Lady Maisie Drysdale (1915–2001), children's librarian and artists' muse, developed an interest in art as a child, and attended both the University of Melbourne and George Bell's art school. Her fellow students at the George Bell School included Peter Purves Smith and Russell Drysdale, who had been at Geelong Grammar together. In 1937, Purves Smith left for Europe, followed in 1938 by Maisie and her mother. After Maisie returned home Purves Smith cabled his proposal to her but they were separated for the duration of the war. They married in 1946 in Melbourne, with Drysdale as best man; however, Purves Smith died following surgery to relieve symptoms of tuberculosis in 1949. Three years later, Maisie completed studies at the Public Library of Victoria, Library Training School and in 1953 was appointed Deputy Librarian at the City of Coburg Library. Later she was appointed Children's Librarian and given the responsibility of setting up the Children's Library, selecting and cataloguing the books. Having spent a few years managing the Austral Bookshop in Collins Street, from 1958 to 1963 she was Children's Librarian at the Camberwell City Library, and served on the Editorial Committee of the Children's Book Council of Victoria. During this time she also published reviews of children's books. In November 1963, Drysdale's wife died, and seven months later he and Maisie married. They bought a block of land on the Central Coast near Gosford, named it Bouddi Farm, and commissioned Melbourne architect Guilford Bell to design a house for them there. They lived there for the rest of their lives, though they travelled widely; Maisie outlived him by twenty years, and continued to travel.
The Gallery will be open until 9pm this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.