WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.202 --> 00:00:01.797 Well, Sabine's, 2 00:00:03.210 --> 00:00:06.510 she's the sister-in-law of one of my oldest friends 3 00:00:06.510 --> 00:00:09.021 so I've known her for a while. 4 00:00:09.021 --> 00:00:12.510 And originally I was gonna do it as like a comic thing, 5 00:00:12.510 --> 00:00:13.620 not with her, 6 00:00:13.620 --> 00:00:15.090 with another postie I knew 7 00:00:15.090 --> 00:00:19.110 who lended more to the comic side. 8 00:00:19.110 --> 00:00:20.550 But then when the pandemic struck 9 00:00:20.550 --> 00:00:24.870 I thought, no, there's a much deeper meaning to that. 10 00:00:24.870 --> 00:00:27.679 I think it says on the thing that when we were taking that, 11 00:00:27.679 --> 00:00:29.910 I did it based on a series of photos 12 00:00:29.910 --> 00:00:33.070 'cause we couldn't take the postie bike 13 00:00:35.119 --> 00:00:39.780 and they all just kept looking like, you know, 14 00:00:39.780 --> 00:00:42.120 publicity shots for the post office. 15 00:00:42.120 --> 00:00:44.640 And so I said we'll draw it front on 16 00:00:44.640 --> 00:00:45.473 and then I said, 17 00:00:45.473 --> 00:00:47.430 look at me like you haven't got time for this shit. 18 00:00:47.430 --> 00:00:52.017 And she said, "I've got two teenage kids, so I can do that." 19 00:00:53.580 --> 00:00:55.984 And so we, yeah, with her looking more severe 20 00:00:55.984 --> 00:00:57.333 it worked better. 21 00:00:58.213 --> 00:01:01.290 And all the way through painting it, 22 00:01:01.290 --> 00:01:04.320 I just said, look are you sure, you know? 23 00:01:04.320 --> 00:01:06.450 And she goes, "No, I'd rather have my face like that 24 00:01:06.450 --> 00:01:09.450 "cause that represented the reality of." 25 00:01:09.450 --> 00:01:14.197 She said it was like working Christmas rush 26 00:01:15.240 --> 00:01:17.460 constantly for three months. 27 00:01:17.460 --> 00:01:20.550 And there was, I can't remember the name of the art critic, 28 00:01:20.550 --> 00:01:22.957 but there was a guy in England who said that 29 00:01:22.957 --> 00:01:24.307 "Lockdown actually meant that 30 00:01:24.307 --> 00:01:26.107 "the middle class stayed home 31 00:01:26.107 --> 00:01:28.530 "and the working class brought them stuff." 32 00:01:28.530 --> 00:01:30.180 And that's sort of, 33 00:01:30.180 --> 00:01:31.980 I read that after I'd started the painting 34 00:01:31.980 --> 00:01:34.280 but it sort of fit in what I was trying to do. 35 00:01:35.387 --> 00:01:38.670 And that's, you know, the streets are empty, 36 00:01:38.670 --> 00:01:40.110 everybody's inside. 37 00:01:40.110 --> 00:01:42.360 We tried with her wearing the mask, 38 00:01:42.360 --> 00:01:45.300 but I thought, no I want people to see her face. 39 00:01:45.300 --> 00:01:48.153 So we just hung on the side of the bike. 40 00:01:49.407 --> 00:01:50.343 So yeah. 41 00:01:51.562 --> 00:01:54.145 (gentle music)