This portrait is titled HM Queen Elizabeth II and was created by Polly Borland in 2001. It is a type C photograph on paper and measures approximately 60 cm high by 50 cm wide. It is surrounded by a wide border of white mountboard and a narrow wooden frame. The work is glazed.

The photo is a close up of Queen Elizabeth’s face; bright blue eyes looking directly towards us, against a glittering gold sequined background. Strong white light hits her face from the front, washing out her skin.

Queen Elizabeth’s hair gleams platinum, with soft silvery highlights at the front. Combed neatly straight up off her forehead her hair curves either side of her forehead into gentle curls around her ears. Each ear lobe is decorated with a round white pearl earring.

Light has smoothed away any lines on her forehead. Her eyebrows are faint as they arc over her eyes. Queen Elizabeth has a dusting of pale eyeshadow on her eyelids, beneath which her brilliant blue eyes gaze directly outwards.

Queen Elizabeth has a straight nose with a round downturned tip. Her full cheeks are tinged delicately with pink; creamy and flawless.

Queen Elizabeth’s lips are thin, painted bright coral pink, and partially open, displaying the top row of her even white teeth. Her chin is smooth and rounded. At her throat there are 3 shallow strands of graduated white pearls touching her blue top.

Her pearls disappear at the back of her neck under the collar of her jacket. Both jacket and top are in the same vibrant blue coloured fabric with a subtle sheen. However, the jacket has an intricate check pattern woven into it, while the top has no embellishment.

At the lower right of the photograph, pinned to Queen Elizabeth’s shoulder, is a star-shaped diamond covered brooch. Light reflects from the facets of the white jewels at its centre and 8 radiating points, each interspersed with a further large round gemstone.

Audio description written and voiced by Lucinda Shawcross