WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.097 --> 00:00:03.847 (upbeat inspirational music) 2 00:00:13.390 --> 00:00:14.683 My, kind of, way of living 3 00:00:14.683 --> 00:00:16.830 is not trying to live in regrets. 4 00:00:16.830 --> 00:00:20.590 I think everything you do takes you a step further to 5 00:00:20.590 --> 00:00:22.500 being the best you can. 6 00:00:22.500 --> 00:00:24.940 You make a mistake, you gave it go, 7 00:00:24.940 --> 00:00:26.780 and you must try it again. 8 00:00:26.780 --> 00:00:28.360 And there's always gonna be a way out. 9 00:00:28.360 --> 00:00:31.060 It's just being patient with it, it's all. 10 00:00:31.060 --> 00:00:32.880 Learning the patience. 11 00:00:32.880 --> 00:00:34.240 I'm always learning, I think. 12 00:00:34.240 --> 00:00:37.140 I'm always kinda finding people that 13 00:00:37.140 --> 00:00:39.360 are inspiring me everyday, 14 00:00:39.360 --> 00:00:42.150 line:15% and I always felt it was just healing. 15 00:00:42.150 --> 00:00:45.090 line:15% Music is a healing process for me, 16 00:00:45.090 --> 00:00:47.140 line:15% and I'm sure it kind of really takes people 17 00:00:47.140 --> 00:00:51.030 line:15% through their story, at times, when they're by themselves, 18 00:00:51.030 --> 00:00:54.230 or when they're with a group of people, or crowd. 19 00:00:54.230 --> 00:00:59.230 You feel this, kind of, permission to just be you. 20 00:00:59.320 --> 00:01:01.610 I think that's why I'm so close with music. 21 00:01:01.610 --> 00:01:04.460 That's why I'm, I have so much faith in it, 22 00:01:04.460 --> 00:01:06.363 and I put everything into it. 23 00:01:07.710 --> 00:01:10.780 You know, in the 15 years that I've been working, 24 00:01:10.780 --> 00:01:15.540 my way of presenting music, or performing, or singing, 25 00:01:15.540 --> 00:01:18.220 so, you know, I have so much respect for it, 26 00:01:18.220 --> 00:01:20.960 and you know, and we'll never lose that because 27 00:01:20.960 --> 00:01:23.543 it's always given me something back. 28 00:01:25.520 --> 00:01:27.320 Jess had this incredible energy, 29 00:01:27.320 --> 00:01:30.210 which really seems to come across and she also seemed 30 00:01:30.210 --> 00:01:32.940 to be a very, sort of, authentic person. 31 00:01:32.940 --> 00:01:36.610 line:15% And that sense of vitality, and sort of optimism as well, 32 00:01:36.610 --> 00:01:38.860 line:15% is something that I really wanted to get across 33 00:01:38.860 --> 00:01:40.160 line:15% in the portrait. 34 00:01:40.160 --> 00:01:42.300 And we talked about art, and music, 35 00:01:42.300 --> 00:01:45.470 and how you sort of represent that, in a sort of, 36 00:01:45.470 --> 00:01:49.020 visual medium, so it was sort of collaborative, 37 00:01:49.020 --> 00:01:51.883 very much in terms of those initial conversations. 38 00:01:53.490 --> 00:01:56.490 The photographic shoot was quite a simple set up really. 39 00:01:56.490 --> 00:01:58.900 Just had a sort of, large black backdrop 40 00:01:58.900 --> 00:02:01.920 and the photographs were black and white, 41 00:02:01.920 --> 00:02:06.400 and they're just taken on this old 35 millimetre camera 42 00:02:06.400 --> 00:02:09.850 of mine, so it was all very low-tech and quite simple 43 00:02:09.850 --> 00:02:12.870 lighting, so it really makes it a much more, sort of, 44 00:02:12.870 --> 00:02:16.770 human interaction I think, in terms of the relationship 45 00:02:16.770 --> 00:02:19.370 between the photographer and the sitter. 46 00:02:19.370 --> 00:02:21.640 There's not a lot of, sort of, technology 47 00:02:21.640 --> 00:02:23.653 or other, sort of, imagery in the way. 48 00:02:26.280 --> 00:02:28.850 The technique that I was using was the double exposure, 49 00:02:28.850 --> 00:02:32.530 where you run the same film through the camera twice, 50 00:02:32.530 --> 00:02:35.740 so you effectively take two images and one overlaps 51 00:02:35.740 --> 00:02:37.130 on top of the other. 52 00:02:37.130 --> 00:02:40.980 There's not a great degree of control that you have 53 00:02:40.980 --> 00:02:43.200 as to which image, sort of, overlays with what, 54 00:02:43.200 --> 00:02:44.600 and how the two images combine, 55 00:02:44.600 --> 00:02:47.030 and I kind of really enjoy that sort of element 56 00:02:47.030 --> 00:02:49.380 of chance and the sort of unexpected sort 57 00:02:49.380 --> 00:02:51.940 of nature of that process. 58 00:02:51.940 --> 00:02:54.120 In the past, when I've done portraits in this, 59 00:02:54.120 --> 00:02:56.350 using this method, I've probably taken maybe four or five 60 00:02:56.350 --> 00:02:59.080 rolls, but because this was, you know, the stakes 61 00:02:59.080 --> 00:03:03.229 are a little bit higher, I took about 14 rolls. 