WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.450 --> 00:00:03.230 Okay. (claps) 2 00:00:03.230 --> 00:00:04.590 Alright, clapperboard! 3 00:00:04.590 --> 00:00:06.470 Yeah. Yeah, think. 4 00:00:06.470 --> 00:00:08.101 And so you're rolling aren't you? 5 00:00:08.101 --> 00:00:09.870 (soft music) 6 00:00:09.870 --> 00:00:12.480 So, I guess we should talk about the photo, 7 00:00:12.480 --> 00:00:14.040 and the photo's called Jon. 8 00:00:14.040 --> 00:00:15.990 line:15% Yeah, the photo is called Jon. 9 00:00:17.560 --> 00:00:19.830 line:15% It's interesting because you're, you'd be recognised 10 00:00:19.830 --> 00:00:24.500 line:15% as one of Australia's greatest adventurers and explorers, 11 00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:25.450 line:15% both living and dead. 12 00:00:25.450 --> 00:00:27.167 line:15% You happen to be living, Oh yeah (laughs). 13 00:00:27.167 --> 00:00:28.950 line:15% But and that's a rarity in this game. 14 00:00:28.950 --> 00:00:32.530 line:15% But you know, you're a very private figure yet 15 00:00:32.530 --> 00:00:35.730 line:15% certainly in climbing circles and adventure circles, 16 00:00:35.730 --> 00:00:37.800 line:15% you know, you're seen as a bit of a 17 00:00:39.210 --> 00:00:41.380 line:15% guru or God in that area. 18 00:00:41.380 --> 00:00:43.270 line:15% What does it feel like when you walk in 19 00:00:43.270 --> 00:00:46.160 and you see your portrait hanging on the wall 20 00:00:46.160 --> 00:00:47.850 of the National Portrait Gallery? 21 00:00:47.850 --> 00:00:50.800 Yeah, look, it's almost comical. 22 00:00:50.800 --> 00:00:53.050 (laughing) 23 00:00:55.080 --> 00:00:58.750 Yeah, I get some mixture of emotions but, but 24 00:00:59.780 --> 00:01:02.440 maybe overriding it all with 25 00:01:04.377 --> 00:01:05.380 the comic. 26 00:01:05.380 --> 00:01:08.023 Yeah Because I don't, that's not, 27 00:01:09.440 --> 00:01:10.420 I am simple man, 28 00:01:10.420 --> 00:01:13.610 and so, I just get out there and do my simple things. 29 00:01:13.610 --> 00:01:17.790 And climbing a mountain or walking across the desert, 30 00:01:17.790 --> 00:01:19.860 it's raw and simple and basic, 31 00:01:19.860 --> 00:01:22.410 and it sort of brings it home to me that (mumbles), 32 00:01:23.400 --> 00:01:24.233 and then I read the bio. 33 00:01:24.233 --> 00:01:26.890 Yeah, yeah I did do all that stuff, didn't I? 34 00:01:26.890 --> 00:01:29.770 Yeah (laughs) I'm sort of more focused on, 35 00:01:29.770 --> 00:01:30.603 Yeah. 36 00:01:30.603 --> 00:01:31.850 I've got to plant more potatoes next week. 37 00:01:36.450 --> 00:01:39.270 line:15% Jon here, yep it is. 38 00:01:39.270 --> 00:01:42.122 line:15% And I just like to say it's outrageous up on this glacier-- 39 00:01:42.122 --> 00:01:45.290 line:15% We've made two documentaries together, 40 00:01:45.290 --> 00:01:47.490 line:15% where we've co-directed. Yeah. 41 00:01:47.490 --> 00:01:50.680 line:15% so we first met when we were climbing Aconcagua, 42 00:01:50.680 --> 00:01:53.825 line:15% in South America and that was... 43 00:01:53.825 --> 00:01:55.047 line:15% Summer three, four. 44 00:01:55.047 --> 00:01:57.140 '93, '94 45 00:01:58.080 --> 00:02:00.100 And then we've done a lot of walks together, 46 00:02:00.100 --> 00:02:02.910 out in the desert and pedalled. 47 00:02:02.910 --> 00:02:03.990 Kayaking. Kayaking. 48 00:02:03.990 --> 00:02:07.720 and walked across dry salt lakes and all of that. 49 00:02:07.720 --> 00:02:10.070 And this actually was a dry salt lake. 50 00:02:10.070 --> 00:02:12.290 Yeah. It was Lake Amadeus. 51 00:02:12.290 --> 00:02:16.710 And we've been walking from Kings Canyon to Uluru. 52 00:02:16.710 --> 00:02:18.330 And so we've been, I guess we've been out there 53 00:02:18.330 --> 00:02:19.917 about a week haven't we? Yeah, yeah. 54 00:02:19.917 --> 00:02:24.720 And that was that, that I love the way that eventuated was 55 00:02:24.720 --> 00:02:25.770 the salt lakes. 