WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:12.070 --> 00:00:19.420 Howard's paintings are punk. They're punk mainstream. I studied at Prahran TAFE and 00:00:19.420 --> 00:00:23.110 then Prahran College majoring in painting and he was one of the teachers 00:00:23.110 --> 00:00:29.140 there. Howard Arkley had outstanding art exhibitions they were really something 00:00:29.140 --> 00:00:32.020 special. They weren't just oh we're having another show 00:00:32.020 --> 00:00:36.220 they were like 'bang'. The whole world stopped for Howard Arkley. I think 00:00:36.220 --> 00:00:42.300 from Howard's exuberance and personality a lot of people got inspired 00:00:42.300 --> 00:00:47.890 Howard grew up in suburbia, Howard was involved with suburbia, Howard lived in 00:00:47.890 --> 00:00:53.610 suburbia, Howard's studios later on were in suburbia and Howard would have seen 00:00:53.610 --> 00:01:02.020 suburbia day-in-day-out as being the major reality of Australia. I've only 00:01:02.020 --> 00:01:07.960 just started painting suburban paintings in a pixelated style. I've done a few 00:01:07.960 --> 00:01:11.470 suburban paintings in a sort of traditional classical style but I 00:01:11.470 --> 00:01:17.200 haven't really shown them to anyone. We look at his work as being dominated by 00:01:17.200 --> 00:01:22.050 line but one of the interesting things about that line is that it's actually 00:01:22.050 --> 00:01:29.170 not a line at all it's a spray. It's more like an atomised abstraction. When I 00:01:29.170 --> 00:01:35.100 look at that painting I see both Howard Arkley and Nick Cave and also I do see an 00:01:35.100 --> 00:01:40.479 anonymous mask-like figure that can represent the generation of that punk 00:01:40.479 --> 00:01:44.200 eighties mentality. There's a lot of attitude in that painting and that 00:01:44.200 --> 00:01:49.200 attitude comes from both the teacher and the painter