Temporary road closures will be in place around the Gallery until 11 March during the Enlighten Festival.
My practice has always been driven by my experimental curiosity, from heavy wax and resin bodies generated in flame, to delicate temporal works that explore the conductive and alchemical possibilities of copper.
Sarah Engledow trains her exacting lens on the nine photographs from 20/20.
A focus on Indigenous-European relationships underpins Facing New Worlds. By Kate Fullagar.
Johanna McMahon revels in history and mystery in pursuit of a suite of unknown portrait subjects.
David Solkin ponders the provocations and inspirations of the enigmatic Thomas Gainsborough.
Alexandra Roginski reveals a forceful feminist figure in the colonial period’s slippery science, phrenology.
Joanna Gilmore delights in the affecting drawings of Mathew Lynn.
Angus Trumble salutes the glorious portraiture of Sir Thomas Lawrence.
David Gist steps beyond the public relations veneer of Australia’s official Vietnam War portrait photographs.
Portrait is the preeminent journal of Australian and international portraiture.
National Photographic Portrait Prize 2019, the iconoclastic Japanese figures Yukio Mishima and Tamotsu Yato, Angélica Dass’ Humanæ project and more.
Ralph Heimans on his portraits, and features on Louis Kahan, Helena Rubinstein, Judy Cassab and Tasmanian convicts.