62 00:03:03.229 --> 00:03:04.656 So, yeah. 63 00:03:04.656 --> 00:03:08.680 (upbeat inspirational music) 64 00:03:08.680 --> 00:03:11.520 I had, really had working parents who 65 00:03:11.520 --> 00:03:14.380 just wanted their children to, you know, succeed in life 66 00:03:14.380 --> 00:03:17.230 and do what they love and have a good life, 67 00:03:17.230 --> 00:03:20.120 but also a giving one, so that those values 68 00:03:20.120 --> 00:03:23.130 and those traditions in culture could be carried on. 69 00:03:23.130 --> 00:03:25.700 So, I think all of those kind of really come into play 70 00:03:25.700 --> 00:03:29.800 when I make that a part of my job. 71 00:03:29.800 --> 00:03:32.460 There's nothing like being a part of your community, 72 00:03:32.460 --> 00:03:35.470 and possibly making a difference, just by being yourself 73 00:03:35.470 --> 00:03:38.920 and making a pathway for the next generation 74 00:03:38.920 --> 00:03:42.000 or for people to come who wanna leave their mark 75 00:03:42.000 --> 00:03:45.230 and tell their stories. 76 00:03:45.230 --> 00:03:48.160 It's pretty, yeah, it's pretty cool. 77 00:03:50.540 --> 00:03:52.250 I really wanted to present this 78 00:03:52.250 --> 00:03:55.260 multifaceted perspective of Jessica. 79 00:03:55.260 --> 00:03:57.750 We talked about this idea of chaos and stillness 80 00:03:57.750 --> 00:04:00.800 and how she manages to stay quite, sort of, centred 81 00:04:00.800 --> 00:04:04.410 within herself despite the sort of crazy lifestyle 82 00:04:04.410 --> 00:04:07.240 and I think she was about to head off to Eurovision, 83 00:04:07.240 --> 00:04:10.650 so with one of the layers of the images, she'd be 84 00:04:10.650 --> 00:04:13.360 quite still and looking directly at the camera 85 00:04:13.360 --> 00:04:15.470 and then with one of the other layers, she was sort of 86 00:04:15.470 --> 00:04:17.446 doing more movement. 87 00:04:17.446 --> 00:04:20.400 (upbeat inspirational music) 88 00:04:20.400 --> 00:04:22.580 The portrait process has been different, 89 00:04:22.580 --> 00:04:25.520 I guess, working with David on, just having a bit of a play, 90 00:04:25.520 --> 00:04:29.260 having a bit of movement, really creating those layers 91 00:04:29.260 --> 00:04:32.060 of personality, and that's what we're channelling 92 00:04:32.060 --> 00:04:36.050 in the studio, is being strong, being loving to yourself 93 00:04:36.050 --> 00:04:39.220 and kind, but also being wild. 94 00:04:39.220 --> 00:04:41.870 I think, there's nothing like just being yourself 95 00:04:41.870 --> 00:04:44.580 and finding those little things that either make you tick 96 00:04:44.580 --> 00:04:49.290 or challenge you or make you feel so alive, 97 00:04:49.290 --> 00:04:52.343 is what we're creating in this portrait. 98 00:04:55.950 --> 00:04:57.820 I hope the portrait will convey 99 00:04:57.820 --> 00:05:00.370 Jessica in a way that, there's this really strong 100 00:05:00.370 --> 00:05:04.640 sense of inner confidence and strength and directness, 101 00:05:04.640 --> 00:05:07.830 that the viewer can connect with, 102 00:05:07.830 --> 00:05:10.610 but at the same time I wanted to have some other 103 00:05:10.610 --> 00:05:13.580 more, sort of, mysterious or intangible quality 104 00:05:13.580 --> 00:05:17.840 to the portrait, which represents something a little bit 105 00:05:17.840 --> 00:05:20.710 more emotional, which relates not to her singing, 106 00:05:20.710 --> 00:05:22.380 you know, which does I think connect with you 107 00:05:22.380 --> 00:05:25.310 in a slightly more sort of intangible and almost 108 00:05:25.310 --> 00:05:26.950 a physical way, it sort of cuts through, 109 00:05:26.950 --> 00:05:29.290 so I'm hoping that those two sort of, 110 00:05:29.290 --> 00:05:31.221 aspects will be present. 111 00:05:31.221 --> 00:05:34.971 (upbeat inspirational music) 112 00:05:42.208 --> 00:05:45.830 Yeah, I, wow, there are so many things, 113 00:05:45.830 --> 00:05:46.933 you could go for days. 114 00:05:48.400 --> 00:05:51.400 But I think, honestly, to really take pride 115 00:05:51.400 --> 00:05:54.600 in themselves, I really hope this photo projects 116 00:05:54.600 --> 00:05:58.150 their inner spirit, their inner souls, their courage. 117 00:05:58.150 --> 00:06:01.640 I want it to almost be like a mirror image of them, 118 00:06:01.640 --> 00:06:05.010 in the sense that they can do whatever 119 00:06:05.010 --> 00:06:06.470 they put their mind to. 120 00:06:06.470 --> 00:06:08.980 You know, I think it is about being brave 121 00:06:08.980 --> 00:06:13.130 and trying to find whatever that confidence within you, 122 00:06:13.130 --> 00:06:17.540 that's so, deep down there, be kind to it, 123 00:06:17.540 --> 00:06:21.700 and it'll come up every time you do it and you try. 124 00:06:21.700 --> 00:06:25.450 line:15% (upbeat inspirational music) 125 00:06:26.450 --> 00:06:27.283 line:15% Thank you. 126 00:06:29.830 --> 00:06:32.020 That's crazy, how crazy is that? 127 00:06:32.020 --> 00:06:33.608 It's super awesome. 128 00:06:36.058 --> 00:06:36.891 Wow!