now if you don't 00:06:15.760 --> 00:06:17.519 have a template 00:06:17.519 --> 00:06:19.279 i'm going to show you just some quick 00:06:19.279 --> 00:06:21.680 and easy ways to create some petal 00:06:21.680 --> 00:06:23.680 shapes for yourself 00:06:23.680 --> 00:06:25.600 so i'm going to use the daisy shape 00:06:25.600 --> 00:06:27.040 again because 00:06:27.040 --> 00:06:28.959 why not 00:06:28.959 --> 00:06:31.279 so what you can do 00:06:31.279 --> 00:06:33.200 is you can start off 00:06:33.200 --> 00:06:34.880 by just drawing 00:06:34.880 --> 00:06:38.000 half a petal so 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:40.800 i'm just going to draw a half of an oval 00:06:40.800 --> 00:06:42.160 shape here 00:06:42.160 --> 00:06:43.760 or it kind of looks like a curved 00:06:43.760 --> 00:06:45.519 triangle 00:06:45.519 --> 00:06:48.800 so you can just draw that and then 00:06:48.800 --> 00:06:51.360 cut it out 00:06:57.680 --> 00:06:58.480 now 00:06:58.480 --> 00:07:00.480 you can use this to create 00:07:00.480 --> 00:07:02.720 a petal shape um from any kind of card 00:07:02.720 --> 00:07:04.750 let's change colors so you can see 00:07:04.750 --> 00:07:08.059 [Music] 00:07:08.160 --> 00:07:10.399 i'm going to trace around it so you're 00:07:10.399 --> 00:07:12.160 basically just creating your own 00:07:12.160 --> 00:07:13.440 template 00:07:13.440 --> 00:07:15.680 to create some petals with and then i'm 00:07:15.680 --> 00:07:18.639 going to flip it over 00:07:18.639 --> 00:07:20.480 so it's a mirror image 00:07:20.480 --> 00:07:22.160 and then you'll see can you see how 00:07:22.160 --> 00:07:25.279 there's like a absolutely symmetrical 00:07:25.279 --> 00:07:27.519 pedal that's just been formed 00:07:27.519 --> 00:07:29.760 so that's one petal so then you can just 00:07:29.760 --> 00:07:32.000 cut this out and use it 00:07:32.000 --> 00:07:34.560 to trace other petals so that you've got 00:07:34.560 --> 00:07:36.160 your whole collection so you've just 00:07:36.160 --> 00:07:37.760 made your own 00:07:37.760 --> 00:07:39.360 flower 00:07:39.360 --> 00:07:40.560 template 00:07:40.560 --> 00:07:42.880 there so you don't actually need the 00:07:42.880 --> 00:07:44.880 templates that i that i gave you if you 00:07:44.880 --> 00:07:47.839 didn't have access to a printer so once 00:07:47.839 --> 00:07:50.720 i've cut this out 00:07:51.200 --> 00:07:53.360 i've now got this petal that i can use 00:07:53.360 --> 00:07:58.079 to create more for my flower and also 00:07:58.079 --> 00:08:01.279 if you were doing a flower that is this 00:08:01.279 --> 00:08:03.040 shape so i guess more of a like 00:08:03.040 --> 00:08:05.600 traditional flower shape 00:08:05.600 --> 00:08:08.720 you could use a semicircle like this 00:08:08.720 --> 00:08:12.639 as the little colored inserts on your on 00:08:12.639 --> 00:08:15.440 your flower to decorate your petals so i 00:08:15.440 --> 00:08:17.839 encourage you to get creative 00:08:17.839 --> 00:08:19.920 and see what shapes you can draw 00:08:19.920 --> 00:08:22.560 yourself or use the templates that we 00:08:22.560 --> 00:08:25.199 provided for you so i might give you a 00:08:25.199 --> 00:08:27.279 couple of minutes to 00:08:27.279 --> 00:08:30.639 get stuck into creating your petals 00:08:30.639 --> 00:08:32.480 and then we'll 00:08:32.480 --> 00:08:35.519 jump back in and i'll show you how to 00:08:35.519 --> 00:08:37.440 start decorating them and folding them 00:08:37.440 --> 00:08:40.160 to really bring your flower to life 00:08:40.160 --> 00:08:44.000 so let's get going 00:08:44.480 --> 00:08:47.279 i think i'm going to 00:08:47.279 --> 00:08:49.519 do a 00:08:49.519 --> 00:08:50.639 pink 00:08:50.639 --> 00:08:54.320 and orange flower for mine so i'm gonna 00:08:54.320 --> 00:08:55.519 use this 00:08:55.519 --> 00:08:57.680 template that i just made 00:08:57.680 --> 00:09:00.000 and i'm going to trace 00:09:00.000 --> 00:09:04.839 six of these petals for my daisy 00:09:12.000 --> 00:09:14.079 now if you have questions at any point 00:09:14.079 --> 00:09:16.959 feel free to pop them in the chat and 00:09:16.959 --> 00:09:20.399 either matt or myself will um we'll jump 00:09:20.399 --> 00:09:21.839 in and then we'll be able to answer them 00:09:21.839 --> 00:09:24.160 for you 00:09:32.079 --> 00:09:35.040 i like to trace all the shapes first 00:09:35.040 --> 00:09:37.760 before i cut them i think it's something 00:09:37.760 --> 00:09:39.199 to do with 00:09:39.199 --> 00:09:41.839 me having to kind of create lots and 00:09:41.839 --> 00:09:43.199 lots of different craft things for my 00:09:43.199 --> 00:09:45.360 job and i kind of have developed this 00:09:45.360 --> 00:09:47.440 assembly line process 00:09:47.440 --> 00:09:50.079 so i do everything in batches so the 00:09:50.079 --> 00:09:53.040 first batch is tracing the second batch 00:09:53.040 --> 00:09:54.720 is cutting 00:09:54.720 --> 00:09:56.240 that's just a habit that i have but 00:09:56.240 --> 00:09:58.480 everybody crafts differently and it's 00:09:58.480 --> 00:10:00.720 exciting to find out 00:10:00.720 --> 00:10:03.440 different people's methods for creating 00:10:03.440 --> 00:10:06.760 the same things 00:10:35.279 --> 00:10:36.880 i've just seen a question in the chat 00:10:36.880 --> 00:10:40.240 can i color in my flowers absolutely 00:10:40.240 --> 00:10:42.480 if you want to start decorating your 00:10:42.480 --> 00:10:45.120 petals with some markers or pencils or 00:10:45.120 --> 00:10:46.639 whatever kind of drawing implements you 00:10:46.639 --> 00:10:49.600 have you can on screen is an example of 00:10:49.600 --> 00:10:52.000 how i've created some detail on my 00:10:52.000 --> 00:10:54.160 flower petals but by all means 00:10:54.160 --> 00:10:56.000 get a head start and start coloring in 00:10:56.000 --> 00:10:57.199 the petals 00:10:57.199 --> 00:10:58.880 in whatever way you like i'm going to be 00:10:58.880 --> 00:11:00.959 doing that for myself in a little bit 00:11:00.959 --> 00:11:02.560 once i've finished cutting them out so 00:11:02.560 --> 00:11:04.480 by all means yes you can 00:11:04.480 --> 00:11:09.399 color in your and decorate your petals 00:11:30.800 --> 00:11:33.320 i'm just having a look at some other 00:11:33.320 --> 00:11:36.079 questions can we use colored tissue 00:11:36.079 --> 00:11:39.040 absolutely you can 00:11:39.040 --> 00:11:41.119 