56 00:02:25.770 --> 00:02:27.810 It's just such magic places. 57 00:02:27.810 --> 00:02:29.860 And we arrived and we had the cross this lake, 58 00:02:29.860 --> 00:02:31.500 and it was about 15 kilometres across. 59 00:02:31.500 --> 00:02:32.800 It's a very long lake but, 60 00:02:33.670 --> 00:02:36.130 and we arrived in the middle of the day, remember that? 61 00:02:36.130 --> 00:02:38.300 Yeah. And we, 62 00:02:38.300 --> 00:02:39.589 from previous experience we knew how 63 00:02:39.589 --> 00:02:42.510 surreal these places are and we also knew as a full moon 64 00:02:42.510 --> 00:02:44.280 rising that night. 65 00:02:44.280 --> 00:02:48.570 So we thought, "let's stop here and have a main meal 66 00:02:48.570 --> 00:02:50.700 lunchtime and have a rest, 67 00:02:50.700 --> 00:02:52.350 and then head out onto the lake." 68 00:02:55.110 --> 00:02:57.150 There's something really special about walking 69 00:02:57.150 --> 00:02:58.950 across dry salt lakes. 70 00:02:58.950 --> 00:02:59.990 And we've done a number of them there. 71 00:02:59.990 --> 00:03:02.270 Remember when we walked across Lake Frome, 72 00:03:02.270 --> 00:03:03.670 and we could see nothing. 73 00:03:03.670 --> 00:03:06.880 And we all thought it was like what it must be Antarctica. 74 00:03:06.880 --> 00:03:08.330 And we're calling the salt, the ice. 75 00:03:08.330 --> 00:03:09.163 Yes. 76 00:03:09.163 --> 00:03:10.720 And that was, 77 00:03:10.720 --> 00:03:12.170 that was that feeling we got out and 78 00:03:12.170 --> 00:03:13.910 we just suddenly felt so free. 79 00:03:13.910 --> 00:03:16.980 You we're not going to bump into a single thing. 80 00:03:16.980 --> 00:03:19.940 But it was winter, and you know, as, with 81 00:03:19.940 --> 00:03:21.440 my documentary-filmmaker hat on, 82 00:03:21.440 --> 00:03:23.490 I knew that it was going to be, 83 00:03:23.490 --> 00:03:24.740 a magical hour. 84 00:03:24.740 --> 00:03:27.430 Taking that, that I've probably taken three or four or 85 00:03:27.430 --> 00:03:31.473 five photos but the second I took that photo, 86 00:03:32.440 --> 00:03:35.660 I knew I'd captured something pretty special. 87 00:03:35.660 --> 00:03:38.020 And you know, we call the truth but that was, 88 00:03:38.020 --> 00:03:39.090 that was your truth. 89 00:03:39.090 --> 00:03:42.110 You were there and that was you, in your zone, 90 00:03:42.110 --> 00:03:44.300 when you're absolutely at your happiest. 91 00:03:44.300 --> 00:03:45.950 Yeah. And there was something 92 00:03:45.950 --> 00:03:47.360 so magical taking it, 93 00:03:47.360 --> 00:03:49.570 I just went," I've got it!". 94 00:03:49.570 --> 00:03:50.760 I remember even showing you, 95 00:03:50.760 --> 00:03:53.900 I said "I've never taken a photo like this, of you." 96 00:03:53.900 --> 00:03:55.540 and there's so many that I think captured it but 97 00:03:55.540 --> 00:03:56.592 that was just that moment. 98 00:03:56.592 --> 00:03:57.425 Yeah. Just this, 99 00:03:57.425 --> 00:03:58.790 bomb went off in my head. Yeah. 100 00:03:58.790 --> 00:04:00.390 It was just so exciting. 101 00:04:05.300 --> 00:04:08.060 I know I got really charged, 102 00:04:08.060 --> 00:04:09.300 energised, 103 00:04:09.300 --> 00:04:13.590 by the beauty around us, by that raw, 104 00:04:13.590 --> 00:04:14.790 unpeopled. 105 00:04:14.790 --> 00:04:18.080 No evidence of anyone except us, 106 00:04:18.080 --> 00:04:18.913 there, 107 00:04:20.610 --> 00:04:23.730 on the whole walk I didn't think we saw any but 108 00:04:23.730 --> 00:04:25.190 yeah, so yeah, you're right. 109 00:04:25.190 --> 00:04:28.977 I was totally, totally in my favourite place to be (laughs). 