Born: 1959, Southport, QLD
Works: Canberra
Find out more from each of the artists reinterpreting and reimagining elements of Australian history.
George Foxhill studied art in his native Austria, attending the Kunstegewerbeschule and the Volkshochschule in Salzburg after the war.
1 portrait in the collection
This exhibition features new works from ten women artists reinterpreting and reimagining elements of Australian history, enriching the contemporary narrative around Australia’s history and biography, reflecting the tradition of storytelling in our country.
Foxhill's portraits are more concerned with describing an emotional and psychological state than the surface topography of the human face.
Enrico Taglietti (1926-2019), architect, spent his early childhood in Milan, moving to Eritrea in the year leading up to World War 2.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2010
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the artist 2007
The National Portrait Gallery is pleased to announce its winter exhibition is So Fine: Contemporary women artists make Australian history. It will open to the public from 29 June 2018.
Ten women artists explore the possibilities of portraiture as a contemporary art form; and reinterpret and reimagine Australian history in the Portrait Gallery’s new exhibition So Fine: Contemporary women artists make Australian history.
Biographies of participants in the Writing lives, revealing lives forum.
Ross Edwards (b. 1943), composer, became determined upon a life of composition as a child.
1 portrait in the collection
The National Portrait Gallery will close its doors from Tuesday 23 April 2019, but the public are still able to experience the home of portraiture during the four-month closure.
George Foxhill's self portraits were the subject of a small focus display at the National Portrait Gallery in 2006.