Temporary road closures will be in place around the Gallery until 11 March during the Enlighten Festival.
Year 12, Anglican Church Grammar School Qld
digital prints, oil, enamel and woodcut on plywood
Skull (skŭl) Definition: 1. The bony or cartilaginous framework within the head of vertebrates, made up of the bones of the braincase and face; cranium. 2. The head, regarded as the seat of thought or intelligence. 3. Symbolic representation of body's dissolution.
Headspace 10
Headspace 10 is a national, secondary school art exhibition from all states and territories exploring the theme, Self/reflections, through portraiture.
Visit us, learn with us, support us or work with us! Here’s a range of information about planning your visit, our history and more!
We depend on your support to keep creating our programs, exhibitions, publications and building the amazing portrait collection!