Clyde Cameron (1913-2008), Labor politician and historian, worked as a shearer and union organizer before serving as a Member for Hindmarsh between 1949 and 1980.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the Estate of Clyde Cameron 2012
Cameron Studios was a Maitland photographic business which operated from 1894..
1 portrait in the collection
Donald Cameron (1927-2018), Melbourne-born painter and teacher, attended Scotch College before beginning work as an engraver for the Commonwealth Bank in 1943.
2 portraits in the collection
Julia Margaret Cameron was of the most important photographers of the nineteenth century.
1 portrait in the collection
Charles Cameron Kingston was a delegate from South Australia to the Constitutional Convention, Sydney, 1891.
1 portrait in the collection
Dr Elizabeth Cameron Dalman OAM (b. 1934), choreographer, teacher and performer, was born in Adelaide and trained in classical ballet and modern dance with Nora Stewart.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2009
Gift of Audrey Cameron in memory of the artist Donald Cameron 2022
Gift of the Powell and Beynon families 2010
Gift of the artist 2020
Presented by Sir Roy Strong and the late Dr Julia Trevelyan Oman in memory of their friendship with Gordon Darling and Marilyn Darling 2006
Purchased 2009
In March 2003 Magda Keaney travelled to London to join the photography section of the Victoria & Albert Museum for three months.