Avril Quaill (b. 1958) is a Quandamooka artist, curator and arts administrator.
3 portraits in the collection
Purchased 2013
Purchased 2013
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the artist 2004
Avril Thomas (b. 1956), artist, was born in Malaysia and went to boarding school in Scotland and Australia.
2 portraits in the collection
Commissioned 2006
Commissioned 2006
As part of its ongoing program of commissions of portraits of prominent Australians, the National Portrait Gallery has unveiled a portrait of Her Excellency Marjorie Jackson-Nelson by South Australian artist Avril Thomas.
Influential Indigenous Australian artist Michael Riley (1960 - 2004) created these portrait photographs between 1984 and 1990 - they stand as an intricately connected group portrait of the vibrant urban-based Indigenous arts community in Sydney's inner-west at a formative moment.
Community, arts, activism
Purchased 2023
Michael Riley’s early portraits by Amanda Rowell.
Joanna Gilmour reflects on 25 years of collecting at the National Portrait Gallery.