uh you can use whatever materials you've 00:11:41.119 --> 00:11:41.919 got 00:11:41.919 --> 00:11:44.559 lying around 00:11:45.439 --> 00:11:48.959 i'm very big on upcycling and recycling 00:11:48.959 --> 00:11:50.559 and reusing stuff we've already got you 00:11:50.559 --> 00:11:52.640 can create beautiful things from stuff 00:11:52.640 --> 00:11:53.839 you've already got around the house 00:11:53.839 --> 00:11:56.160 without the need to buy new stuff every 00:11:56.160 --> 00:11:58.079 time and that's what i really love about 00:11:58.079 --> 00:12:01.079 craft 00:12:38.320 --> 00:12:41.320 um 00:13:01.440 --> 00:13:02.400 okay 00:13:02.400 --> 00:13:05.120 yes by all means get started whenever 00:13:05.120 --> 00:13:08.960 you um whenever you would like to uh if 00:13:08.960 --> 00:13:10.400 you 00:13:10.400 --> 00:13:12.320 haven't started already uh just jump 00:13:12.320 --> 00:13:14.960 straight in and get cutting and pasting 00:13:14.960 --> 00:13:15.919 um 00:13:15.919 --> 00:13:17.200 and you can work at your own pace 00:13:17.200 --> 00:13:18.640 because i'll explain everything to you 00:13:18.640 --> 00:13:20.000 in this session and then if you haven't 00:13:20.000 --> 00:13:21.679 finished the project by the end of the 00:13:21.679 --> 00:13:24.880 session you can continue at home 00:13:24.880 --> 00:13:25.679 oh 00:13:25.679 --> 00:13:29.120 oh john twohill has just asked what's my 00:13:29.120 --> 00:13:31.600 favorite flower 00:13:31.600 --> 00:13:34.400 i think at the moment it's tulips 00:13:34.400 --> 00:13:36.480 i honestly just love them so much they 00:13:36.480 --> 00:13:38.640 come in so many beautiful colors and 00:13:38.640 --> 00:13:40.320 i've really been enjoying them while 00:13:40.320 --> 00:13:41.840 i've been in lockdown i try to buy 00:13:41.840 --> 00:13:43.039 myself 00:13:43.039 --> 00:13:45.440 on my weekly grocery shop 00:13:45.440 --> 00:13:47.039 uh a little bunch of flowers to just 00:13:47.039 --> 00:13:49.120 brighten up the home and i've really 00:13:49.120 --> 00:13:51.039 been enjoying the tulips in melbourne 00:13:51.039 --> 00:13:52.160 this year 00:13:52.160 --> 00:13:54.400 um if you wanted to post what your 00:13:54.400 --> 00:13:56.160 favorite flower is drop it in the chat 00:13:56.160 --> 00:13:58.400 i'd love to um i'd love to hear what 00:13:58.400 --> 00:14:01.360 flowers you enjoy as well 00:14:01.360 --> 00:14:04.960 okay so as you can see down on the mat 00:14:04.960 --> 00:14:06.880 my flower is sort of starting to take 00:14:06.880 --> 00:14:10.320 shape if i kind of arrange it 00:14:10.400 --> 00:14:12.080 i kind of went rogue and decided that i 00:14:12.080 --> 00:14:13.679 was going to make all of my petals 00:14:13.679 --> 00:14:15.120 different colors i know that's not 00:14:15.120 --> 00:14:17.440 necessarily how things look in nature 00:14:17.440 --> 00:14:19.360 but we're getting creative here and they 00:14:19.360 --> 00:14:21.039 don't have to be realistic 00:14:21.039 --> 00:14:23.520 so now i'm just going to use um 00:14:23.520 --> 00:14:26.880 markers to add a little bit of detail to 00:14:26.880 --> 00:14:30.559 my flat to my flower petals 00:14:34.960 --> 00:14:38.480 i'm just going to keep it pretty simple 00:14:38.480 --> 00:14:40.799 so one way you can add detail like i did 00:14:40.799 --> 00:14:43.120 here 00:14:43.120 --> 00:14:44.799 is 00:14:44.799 --> 00:14:46.799 just by drawing 00:14:46.799 --> 00:14:48.640 some thin lines now you might not be 00:14:48.640 --> 00:14:50.080 able to see this i'll use a different 00:14:50.080 --> 00:14:53.080 color 00:15:00.960 --> 00:15:02.720 now matt i know you're there crafting 00:15:02.720 --> 00:15:04.559 somewhere i wanted to check in and see 00:15:04.559 --> 00:15:05.919 how your flowers are going do you want 00:15:05.919 --> 00:15:06.799 to 00:15:06.799 --> 00:15:08.840 let us know what you're creating at the 00:15:08.840 --> 00:15:12.000 moment i am currently following along 00:15:12.000 --> 00:15:14.240 with you and so i have got a bunch of 00:15:14.240 --> 00:15:16.480 pink petals and a bunch of yellow petals 00:15:16.480 --> 00:15:18.559 because i was going to make 00:15:18.559 --> 00:15:20.799 two different colored flowers but now 00:15:20.799 --> 00:15:22.320 that i've seen you well ended yours 00:15:22.320 --> 00:15:24.159 together i might have to do something 00:15:24.159 --> 00:15:25.679 similar 00:15:25.679 --> 00:15:27.120 yes i 00:15:27.120 --> 00:15:29.840 highly um advocate for that now i just 00:15:29.840 --> 00:15:31.200 want to show you a trick if you want to 00:15:31.200 --> 00:15:33.520 make your petals look a little bit 3d i 00:15:33.520 --> 00:15:35.039 don't know if you can tell 00:15:35.039 --> 00:15:37.039 but these fla these petals are a little 00:15:37.039 --> 00:15:38.559 bit 3d 00:15:38.559 --> 00:15:40.159 what you can do 00:15:40.159 --> 00:15:42.559 is you can just take each petal and fold 00:15:42.559 --> 00:15:45.440 it in half 00:15:46.480 --> 00:15:47.760 along the 00:15:47.760 --> 00:15:50.320 long edge 00:15:50.320 --> 00:15:52.720 use my fingernails to create a really 00:15:52.720 --> 00:15:54.000 tight crease 00:15:54.000 --> 00:15:55.440 and then you've got 00:15:55.440 --> 00:15:57.360 a petal that 00:15:57.360 --> 00:15:58.799 has a little bit of dimension to it 00:15:58.799 --> 00:16:02.000 which is really interesting 00:16:02.559 --> 00:16:06.200 yes there you go 00:16:11.600 --> 00:16:13.520 also feel free to change your mind like 00:16:13.520 --> 00:16:14.640 i think i just changed my mind and 00:16:14.640 --> 00:16:16.400 decided i didn't want to decorate it 00:16:16.400 --> 00:16:18.960 with markers after all that's just part 00:16:18.960 --> 00:16:20.640 of the creative journey you have to 00:16:20.640 --> 00:16:23.840 experiment and try things and then 00:16:23.840 --> 00:16:25.919 figure out what works for you 00:16:25.919 --> 00:16:27.520 all right so we've got some other 00:16:27.520 --> 00:16:29.679 favorite flowers here we've got 00:16:29.679 --> 00:16:32.960 sunflowers roses 00:16:32.960 --> 00:16:35.120 oh a bunch of people um 00:16:35.120 --> 00:16:38.480 a bunch of people like the rose 00:16:39.840 --> 00:16:42.840 okay 00:17:05.919 --> 00:17:08.799 lily's camellias beautiful pansies are 00:17:08.799 --> 00:17:11.280 beautiful 00:17:14.880 --> 00:17:17.679 so i've seen a question in the chat that 