Take a close look at a portrait with a hidden message in its hands. For Year 7 – 9 students.
John is a very unique character so I really wanted to capture that uniqueness.
Learn about artist John Brack, who said that portraits involve three people: the painter, the sitter and the viewer. For Year 6 – 8 students.
Commissioned with funds provided by Marilyn Darling AC 2018
Commissioned with funds provided by the Sid and Fiona Myer Family Foundation 2018
Stand by your man
An interview with the photographer.
View the full collection of portraits in the exhibition.
The Zammitt Family is part of a massive series of mine that I've been doing since early 2020, documenting COVID in and around Sydney.
The Seekers, John Farnham and Lee Kernaghan
Brothers in harms
The perfect match
The two portraits that I've chosen to compare and contrast and to bring together a self portrait by John Brack in 1955, and William Yang, Self Portrait #2.
Defiant commitment
The eight photographers represent diverse styles, specialities and career paths. Abigail Varney, Peter Brew-Bevan, Martin Philbey, John Tsiavis, Michelle Day, Julian Kingma, and Giovanni Lovisetto.
This 1910 portrait of Elizabeth Sarah (Lillie) Roberts by Tom Roberts was brought into the Gallery's collection with the assistance of the Acquisition Fund in 2013.