Gift of Mrs SM Asplin 2011
Gift of Mrs SM Asplin 2011
Jim Anderson was born in England, his family moving to Australia when he was one year old.
1 portrait in the collection
Ethel Anderson (née Mason, 1883-1958), writer and artist, was an important figure in the Sydney modern art scene of the 1920s and 30s.
2 portraits in the collection
Margaret Anderson GM (1915–1995) served with the Australian Army Nursing Service during the Second World War in Singapore.
1 portrait in the collection
Michael Anderson, sheep farmer and Aboriginal land rights activist, was born in Brewarrina, NSW.
1 portrait in the collection
Gary ‘Angry’ Anderson AM (b. 1947) is an Australian rock singer and television presenter.
1 portrait in the collection
Dame Judith Anderson AC DBE (1897–1992) was an Adelaide-born stage and film actress well known for her role as the sinister Mrs Danvers in Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca (1940).
1 portrait in the collection
Purchased 2000 with the assistance of staff of Old Parliament House and the National Portrait Gallery in memory of Matthew Guy Hinder (1967-1999)
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 1999
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 1999
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the artist 2010
Professor Jaynie Anderson is the Herald Chair of Fine Arts and Foundation Director of the Australian Institute of Art History at the University of Melbourne.
1 portrait in the collection
Michelle Fracaro examines the life of World War II nurse Margaret Anderson, whose portrait by Napier Waller is in the NPG collection.