00:17:17.679 --> 00:17:20.720 says how does the flower survive out in 00:17:20.720 --> 00:17:23.919 the rain i wouldn't put these flowers 00:17:23.919 --> 00:17:25.039 outdoors 00:17:25.039 --> 00:17:27.039 just because they're made of paper 00:17:27.039 --> 00:17:29.600 but um i would keep them as indoor 00:17:29.600 --> 00:17:32.240 creations 00:17:32.880 --> 00:17:34.240 the one thing that's great about these 00:17:34.240 --> 00:17:37.919 is that they will live forever so you 00:17:37.919 --> 00:17:41.799 don't have to water them 00:17:51.919 --> 00:17:54.320 okay i wanted to check in how is 00:17:54.320 --> 00:17:56.559 everyone going 00:17:56.559 --> 00:18:00.720 with um your petal creations 00:18:00.720 --> 00:18:04.320 have you cut out your petals yet um what 00:18:04.320 --> 00:18:06.320 kind of shapes are you using do you need 00:18:06.320 --> 00:18:08.159 a little bit more time 00:18:08.159 --> 00:18:11.440 to um cut out your initial petals 00:18:11.440 --> 00:18:13.679 i'm actually going to 00:18:13.679 --> 00:18:17.360 draw some smaller petals to layer 00:18:17.360 --> 00:18:20.400 on top so we've got plenty of time i'm 00:18:20.400 --> 00:18:23.919 going to use i think yellow 00:18:23.919 --> 00:18:26.320 for that and create kind of like i've 00:18:26.320 --> 00:18:27.520 done here 00:18:27.520 --> 00:18:30.720 a second layer of paper 00:18:30.720 --> 00:18:32.559 to give my flower a little bit more 00:18:32.559 --> 00:18:35.559 dimension 00:18:44.960 --> 00:18:46.720 okay so yep i will give everyone a 00:18:46.720 --> 00:18:48.720 little bit more time to cut out their 00:18:48.720 --> 00:18:53.400 petals while i create my second layer 00:19:13.360 --> 00:19:14.559 when you're done when you think you're 00:19:14.559 --> 00:19:15.679 done with your petals and you've 00:19:15.679 --> 00:19:17.840 decorated them all and you're ready for 00:19:17.840 --> 00:19:19.520 the next step just type it in the chat 00:19:19.520 --> 00:19:22.080 so i can um so i know where everyone's 00:19:22.080 --> 00:19:24.400 up to 00:19:24.480 --> 00:19:26.400 but don't feel rushed everyone it's all 00:19:26.400 --> 00:19:29.400 good 00:20:14.159 --> 00:20:16.640 thank you so much for your question what 00:20:16.640 --> 00:20:18.799 are some projects you are working on now 00:20:18.799 --> 00:20:21.520 as a creative 00:20:21.520 --> 00:20:24.080 one of the my favorite projects at the 00:20:24.080 --> 00:20:26.480 moment that i'm working on is a 00:20:26.480 --> 00:20:27.679 halloween 00:20:27.679 --> 00:20:30.240 costume project so i love halloween 00:20:30.240 --> 00:20:32.559 because i love dressing up in costume 00:20:32.559 --> 00:20:34.799 and i've got this really funny cat 00:20:34.799 --> 00:20:37.120 called tina she's actually sleeping over 00:20:37.120 --> 00:20:38.400 there i hope she doesn't wake up because 00:20:38.400 --> 00:20:40.000 she's a bit of an attention seeking cat 00:20:40.000 --> 00:20:41.919 and she'll jump up on the desk 00:20:41.919 --> 00:20:44.799 but i'm actually creating a halloween 00:20:44.799 --> 00:20:47.840 costume diy project that's a matching 00:20:47.840 --> 00:20:50.080 costume for me and my cat 00:20:50.080 --> 00:20:53.679 so i'm tossing up between 00:20:53.679 --> 00:20:56.240 a ufo and a space person 00:20:56.240 --> 00:20:58.960 so she'll be sitting inside the ufo 00:20:58.960 --> 00:20:59.840 or 00:20:59.840 --> 00:21:02.000 a cowboy themed 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:04.400 costume where she's sitting inside a 00:21:04.400 --> 00:21:05.520 little 00:21:05.520 --> 00:21:07.360 western saloon 00:21:07.360 --> 00:21:09.200 and i've got a cowboy hat on and she's 00:21:09.200 --> 00:21:11.520 got a mini cowboy hat on 00:21:11.520 --> 00:21:13.760 what do you think is best 00:21:13.760 --> 00:21:16.640 help me choose 00:21:17.919 --> 00:21:20.400 and another question ufo i'm seeing um 00:21:20.400 --> 00:21:22.880 i'm seeing some people say ufo 00:21:22.880 --> 00:21:25.840 cowboy theme i do love a cowboy theme 00:21:25.840 --> 00:21:27.120 another question is do you make 00:21:27.120 --> 00:21:29.760 paintings and i don't actually i'm not 00:21:29.760 --> 00:21:31.760 very good at painting i mainly stick 00:21:31.760 --> 00:21:34.640 with papercraft 00:21:34.799 --> 00:21:36.720 oh lots of people are saying 00:21:36.720 --> 00:21:37.679 uf 00:21:37.679 --> 00:21:38.799 oh 00:21:38.799 --> 00:21:41.799 okay 00:21:45.120 --> 00:21:46.799 okay 00:21:46.799 --> 00:21:48.320 i'm just keeping an eye on time and so 00:21:48.320 --> 00:21:51.120 those of us um oh okay some of you want 00:21:51.120 --> 00:21:54.080 to see tina well no doubt she will come 00:21:54.080 --> 00:21:55.840 over before the end of this workshop and 00:21:55.840 --> 00:21:57.360 you'll be able to 00:21:57.360 --> 00:21:59.039 you'll be able to see her 00:21:59.039 --> 00:22:00.720 so i just want to show you real quick 00:22:00.720 --> 00:22:02.240 and don't worry if you're not up to this 00:22:02.240 --> 00:22:04.159 stage yet um 00:22:04.159 --> 00:22:05.840 i'll just explain it to you so that you 00:22:05.840 --> 00:22:08.640 know what to do when 00:22:08.640 --> 00:22:10.880 when you're at this stage 00:22:10.880 --> 00:22:11.760 so 00:22:11.760 --> 00:22:13.440 so 00:22:13.440 --> 00:22:15.360 i will show you how to kind of start 00:22:15.360 --> 00:22:17.039 sticking your 00:22:17.039 --> 00:22:19.600 your flower um petals together to form 00:22:19.600 --> 00:22:21.600 the actual flower 00:22:21.600 --> 00:22:24.159 now i'm not sure how many of you have 00:22:24.159 --> 00:22:26.240 decided to do the daisy shape and how 00:22:26.240 --> 00:22:29.679 many of you have done um other shapes 00:22:29.679 --> 00:22:32.080 but uh basically 00:22:32.080 --> 00:22:35.039 the method is similar so let me show you 00:22:35.039 --> 00:22:37.279 um 00:22:37.360 --> 00:22:38.960 let me show you 00:22:38.960 --> 00:22:40.640 how to do this daisy and then i'll kind 00:22:40.640 --> 00:22:41.919 of show you for anybody else doing 00:22:41.919 --> 00:22:44.720 different shapes 00:22:46.720 --> 00:22:48.960 okay 00:22:49.360 --> 00:22:51.679 so i'm going to cut two circles out from 00:22:51.679 --> 00:22:54.720 my circle template 00:22:54.799 --> 00:22:56.960 and these are going to be for the center 00:22:56.960 --> 00:23:01.440 of our flower for the front and the back 00:23:02.880 --> 