110 00:04:28.977 --> 00:04:30.850 One of the things that is interesting when people are 111 00:04:30.850 --> 00:04:32.170 looking at it too, 112 00:04:32.170 --> 00:04:34.710 and wouldn't have been conscious is, 113 00:04:34.710 --> 00:04:36.300 you know, because we're spending so much time in the sun, 114 00:04:36.300 --> 00:04:38.520 we've always used to put a lot of zinc cream on. 115 00:04:38.520 --> 00:04:40.730 And for you, sometimes you put pink on, 116 00:04:40.730 --> 00:04:42.417 sometimes it's yellow or orange. 117 00:04:42.417 --> 00:04:43.250 Yeah. 118 00:04:43.250 --> 00:04:45.360 But that day you just happen to put on this colour, 119 00:04:45.360 --> 00:04:48.640 and you're just you're just blending in and, and 120 00:04:48.640 --> 00:04:50.730 some may think that was forced. 121 00:04:50.730 --> 00:04:52.200 But it was just, you know, 122 00:04:52.200 --> 00:04:53.460 you put it on earlier that morning, 123 00:04:53.460 --> 00:04:54.293 Yeah we didn't know where 124 00:04:54.293 --> 00:04:55.126 we were gonna be. 125 00:04:55.126 --> 00:04:56.010 Yeah And we hadn't seen 126 00:04:56.010 --> 00:04:58.630 that colour, until that moment that night. 127 00:04:58.630 --> 00:04:59.463 Yeah Shades of it. 128 00:04:59.463 --> 00:05:01.603 I thought that was quite interesting too. 129 00:05:02.770 --> 00:05:04.880 In many ways that photo sort of shows you 130 00:05:04.880 --> 00:05:05.713 at one with the environment. 131 00:05:05.713 --> 00:05:08.544 'Cause you've almost just melted into it, or camouflaged. 132 00:05:08.544 --> 00:05:10.370 Yes And that's, 133 00:05:10.370 --> 00:05:11.220 that's what you were, 134 00:05:11.220 --> 00:05:14.500 and I think that was a big observation when 135 00:05:14.500 --> 00:05:16.130 when we made that film together, you know. 136 00:05:16.130 --> 00:05:19.340 You were out there solo for 128 days. 137 00:05:19.340 --> 00:05:22.130 And it was just you, just melting into the environment, 138 00:05:22.130 --> 00:05:24.470 no-one knew where you were, what you were doing. 139 00:05:24.470 --> 00:05:26.220 Yeah, and it was delicious. 140 00:05:28.330 --> 00:05:31.660 The first time it had been seen publicly was 141 00:05:31.660 --> 00:05:34.230 in the National Portrait Gallery's photo prize. 142 00:05:34.230 --> 00:05:35.063 Yes. 143 00:05:35.063 --> 00:05:37.560 And I think that was 2008 or nine or something. 144 00:05:37.560 --> 00:05:38.540 Yeah, yeah. 145 00:05:38.540 --> 00:05:40.480 And there's sort of sometimes you know, 146 00:05:40.480 --> 00:05:41.917 photographer's vanity going, 147 00:05:41.917 --> 00:05:43.300 "Oh I'll have to have a huge photo." 148 00:05:43.300 --> 00:05:46.800 but this needed to show that the scale, 149 00:05:46.800 --> 00:05:49.630 sort of you but the enormity of the landscape and 150 00:05:49.630 --> 00:05:50.550 I sort of felt that night, 151 00:05:50.550 --> 00:05:53.470 you were bigger than the landscape. 152 00:05:53.470 --> 00:05:54.820 Right. and to reflect that, 153 00:05:54.820 --> 00:05:55.653 you know Yeah 154 00:05:55.653 --> 00:05:56.486 it a needed, 155 00:05:56.486 --> 00:05:59.220 needed a sense of scale. Yeah, right. 156 00:05:59.220 --> 00:06:02.010 I mean, in that situation, I just feel so, 157 00:06:02.010 --> 00:06:04.776 I feel so, complete the opposite. 158 00:06:04.776 --> 00:06:08.429 Not, not smaller but just this small part of the, 159 00:06:08.429 --> 00:06:11.210 the big, the big whole. 160 00:06:11.210 --> 00:06:12.043 Yeah. 161 00:06:12.043 --> 00:06:14.140 And when I'm in nature, and in the wild, 162 00:06:14.140 --> 00:06:17.580 that's, that's one of the things I go out there for, 163 00:06:17.580 --> 00:06:20.851 is that incredible, strong sense of that. 164 00:06:20.851 --> 00:06:23.730 As I said earlier, it's where my heart and soul 165 00:06:23.730 --> 00:06:27.143 are most satisfied, just out in the wild.