George Rose, joint Secretary of the British Treasury at the time of the First Fleet, joined the civil service after leaving the Royal Navy in 1762.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2012
Purchased 2009
Purchased 2015
Gift of the National Australia Bank 2002
Lionel Rose MBE (1948–2011), boxer, was the first Aboriginal Australian to win a world sporting title.
1 portrait in the collection
Rose Lindsay (née Soady, 1885-1978), artist's model, posed for Sydney Long, Antonio Dattilo Rubbo and Fred Leist before she met Norman Lindsay in 1902.
5 portraits in the collection
Rose Byrne (b. 1979), actor, was raised in the Sydney suburbs of Balmain and Newtown, and joined the Australian Theatre for Young People at the age of eight.
1 portrait in the collection
Rose Scott (1847-1925), feminist and social reformer, devoted much of her life to campaigns that resulted in increased independence for Australian women.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the artist 2008
Maude Rose ‘Lores’ Bonney MBE AM (1897-1994), aviatrix, grew up in Melbourne and attended a German finishing school before marrying a Queensland leather-goods manufacturer in 1917.
2 portraits in the collection
Anthony Browell reminisces about meeting Rose Lindsay, the wife of Australian artist Norman Lindsay.
Purchased 2008
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2011