00:23:05.120 now for my 00:23:05.120 --> 00:23:07.360 sticky adhesive i'm going to use double 00:23:07.360 --> 00:23:09.600 sided tape but you can use glue 00:23:09.600 --> 00:23:11.600 or sticky tape as well 00:23:11.600 --> 00:23:13.200 i just like double sided tape when i 00:23:13.200 --> 00:23:14.960 work with paper craft because it's less 00:23:14.960 --> 00:23:17.520 messy than sticky tape and i feel like 00:23:17.520 --> 00:23:19.039 you can cut it into different shapes it 00:23:19.039 --> 00:23:21.120 just makes it more versatile 00:23:21.120 --> 00:23:21.919 so 00:23:21.919 --> 00:23:24.320 one of our flowers one of our circles 00:23:24.320 --> 00:23:26.640 sorry is going to be 00:23:26.640 --> 00:23:28.640 the back 00:23:28.640 --> 00:23:30.960 part of 00:23:30.960 --> 00:23:32.480 our flower 00:23:32.480 --> 00:23:35.520 and that's the same that's the same for 00:23:35.520 --> 00:23:38.080 both kinds so 00:23:38.080 --> 00:23:39.840 i'm going to now you can either use glue 00:23:39.840 --> 00:23:43.440 for this or i'm using double sided 00:23:46.320 --> 00:23:48.720 you just have to stick whatever adhesive 00:23:48.720 --> 00:23:50.159 you're using 00:23:50.159 --> 00:23:54.600 all over one of the circles 00:24:03.840 --> 00:24:05.520 lots of people have cats it seems 00:24:05.520 --> 00:24:07.840 someone has a bunny oh that's cute i 00:24:07.840 --> 00:24:10.799 used to have bunnies 00:24:11.440 --> 00:24:13.600 someone's cat's called glenn one of my 00:24:13.600 --> 00:24:18.240 best friend's cat is also called glenn 00:24:18.240 --> 00:24:22.480 love um i love his name for a pet 00:24:23.200 --> 00:24:25.600 okay so um someone asked a question 00:24:25.600 --> 00:24:27.200 about which 00:24:27.200 --> 00:24:29.039 which circle to use doesn't matter which 00:24:29.039 --> 00:24:30.960 one whatever one you think is going to 00:24:30.960 --> 00:24:31.840 be 00:24:31.840 --> 00:24:33.200 a nice 00:24:33.200 --> 00:24:35.200 size for your flower i gave you a couple 00:24:35.200 --> 00:24:37.039 of options on the template sheet but you 00:24:37.039 --> 00:24:39.600 can choose whichever one you like 00:24:39.600 --> 00:24:41.679 so once you've got 00:24:41.679 --> 00:24:43.440 the glue or the sticky tape on one side 00:24:43.440 --> 00:24:46.320 of your circle you can just stick 00:24:46.320 --> 00:24:48.399 your flower petals 00:24:48.399 --> 00:24:49.120 or 00:24:49.120 --> 00:24:51.360 your 00:24:51.840 --> 00:24:53.440 or your normal 00:24:53.440 --> 00:24:57.799 flower shape on top 00:25:07.360 --> 00:25:12.240 so see how that's all stuck down now on 00:25:12.880 --> 00:25:15.679 on that circle 00:25:18.720 --> 00:25:22.399 that is where we want to be at 00:25:22.399 --> 00:25:24.240 can you use foam circles with adhesive 00:25:24.240 --> 00:25:26.080 backing yes in fact that would be 00:25:26.080 --> 00:25:27.279 awesome because they've already got 00:25:27.279 --> 00:25:29.520 stickiness on the back so yes if you've 00:25:29.520 --> 00:25:32.399 got foam circles 00:25:32.399 --> 00:25:34.799 by all 00:25:34.960 --> 00:25:35.679 so 00:25:35.679 --> 00:25:37.440 again don't worry if what up to this 00:25:37.440 --> 00:25:39.600 stage i'm just showing it to you now so 00:25:39.600 --> 00:25:40.880 you can 00:25:40.880 --> 00:25:42.880 know a bit for later 00:25:42.880 --> 00:25:45.120 so then what we're going to do is you're 00:25:45.120 --> 00:25:46.399 going to either stick some more glue 00:25:46.399 --> 00:25:48.960 down or use sticky tape 00:25:48.960 --> 00:25:52.320 or whatever you've got on 00:25:52.320 --> 00:25:54.399 and you're going to stick your skewer 00:25:54.399 --> 00:25:56.960 or your straw 00:25:56.960 --> 00:25:59.039 down in the middle there 00:25:59.039 --> 00:26:01.279 so that it's all 00:26:01.279 --> 00:26:03.919 uh so that it's all stuck together 00:26:03.919 --> 00:26:05.360 now for those of you who said you didn't 00:26:05.360 --> 00:26:07.039 have any straws or skewers that's 00:26:07.039 --> 00:26:08.559 totally fine 00:26:08.559 --> 00:26:10.399 you can actually just what we're going 00:26:10.399 --> 00:26:12.000 to basically be doing is we're going to 00:26:12.000 --> 00:26:14.880 go in and stick the middle of our um our 00:26:14.880 --> 00:26:16.480 other circle on top of the middle here 00:26:16.480 --> 00:26:17.840 so it forms 00:26:17.840 --> 00:26:19.919 a double-sided flower and so if you 00:26:19.919 --> 00:26:22.240 don't have a straw you can still just 00:26:22.240 --> 00:26:23.360 stick 00:26:23.360 --> 00:26:26.159 your um stick your other circle down on 00:26:26.159 --> 00:26:27.919 top and then you could even maybe you 00:26:27.919 --> 00:26:29.840 could put some string in there and hang 00:26:29.840 --> 00:26:31.600 it or maybe you could just have a 00:26:31.600 --> 00:26:33.440 collection of 00:26:33.440 --> 00:26:36.080 these these 3d kind of flowers that you 00:26:36.080 --> 00:26:38.399 can decorate presents with or stick on a 00:26:38.399 --> 00:26:40.640 corkboard or something 00:26:40.640 --> 00:26:43.519 so that's um that's kind of how i'm 00:26:43.519 --> 00:26:46.240 assembling this 00:26:46.240 --> 00:26:48.559 and then when i'm ready i'm going to use 00:26:48.559 --> 00:26:51.440 double-sided sticky tape to sticky tape 00:26:51.440 --> 00:26:52.559 the 00:26:52.559 --> 00:26:56.159 um the top circle on 00:26:56.159 --> 00:26:58.080 but before i do that i'm actually going 00:26:58.080 --> 00:26:59.840 to stick my other petals on i just 00:26:59.840 --> 00:27:02.159 wanted to show you that um 00:27:02.159 --> 00:27:05.840 before i went any further 00:27:11.200 --> 00:27:13.039 so there's been a couple of questions in 00:27:13.039 --> 00:27:16.159 the chat about what inspired me to do 00:27:16.159 --> 00:27:20.880 diy and become a professional crafter 00:27:20.880 --> 00:27:22.720 and i think um 00:27:22.720 --> 00:27:26.399 i just always loved craft my mum is 00:27:26.399 --> 00:27:29.279 super crafty as well and she does 00:27:29.279 --> 00:27:31.279 every single craft that you could ever 00:27:31.279 --> 00:27:32.480 imagine 00:27:32.480 --> 00:27:33.600 and so 00:27:33.600 --> 00:27:35.440 it was just always in you know we were 00:27:35.440 --> 00:27:37.200 always doing creative stuff when i was a 00:27:37.200 --> 00:27:40.080 kid so i think i naturally just loved it 00:27:40.080 --> 00:27:43.120 and then i also 00:27:43.120 --> 00:27:45.760 very stubborn and i always want to do 00:27:45.760 --> 00:27:47.360 things my way 00:27:47.360 --> 00:27:49.840 so when it comes to 00:27:49.840 --> 00:27:52.720 thinking of what i wanted to do as a job 00:27:52.720 --> 00:27:55.120 i immediately wanted to just have my own 00:27:55.120 --> 00:27:58.240 business and i wanted to do something 00:27:58.240 --> 00:28:02.320 that i really loved as a job 00:28:02.320 --> 00:28:03.919 and 00:28:03.919 --> 00:28:05.840 there wasn't 00:28:05.840 --> 00:28:07.919 you know like a course that i could do 00:28:07.919 --> 00:28:10.559 to become a professional crafter i still 00:28:10.559 --> 00:28:12.799 just decided to try and make it work 00:28:12.799 --> 00:28:14.640 myself and 00:28:14.640 --> 00:28:16.480 yeah i've always been really independent 00:28:16.480 --> 00:28:18.320 so i think that's 00:28:18.320 --> 00:28:21.840 that's what me kind of 00:28:21.840 --> 00:28:23.440 because it's my favorite thing in the 00:28:23.440 --> 00:28:24.399 world 00:28:24.399 --> 00:28:26.960 i really just want to go to the world 00:28:26.960 --> 00:28:30.399 for a living so yeah 00:28:30.720 --> 00:28:32.000 thanks for that question that was a 00:28:32.000 --> 00:28:34.559 great question 00:28:35.200 --> 00:28:36.880 is my mom here with us today well she 00:28:36.880 --> 00:28:38.799 said she was going to be here mum if 00:28:38.799 --> 00:28:40.559 you're in the chat can you say hi to 00:28:40.559 --> 00:28:43.279 everyone and if you're not 00:28:43.279 --> 00:28:45.760 definitely 00:28:49.280 --> 00:28:53.159 i don't think she's here 00:29:06.159 --> 00:29:09.159 okay 00:29:11.760 --> 00:29:13.919 so 00:29:14.719 --> 00:29:16.879 i'm just loving you all telling me how 00:29:16.879 --> 00:29:18.320 many pets you've got and what their 00:29:18.320 --> 00:29:19.440 names are 00:29:19.440 --> 00:29:22.159 a black rabbit called licorice that's so 00:29:22.159 --> 00:29:24.159 cute 00:29:24.159 --> 00:29:25.599 and another question do you do many 00:29:25.599 --> 00:29:27.918 zooms actually i do 00:29:27.918 --> 00:29:31.040 since um lockdown i used to teach a lot 00:29:31.040 --> 00:29:32.960 of craft workshops 00:29:32.960 --> 00:29:35.040 face to face but since lockdown 00:29:35.040 --> 00:29:37.119 obviously everyone's at home and zoom 00:29:37.119 --> 00:29:38.560 has been 00:29:38.560 --> 00:29:42.240 the way that we run things now and 00:29:42.240 --> 00:29:44.079 i kind of like it i mean it's not as 00:29:44.079 --> 00:29:46.560 personal like i'd love to just be in a 00:29:46.560 --> 00:29:48.480 room with all of you but i really love 00:29:48.480 --> 00:29:50.400 it because i get to connect with people 00:29:50.400 --> 00:29:54.400 all over australia and that's great 00:29:59.200 --> 00:30:02.000 can we use paddle pop sticks 00:30:02.000 --> 00:30:04.160 yes you can use paddle pop sticks 00:30:04.160 --> 00:30:06.640 instead of straws or skewers by all by 00:30:06.640 --> 00:30:09.359 all means do that 00:30:10.160 --> 00:30:11.440 you're all asking so many great 00:30:11.440 --> 00:30:13.520 questions today 00:30:13.520 --> 00:30:15.760 what type of craft do you like the most 00:30:15.760 --> 00:30:19.359 oh that's such a hard question 00:30:19.359 --> 00:30:21.599 i love making pinatas 00:30:21.599 --> 00:30:23.359 i have to say 00:30:23.359 --> 00:30:26.240 but i think my ultimate favorite craft 00:30:26.240 --> 00:30:28.400 is creating 00:30:28.400 --> 00:30:32.000 giant props so you can see behind me 00:30:32.000 --> 00:30:34.160 there's a giant pencil 00:30:34.160 --> 00:30:37.119 i just love playing around with 00:30:37.119 --> 00:30:40.160 oversized things it's really that things 00:30:40.160 --> 00:30:43.440 that are meant to be smaller or normal 00:30:43.440 --> 00:30:45.760 sized and making them giant i really 00:30:45.760 --> 00:30:49.640 love that that's fun 00:30:53.599 --> 00:30:54.640 okay 00:30:54.640 --> 00:30:56.880 matt there's been a question um will the 00:30:56.880 --> 00:30:58.960 recording for this session be available 00:30:58.960 --> 00:31:01.520 later 00:31:01.680 --> 00:31:04.560 i think it will right i think it will be 00:31:04.560 --> 00:31:07.200 yeah if it goes smoothly we will we will 00:31:07.200 --> 00:31:08.560 pop it up for people to have a look at 00:31:08.560 --> 00:31:10.160 later so they can come back and revisit 00:31:10.160 --> 00:31:12.800 some of your techniques 00:31:12.800 --> 00:31:14.000 we've got some really great 00:31:14.000 --> 00:31:15.920 contributions on facebook as well so 00:31:15.920 --> 00:31:18.400 hello to all of our facebook friends 00:31:18.400 --> 00:31:20.640 keep on crafting along with us and uh if 00:31:20.640 --> 00:31:22.079 you want to share pictures of what 00:31:22.079 --> 00:31:23.440 you're doing 00:31:23.440 --> 00:31:25.760 in the comments underneath we'd love to 00:31:25.760 --> 00:31:29.000 see them 00:31:30.720 --> 00:31:32.640 how are everyone's flowers going let's 00:31:32.640 --> 00:31:34.880 have a little check in um 00:31:34.880 --> 00:31:36.720 let us know how you're going with your 00:31:36.720 --> 00:31:39.280 flowers and where you're at um matt 00:31:39.280 --> 00:31:41.599 where are you at 00:31:41.599 --> 00:31:45.599 look at you you've done two 00:31:45.599 --> 00:31:48.720 you're a teacher i have 00:31:48.960 --> 00:31:50.800 i've got some a couple of different 00:31:50.800 --> 00:31:52.320 colors that i've done two different 00:31:52.320 --> 00:31:55.040 color combinations so far 00:31:55.040 --> 00:31:57.599 ah they look so beautiful 00:31:57.599 --> 00:31:59.920 i love the purp the purple is a purple 00:31:59.920 --> 00:32:01.200 with the blue and white stripe i'm 00:32:01.200 --> 00:32:02.940 loving that color combo 00:32:02.940 --> 00:32:06.000 [Music] 00:32:06.000 --> 00:32:10.160 oh there are so many lovely okay so 00:32:10.160 --> 00:32:12.640 i 00:32:12.640 --> 00:32:14.160 there are so many lovely ones there's 00:32:14.160 --> 00:32:15.119 some questions there's a question for 00:32:15.119 --> 00:32:17.680 you in the chat 00:32:18.560 --> 00:32:20.720 do i matt do i miss people coming to the 00:32:20.720 --> 00:32:23.119 gallery we do we miss people coming to 00:32:23.119 --> 00:32:24.720 the gallery very very much because one 00:32:24.720 --> 00:32:26.400 of our favorite things to do 00:32:26.400 --> 00:32:27.520 is 00:32:27.520 --> 