This portrait is of Lowitja O'Donoghue, Yankunjatjara woman and Indigenous rights campaigner. It was painted by Robert Hannaford in 2006 in oil on canvas. The work measures about 1.4 m tall by 1.4 m wide, set in its wide frame of dark wood. The portrait is painted realistically with loosely applied brushstrokes. Lowitja wears a bright red skirt-suit and is seated in front of a dark background.

The scene is lit from the top left. Lowitja is illuminated in a soft pool of light filling the top right and centre of the painting. Pale green-grey and blue-grey brush strokes at the top right curve around and down towards the bottom left, their direction changing, sweeping around and getting darker towards the lower edge of the canvas.

Lowitja sits on a dark wood chair in the centre of the image. The rounded corners of its back rise above each of her shoulders. Her head is tilted slightly down to her left with her chin angled up. Lowitja’s silvery hair is short, parted on the side, and styled in a wave over her forehead. Her skin is in warm honey tones and her cheeks are tinged pink. Lowitja has fine steeply-arched eyebrows above her dark eyes that gaze directly at us. Her nose is broad and deep grooves flow from it to the outer edges of her thin rosy lips. Her lips are closed and slightly downturned, creating soft jowels which frame her broad chin.

In the portrait Lowitja wears a loosley-fitted long jacket that runs down her lap to her knees. It has an Aboriginal Flag pin on the left lapel and is open, with three large round gold buttons gleaming brightly down its left side. A strand of black red and yellow beads and an oval shaped Aboriginal Flag pendant on a fine chain stand out against her black round-necked top.

Lowitja’s elbows rest lightly on the carved wooden arms of the chair and her hands lie with fingers extended in her lap. On the ring finger of her left hand she wears a wide yellow-gold band, while on her right a ring is set with a large black rectangular stone.

Lowitja’s red skirt extends over her knees and out of frame. The same red has been used by the artist to sign ‘Hannaford 06’ on the bottom right of the canvas.

Audio description written by Lucinda Shawcross and voiced by Amy Middleby