Gladys Hope Marks (1883–1970), university lecturer and women's rights activist, was born in Brisbane. Educated at home, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney in 1908, against her father's wishes. She went on to teach in private schools for girls before travelling in Europe and studying phonetics in Paris and London. Back in Sydney, she was appointed acting lecturer in French at the University of Sydney in 1915, before becoming lecturer in 1921. In 1929 she was the first female to act as a head of department at the university. Throughout her life Marks supported women's rights and was active in a range of feminist groups, including the National Council of Women of New South Wales. She attended the International Women's Congress in Rome in 1914 and Copenhagen in 1924, and was president of the Australian Federation of University Women from 1930 to 1934. Marks retired from the university in 1943. In 1962 she established the Gladys Marks Travelling Scholarship, which allowed students to study in France.
Temporary road closures will be in place around the Gallery until 11 March during the Enlighten Festival.