00:32:29.760 help people make art and help people 00:32:29.760 --> 00:32:32.480 enjoy art and so it's really nice to do 00:32:32.480 --> 00:32:34.160 this online but sometimes it's nice to 00:32:34.160 --> 00:32:36.320 see smiling faces in person as well so 00:32:36.320 --> 00:32:37.520 hopefully we'll all be back there 00:32:37.520 --> 00:32:40.920 together soon 00:32:45.359 --> 00:32:46.800 yes 00:32:46.800 --> 00:32:48.320 can't wait to come back to canberra and 00:32:48.320 --> 00:32:50.000 visit you 00:32:50.000 --> 00:32:52.640 in the gallery 00:32:53.119 --> 00:32:56.160 okay so i'm going to show you now um 00:32:56.160 --> 00:32:57.920 we've got 00:32:57.920 --> 00:32:59.440 15 00:32:59.440 --> 00:33:03.119 minutes left so like i said don't rush 00:33:03.119 --> 00:33:06.160 um i'm gonna just show you how i would 00:33:06.160 --> 00:33:08.560 stick on the leaves if you want to 00:33:08.560 --> 00:33:11.359 create some leaves for your flowers 00:33:11.359 --> 00:33:12.240 um 00:33:12.240 --> 00:33:13.920 let's explore 00:33:13.920 --> 00:33:16.640 some different ways to doing that so 00:33:16.640 --> 00:33:18.160 i've got my little flower here that i've 00:33:18.160 --> 00:33:20.800 created it's looking very colorful i'm 00:33:20.800 --> 00:33:23.599 loving it um oh there's just been a 00:33:23.599 --> 00:33:25.280 question in the chat are plastic straws 00:33:25.280 --> 00:33:28.160 okay yes i mean if you can reuse a 00:33:28.160 --> 00:33:31.119 plastic straw for a craft purpose then 00:33:31.119 --> 00:33:33.760 that's a fantastic idea so yes you can 00:33:33.760 --> 00:33:35.760 use plastic straws 00:33:35.760 --> 00:33:38.160 okay 00:33:41.200 --> 00:33:44.400 all right so 00:33:44.560 --> 00:33:46.640 i've got my leaf template i'm going for 00:33:46.640 --> 00:33:47.680 this 00:33:47.680 --> 00:33:52.079 spiky leaf for my daisy so like we did 00:33:52.079 --> 00:33:54.000 before you'll just choose which leaf you 00:33:54.000 --> 00:33:56.160 want you to use or you could draw your 00:33:56.160 --> 00:33:57.520 own leaf 00:33:57.520 --> 00:33:59.520 it's up to you 00:33:59.520 --> 00:34:02.320 and then 00:34:02.320 --> 00:34:04.320 you can trace around the template and 00:34:04.320 --> 00:34:06.800 cut it out i'm gonna i'm gonna do two 00:34:06.800 --> 00:34:09.200 leaves 00:34:11.520 --> 00:34:13.440 lisa has said my flower is also a 00:34:13.440 --> 00:34:16.079 drinking straw that's so clever lisa you 00:34:16.079 --> 00:34:17.920 know that's actually a great idea for 00:34:17.920 --> 00:34:19.359 what you could use 00:34:19.359 --> 00:34:21.359 these for if you're having 00:34:21.359 --> 00:34:23.599 a spring party when we're allowed to 00:34:23.599 --> 00:34:25.520 gather in groups again 00:34:25.520 --> 00:34:27.280 maybe you could decorate everybody's 00:34:27.280 --> 00:34:29.599 straws with a little flower and then 00:34:29.599 --> 00:34:31.440 make some summery 00:34:31.440 --> 00:34:32.880 beverages 00:34:32.880 --> 00:34:35.680 that would be fun 00:34:45.359 --> 00:34:47.839 okay 00:34:54.720 --> 00:34:57.040 right i'm really quickly cutting this 00:34:57.040 --> 00:35:00.960 out so it might be a little bit messy 00:35:00.960 --> 00:35:03.200 i'm kind of an impatient crafter i have 00:35:03.200 --> 00:35:06.160 to say and i 00:35:06.160 --> 00:35:08.720 i kind of do things a little bit 00:35:08.720 --> 00:35:10.880 quickly because i just get so excited i 00:35:10.880 --> 00:35:12.079 just want to see what the thing's going 00:35:12.079 --> 00:35:13.680 to look like 00:35:13.680 --> 00:35:15.839 so a lot of the time i 00:35:15.839 --> 00:35:18.160 rush 00:35:21.280 --> 00:35:23.280 oh another question do you 00:35:23.280 --> 00:35:24.960 or do you know 00:35:24.960 --> 00:35:29.839 how to do art on t-shirts 00:35:30.319 --> 00:35:32.240 there's a few different ways 00:35:32.240 --> 00:35:34.000 um 00:35:34.000 --> 00:35:37.200 if you wanted to 00:35:37.200 --> 00:35:38.640 photo want to 00:35:38.640 --> 00:35:40.160 tease 00:35:40.160 --> 00:35:43.359 this that you can get actually put it in 00:35:43.359 --> 00:35:46.160 your printer at home and print out any 00:35:46.160 --> 00:35:47.440 photo from your computer and then you 00:35:47.440 --> 00:35:50.400 can iron that on to a t-shirt and it's 00:35:50.400 --> 00:35:51.599 washable 00:35:51.599 --> 00:35:54.480 so that's one way you could screen print 00:35:54.480 --> 00:35:56.880 you could use fabric markers and draw 00:35:56.880 --> 00:35:58.720 onto a t-shirt 00:35:58.720 --> 00:35:59.920 um or you could do something like 00:35:59.920 --> 00:36:01.119 tie-dye 00:36:01.119 --> 00:36:03.280 uh has anyone tried tie-dye it's super 00:36:03.280 --> 00:36:06.280 fun 00:36:12.079 --> 00:36:14.400 okay 00:36:18.319 --> 00:36:20.560 okay 00:36:21.040 --> 00:36:22.720 i've got some leaves 00:36:22.720 --> 00:36:24.480 now i'm going to do a similar thing that 00:36:24.480 --> 00:36:25.920 i did to the petals where i'm going to 00:36:25.920 --> 00:36:29.119 fold my leaves in half to create just a 00:36:29.119 --> 00:36:31.680 little bit of 00:36:32.000 --> 00:36:33.680 depth 00:36:33.680 --> 00:36:35.359 just make them look 00:36:35.359 --> 00:36:36.880 like they're coming to life a bit more 00:36:36.880 --> 00:36:40.720 than just being cut outs on paper 00:36:43.440 --> 00:36:45.760 now when i want to stick them 00:36:45.760 --> 00:36:47.200 on 00:36:47.200 --> 00:36:49.200 i'm going to again use you can either 00:36:49.200 --> 00:36:51.119 use sticky tape or double sided tape for 00:36:51.119 --> 00:36:53.839 this 00:36:55.520 --> 00:36:59.520 i am going to just quickly 00:36:59.680 --> 00:37:01.760 now can you see this everyone 00:37:01.760 --> 00:37:04.400 gonna wrap 00:37:04.800 --> 00:37:07.520 i'm just going to wrap the leaf 00:37:07.520 --> 00:37:09.920 around my straw like this 00:37:09.920 --> 00:37:12.079 and then i'm just kind of going to bend 00:37:12.079 --> 00:37:14.480 it backwards a little bit 00:37:14.480 --> 00:37:18.079 so it sticks out 00:37:19.440 --> 00:37:21.359 really love that i'm gonna do it with 00:37:21.359 --> 00:37:24.160 the other leaf again 00:37:27.040 --> 00:37:28.240 there's another question in the chat 00:37:28.240 --> 00:37:30.960 what past jobs have you had oh my gosh 00:37:30.960 --> 00:37:34.880 so many my first ever job was as a santa 00:37:34.880 --> 00:37:38.240 photographer in the