The Gallery will be open until 9pm this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Melbourne-born Robert Rooney was a painter, photographer, art critic and a leading proponent of conceptual art in Australia. Among his photographic works are a body of candid portraits of his art world friends and acquaintances characterised by a spare, informal aesthetic. ‘There were certain rules – to use available light, no matter how dim, and no cropping of images,’ he said. Kiffy Rubbo (1944–1980) was director of the Ewing and George Paton Gallery at the University of Melbourne from 1973 until her death. During Rubbo’s tenure, the EGPG presented groundbreaking exhibitions including Australian Women Artists 1840–1940, curated by art historian and biographer Janine Burke (b. 1952).
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2012
© Estate of Robert Rooney