An interview with the acclaimed pediatrician Dr. John Yu who describes the process of having his portrait sculpture created by artist Ah Xian.
Tech entrepreneur Tan Le and photographer John Tsiavis.
An exploration of the role of artists such as John Webber who, whilst a member of Cook’s crew over many voyages, created paintings and drawings of the situations and people the explorers encountered.
Twice rebelled against, and twice vindicated, William Bligh occupies an ambivalent space in Australian history. Angus Trumble, former Director of the National Portrait Gallery, explains.
An interview with the indomitable Joan Croll, subject of John Brack's portrait.
Former National Portrait Gallery Director, Andrew Sayers, describes John Brack's portrait of Kym Bonython.
An interview with Australian astronaut, Dr. Andy Thomas, who describes the experience of space travel.