Temporary road closures will be in place around the Gallery until 11 March during the Enlighten Festival.
Year 12, Penrith High School NSW
digital print
Several people have likened me to an old lady, because I have a large collection of knitted cardigans, many brooches, and have little toleration for bright lights and loud noises. I have explored the personalities of older women through the eccentric facial expressions they can pull. I conclude that being the 'oldest seventeen-year-old in the world' is indeed a compliment, just as wonderful as a warm drink and a slice of apple cinnamon teacake. Eyesight may weaken, hair may grey, bones may become frail, and nails may decay – but personality will always dominate over age.
Headspace 10
Headspace 10 is a national, secondary school art exhibition from all states and territories exploring the theme, Self/reflections, through portraiture.
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