shopping center 00:37:38.240 --> 00:37:40.480 i dressed i had to dress up like an elf 00:37:40.480 --> 00:37:42.640 and take photos at christmas time that 00:37:42.640 --> 00:37:44.400 was my first ever job 00:37:44.400 --> 00:37:47.760 uh i have worked at universities as a 00:37:47.760 --> 00:37:51.920 teacher i have been a receptionist 00:37:51.920 --> 00:37:52.880 i 00:37:52.880 --> 00:37:55.359 did gardening for this lovely old lady 00:37:55.359 --> 00:37:58.560 for a long time when i was at art school 00:37:58.560 --> 00:38:01.520 i've worked in lots of clothing shops 00:38:01.520 --> 00:38:03.839 done heaps of different jobs 00:38:03.839 --> 00:38:07.040 i had my own fashion label once 00:38:07.040 --> 00:38:09.680 that was fun 00:38:09.680 --> 00:38:13.280 okay so look there's my little um 00:38:13.280 --> 00:38:15.200 there's my little flower 00:38:15.200 --> 00:38:17.839 we have about five minutes left of the 00:38:17.839 --> 00:38:20.079 workshop but i've shown you everything 00:38:20.079 --> 00:38:21.200 now that 00:38:21.200 --> 00:38:23.119 um 00:38:23.119 --> 00:38:25.520 that you need to create this so if you 00:38:25.520 --> 00:38:27.839 haven't finished it's totally fine and 00:38:27.839 --> 00:38:30.000 you can just go away and finish it off 00:38:30.000 --> 00:38:32.880 in your own time 00:38:32.880 --> 00:38:33.839 hopefully 00:38:33.839 --> 00:38:36.240 an idea of how to create 00:38:36.240 --> 00:38:39.200 different um different kinds of flowers 00:38:39.200 --> 00:38:41.440 now at this stage i might just ask if 00:38:41.440 --> 00:38:43.680 there's any questions about the project 00:38:43.680 --> 00:38:46.160 that you want to ask before the session 00:38:46.160 --> 00:38:48.079 ends and hopefully i can answer them for 00:38:48.079 --> 00:38:50.000 you before we go 00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:52.480 drop the questions in the chat if you do 00:38:52.480 --> 00:38:53.920 want to know anything in particular or 00:38:53.920 --> 00:38:56.000 want me to show you anything again and i 00:38:56.000 --> 00:38:59.000 will 00:39:04.319 --> 00:39:07.359 i'm seeing a bunch of your flowers um 00:39:07.359 --> 00:39:08.960 for those of you that have your cameras 00:39:08.960 --> 00:39:12.720 on and i'm really loving what i see so 00:39:12.720 --> 00:39:14.960 many beautiful flowers and everyone's 00:39:14.960 --> 00:39:16.800 flowers are so unique and i just love 00:39:16.800 --> 00:39:19.280 that so much 00:39:19.280 --> 00:39:22.720 some gorgeous rainbow ones oh everyone 00:39:22.720 --> 00:39:24.880 these are so great 00:39:24.880 --> 00:39:28.240 i'm loving seeing all of these 00:39:28.400 --> 00:39:30.720 oh there's a kind of christmasy themed 00:39:30.720 --> 00:39:33.920 one it looks like a tree almost 00:39:33.920 --> 00:39:36.800 i love this 00:39:37.200 --> 00:39:39.359 oh so great okay uh there's been a 00:39:39.359 --> 00:39:40.040 couple questions 00:39:40.040 --> 00:39:41.839 [Music] 00:39:41.839 --> 00:39:44.880 not sure how to make the leaves 00:39:44.880 --> 00:39:46.960 um oh someone said i felt like i was on 00:39:46.960 --> 00:39:48.720 play school that is the greatest 00:39:48.720 --> 00:39:50.400 compliment that anyone could ever give 00:39:50.400 --> 00:39:53.440 me because that is my ultimate dream job 00:39:53.440 --> 00:39:57.280 to be a host on play school so 00:39:57.280 --> 00:39:58.800 let's put it out there to the universe 00:39:58.800 --> 00:40:00.480 maybe one day i will be 00:40:00.480 --> 00:40:02.720 all right someone's asked ask a question 00:40:02.720 --> 00:40:05.200 about the leaves okay 00:40:05.200 --> 00:40:07.119 let me quickly demonstrate before we go 00:40:07.119 --> 00:40:10.400 um how to do a leaf 00:40:10.400 --> 00:40:13.839 for those of you that missed it 00:40:13.839 --> 00:40:15.920 so i'm just going to cut out a normal 00:40:15.920 --> 00:40:17.280 leaf shape here just because it's 00:40:17.280 --> 00:40:19.680 quicker 00:40:21.359 --> 00:40:23.119 right so we've got our leaf shape i'm 00:40:23.119 --> 00:40:24.720 going to fold it in half like we did 00:40:24.720 --> 00:40:27.359 with the petals 00:40:28.800 --> 00:40:29.760 so it's 00:40:29.760 --> 00:40:31.839 sort of 3d 00:40:31.839 --> 00:40:35.359 then i'm going to use my 00:40:35.520 --> 00:40:38.880 double sided sticky tape or you can 00:40:38.880 --> 00:40:40.640 sticky tape it on 00:40:40.640 --> 00:40:42.640 with normal sticky tape i'm just using 00:40:42.640 --> 00:40:43.920 double sided just because it's right 00:40:43.920 --> 00:40:45.760 here 00:40:45.760 --> 00:40:48.720 and then i'm just going to 00:40:48.720 --> 00:40:51.359 stick it onto the straw or skewer or 00:40:51.359 --> 00:40:52.880 whatever you've got and just press it 00:40:52.880 --> 00:40:54.960 down make it really um 00:40:54.960 --> 00:40:57.119 make sure it's really stuck on there and 00:40:57.119 --> 00:40:59.200 if you've got sticky tape this is where 00:40:59.200 --> 00:41:00.800 you'd put 00:41:00.800 --> 00:41:05.839 some sticky tape over the top and just 00:41:06.079 --> 00:41:08.480 make sure that's on so once you've 00:41:08.480 --> 00:41:10.400 got that on the straw 00:41:10.400 --> 00:41:12.000 or whatever you're using 00:41:12.000 --> 00:41:13.359 you can then just 00:41:13.359 --> 00:41:15.119 just bend it 00:41:15.119 --> 00:41:17.280 back like that 00:41:17.280 --> 00:41:20.000 so it goes from this 00:41:20.000 --> 00:41:21.200 and you can just 00:41:21.200 --> 00:41:23.920 use your thumb 00:41:24.000 --> 00:41:26.880 and just bend it back 00:41:27.200 --> 00:41:29.440 and that's how you create the leaf does 00:41:29.440 --> 00:41:32.400 that make sense to everyone 00:41:32.400 --> 00:41:34.720 hopefully it does 00:41:34.720 --> 00:41:36.880 um 00:41:36.880 --> 00:41:38.960 everyone i just have to say i'm so proud 00:41:38.960 --> 00:41:40.400 of all of you your flowers look 00:41:40.400 --> 00:41:42.800 beautiful and i hope you've had a really 00:41:42.800 --> 00:41:46.000 fun time um 00:41:46.000 --> 00:41:48.400 it's a really easy and simple project 00:41:48.400 --> 00:41:50.160 that you can do but you can also get 00:41:50.160 --> 00:41:51.520 really creative with it now that you 00:41:51.520 --> 00:41:53.280 know all the steps and create some 00:41:53.280 --> 00:41:54.480 really 00:41:54.480 --> 00:41:56.880 detailed and intricate flowers um you 