Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of Gina and Ted Gregg 2010
James Cook (1728-1779), maritime explorer, surveyed and claimed the east coast of Australia on the first of his three great voyages of discovery in the Pacific.
12 portraits in the collection
Purchased by the Commonwealth Government with the generous assistance of Robert Oatley AO and John Schaeffer AO 2000
Purchased with funds provided by Robert Oatley AO 2007
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased with funds provided by Robert Oatley AO 2007
An exploration of the role of artists such as John Webber who, whilst a member of Cook’s crew over many voyages, created paintings and drawings of the situations and people the explorers encountered.
Take a close look at a portrait with a hidden message in its hands. For Year 7 – 9 students.
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of Gina and Ted Gregg 2010
Betty Churcher describes the creation of the portrait of Captain James Cook in the National Portrait Gallery.
Purchased 2018
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased with funds provided by Robert Oatley AO 2007
Purchased with funds provided by the Liangis family 2012
Robert Oatley's continuing benefaction has helped the National Portrait Gallery acquire works that add another layer to the story of Captain Cook.
In focussing on the importance of gifts in the building of the collection, prominence must be given to the most spectacular of the National Portrait Gallery's acquisitions; the portrait of Captain James Cook RN by John Webber R.A.
Gift of Ted and Gina Gregg 2012
Shipmates for years, James Cook and Joseph Banks each kept a journal but neither man shed light on their relationship.