This issue of Portrait Magazine features articles on Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, George Lambert's self-portrait, Professor Peter Doherty, the man behind the Dr. Who theme, and more.
The story behind the commissioning of the tapesty portrait of Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.
Michael Kimmelman, Chief Art Critic of The New York Times and author of Portraits: Talking with Artists at the Met, the Modern, the Louvre and Elsewhere, presented the National Portrait Gallery Third Anniversary Lecture on 2 March 2002. He was generously brought to Australia by the Gordon Darling Foundation and Qantas.
A reflection on the National Portrait Gallery's first four years.
The story behind George Lambert's Self-portrait with Gladioli.
Portrait launch of Major-General Paul Cullen AC CBE DSO and Bar ED (Rtd) and George Judah Cohen.
It is not well known that the person who composed the famous theme music for the BBC's Doctor Who series was Australian Ron Grainer.
The story behind Rick Amor's portrait of Professor Peter Doherty.
Portrait is the preeminent journal of Australian and international portraiture.
This issue of Portrait Magazine features Bill Leak's portrait of Robert Hughes, Polly Borland's photographs, Bill Brandt, Andy Thomas, Tracey Moffatt and more.
This issue of Portrait Magazine is devoted to a review of the highlights of the gallery's activities in 2001.