00:41:56.880 --> 00:41:59.599 could even try and play with size maybe 00:41:59.599 --> 00:42:01.839 you could make some giant ones or some 00:42:01.839 --> 00:42:04.559 really tiny ones um yeah it'd be 00:42:04.559 --> 00:42:08.240 interesting to see what you come up with 00:42:09.280 --> 00:42:11.440 okay thanks to everyone if you are if 00:42:11.440 --> 00:42:13.440 you are leaving us early thank you so 00:42:13.440 --> 00:42:15.200 much for being here matt i want to see 00:42:15.200 --> 00:42:18.400 what your final creation i i 00:42:18.400 --> 00:42:21.359 got a couple of little blue ones on here 00:42:21.359 --> 00:42:23.040 but i also did this little guy as well 00:42:23.040 --> 00:42:26.200 so i've 00:42:33.119 --> 00:42:36.480 oh yes love it love it so much 00:42:36.480 --> 00:42:38.000 um 00:42:38.000 --> 00:42:40.480 i'm just flicking through everyone 00:42:40.480 --> 00:42:42.880 uh flicking through everyone's 00:42:42.880 --> 00:42:44.640 flowers that they're holding up and i 00:42:44.640 --> 00:42:46.800 just love them yes i wish they were all 00:42:46.800 --> 00:42:48.240 together like 00:42:48.240 --> 00:42:50.240 had a flower field and we could we could 00:42:50.240 --> 00:42:52.000 photograph them all together wouldn't 00:42:52.000 --> 00:42:54.880 that be the most wonderful 00:42:55.680 --> 00:42:57.520 people are requesting that i show 00:42:57.520 --> 00:42:58.880 everyone my cats i'm gonna wake her up 00:42:58.880 --> 00:43:00.240 for all right we'll have a quick hello 00:43:00.240 --> 00:43:03.760 to tina before we sign off 00:43:06.480 --> 00:43:08.839 oh such pretty colors in those flowers 00:43:08.839 --> 00:43:12.880 everyone what lovely work 00:43:19.040 --> 00:43:21.200 she says hi 00:43:21.200 --> 00:43:24.200 hello 00:43:24.880 --> 00:43:28.079 she hates all right there you go 00:43:28.079 --> 00:43:30.160 uh thank you so much for your for your 00:43:30.160 --> 00:43:32.079 guidance and your instruction today kid 00:43:32.079 --> 00:43:34.240 it was a really really fun workshop i 00:43:34.240 --> 00:43:36.640 can see so many smiling faces on the 00:43:36.640 --> 00:43:38.720 zoom link and out there in facebook land 00:43:38.720 --> 00:43:40.240 they're all really enjoying crafting 00:43:40.240 --> 00:43:41.920 along with us so thank you for spending 00:43:41.920 --> 00:43:45.839 your afternoon with us today chris kit 00:43:48.559 --> 00:43:52.640 thank you for having me um now i think 00:43:52.640 --> 00:43:53.760 that maybe 00:43:53.760 --> 00:43:56.000 there's some links 00:43:56.000 --> 00:44:00.400 that are popping in the chat i have a um 00:44:00.400 --> 00:44:02.480 a printable activity book a printable 00:44:02.480 --> 00:44:04.800 craft activity book that i wanted to 00:44:04.800 --> 00:44:07.359 share with all of you um so that you can 00:44:07.359 --> 00:44:09.599 download it and continue crafting into 00:44:09.599 --> 00:44:12.000 the school holidays 00:44:12.000 --> 00:44:15.040 so um yes 00:44:15.040 --> 00:44:16.880 we've just popped the link for that 00:44:16.880 --> 00:44:19.520 activity book in the chat so if you want 00:44:19.520 --> 00:44:21.040 to um 00:44:21.040 --> 00:44:22.720 to click on that and just have it there 00:44:22.720 --> 00:44:24.319 then um you'll have it and maybe we can 00:44:24.319 --> 00:44:26.000 put it in the facebook comments on the 00:44:26.000 --> 00:44:27.520 facebook page afterwards in case you 00:44:27.520 --> 00:44:29.200 missed the link now 00:44:29.200 --> 00:44:30.880 absolutely absolutely we can share that 00:44:30.880 --> 00:44:32.720 on facebook as well thank you so much 00:44:32.720 --> 00:44:34.480 for joining us today kitty it's been so 00:44:34.480 --> 00:44:37.200 much fun i am going to keep crafting 00:44:37.200 --> 00:44:38.480 because i've got more bits cut out so 00:44:38.480 --> 00:44:39.599 i'm going to be doing this well into the 00:44:39.599 --> 00:44:42.240 evening i think 00:44:42.240 --> 00:44:44.319 i can't wait to see them everyone have a 00:44:44.319 --> 00:44:45.760 great rest of your day and thank you 00:44:45.760 --> 00:44:47.520 very much 00:44:47.520 --> 00:44:49.520 thanks kids 00:44:49.520 --> 00:44:51.200 bye 00:44:51.200 --> 00:44:53.520 for everyone who has enjoyed this 00:44:53.520 --> 00:44:54.960 session today thank you so much for 00:44:54.960 --> 00:44:56.480 coming along and joining us we love 00:44:56.480 --> 00:44:58.800 being able to reach out during this time 00:44:58.800 --> 00:45:00.319 when we're all locked at home it makes 00:45:00.319 --> 00:45:01.920 us feel a little bit more connected it's 00:45:01.920 --> 00:45:04.240 nice to see all your smiling faces and 00:45:04.240 --> 00:45:06.240 have you make some craft with us if you 00:45:06.240 --> 00:45:07.520 enjoyed this session we've got a couple 00:45:07.520 --> 00:45:09.920 of other fun ones coming up on the 29th 00:45:09.920 --> 00:45:11.520 of september we will be reading the 00:45:11.520 --> 00:45:15.119 storybook the best worst day ever and 00:45:15.119 --> 00:45:16.400 we'll be doing a little bit of crafting 00:45:16.400 --> 00:45:17.920 after that as well so if you're into 00:45:17.920 --> 00:45:19.839 story time come along to that and we've 00:45:19.839 --> 00:45:22.480 also got a really special story time 00:45:22.480 --> 00:45:24.960 coming up on friday the 8th of october 00:45:24.960 --> 00:45:27.200 mem fox will be reading her wonderful 00:45:27.200 --> 00:45:29.119 book possum magic and we'll be doing 00:45:29.119 --> 00:45:30.960 some possum magic themed craft after 00:45:30.960 --> 00:45:32.640 that if you want to have a look at any 00:45:32.640 --> 00:45:34.240 of that stuff you can visit our website 00:45:34.240 --> 00:45:35.920 portrait.gov.edu 00:45:35.920 --> 00:45:37.280 and have a little look at the what's on 00:45:37.280 --> 00:45:38.160 tab 00:45:38.160 --> 00:45:39.839 uh this recording will stay up on 00:45:39.839 --> 00:45:41.200 facebook so if you want to go back and 00:45:41.200 --> 00:45:43.280 see any of kitties techniques again you 00:45:43.280 --> 00:45:45.599 can you can watch it back and perfect 00:45:45.599 --> 00:45:48.240 some of your flowers until next time be 00:45:48.240 --> 00:45:50.800 excellent to each other stay safe and i 00:45:50.800 --> 00:45:53.839 hope we see you again very very soon 00:45:53.839 --> 00:45:56.640 bye bye everyone 00:45:56.800 --> 00:45:59.800 bye