Temporary road closures will be in place around the Gallery until 11 March during the Enlighten Festival.
Robert James Lee Hawke AC (1929–2019) was Australia's 23rd prime minister and remains the longest-serving Labor prime minister in Australia's history. In 1980, he won the seat of Wills in the Federal election; in early 1983, within weeks of challenging for the party leadership, he led the ALP to their greatest election win in 40 years. He led the Party to victory for a record four terms, but is equally remembered for moments such as his public reaction to Australia's victory in the 1983 America's Cup. As prime minister, Hawke oversaw the enactment of landmark legislation such as the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 and the World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983. In December 1991, he was defeated by Paul Keating in a ballot for the party leadership. In retirement, the 'Silver Bodgie' held a number of directorships in the business sector while also remaining active in the Labor movement.
In 2012, Luke Cornish (also known as ELK) went to Hawke's apartment overlooking Sydney Harbour to take photographs in preparation for this work. His portrait depicts Hawke as he appeared that day, his trademark ravaged tan set off by his white outfit, gold chain and lively platinum hair.
Purchased 2013
© Luke Cornish
On one level The Companion talks about the most famous and frontline Australians, but on another it tells us about ourselves.
Luke Cornish, aka E.L.K. describes his street art and portraiture
Barrie Cassidy pays textured tribute to the inimitable Bob Hawke.