Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of Eric Harding and Athol Hawke 2002
Enrico Taglietti (1926-2019), architect, spent his early childhood in Milan, moving to Eritrea in the year leading up to World War 2.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2010
Purchased 2007
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of Roger Neill 2006
Frances Alda (1879–1952) was one of the world's greatest sopranos. Born Fanny Jane Davis in Christchurch, New Zealand, which claims her as a prominent expatriate, she was raised in Melbourne, where she began singing operetta in 1897.
2 portraits in the collection
Roger Neill delves into the life of a lesser-known Australian diva, Frances Alda.
Three tiny sketches of Dame Nellie Melba in the NPG collection were created by the artist who was to go on to paint the most imposing representation of the singer: Rupert Bunny.